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Stacking - astronomy technique applied to UFO videos

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by nablator

nablator and waveguide3,

Thank you for the information and the lead to the software.

Waveguide is correct about the real problem in that the quality of these camera's is too low for the video's to be of much help. However video's shot at twilight or dawn may be good candidates for this to be helpful.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Zelong

Originally posted by Europa733

Originally posted by guerande
Don't think " La Patrouille de France " is training on night ... would be far too dangerous imho . And the shows they are doing is always during day time : it's to be seen , isn't it ?

And trainings and shows are over since October untill spring ...

Hi there,

Yes they do train at night. U2U me and I'll give you the link to this story.

Europa aka Buck

Hi Europa733 are you referring to
#La Patrouille de France training at night.
# Do you mean an Air show at night
# bombing runs at night with lights on
# etc....

How about posting this link off yours in the public arena.


Hi Zelong,

My pleasure but remember, it is in french.

One guy posted this report (see below) that was written by an old ufologi$t :

This is part of the email sent to the PAF staff by my friend Patrice Seray (a well known french ufologist for more than 30 years & skeptic) :

"Vous l'aurez compris, ce que je recherche c'est si, pour les tous premiers jours de juillet 1999 la Patrouille de France n'aurait pas effectué un vol d'essai ou bien si la Patrouille de France ne revenait pas d'un meeting quelconque vers sa base de Salon-de-Provence. Cette information permettrait de rassurer le témoin.

En cherchant sur votre site, j'ai trouvé que le 05 juillet 1999, en Gironde, aurait eu lieu un meeting de votre Patrouille de France. Se pourrait-il que cette dernière ait survolé les environ d'Aix vers les 21h30/22h afin de regagner votre base ?

Espèrant ne pas vous avoir trop ennuyé et vous remerçiant par avance pour les renseignements que vous pourriez me donner. Si vous ne pouviez me fournir ces renseignements, à qui pourrais-je m'adresser ?

Patrice Seray"

So he asked if the PAF flew at night the first couple of days of July 1999, now here is the answer he got from them :

"Début juillet, chaque annèe, la PAF s'entraîne en vol de nuit à la cérémonie du baptème des promotions de l'Ecole de l'Air. D'où l'image filmée par votre ami".

Which means, each year in the first few days of July, the PAF does some night training flights for some ceremony. This is what your friend captured in his video.

That ufologi$t, Mr Mesnard wants us to believe that ET spacecrafts try to mimic the PAF. With this kind of argument, what can you do ?

Well, I laugh about it...and the guy did not even check with them and he is trying to $ell his story in his "magazine".

Shame on him.

Europa aka Buck

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Europa733]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Waveguide is correct about the real problem in that the quality of these camera's is too low for the video's to be of much help. However video's shot at twilight or dawn may be good candidates for this to be helpful.

Yes, given the low quality of videos on Youtube, and Europa733's comments there is no point in processing the French video.
The quality of the pirateman's video in Florida was good enough. City lights reflecting on clouds are bright enough to contrast any dark object against the sky.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Darthorious
I seem to notice every time I mess with the brightness, contrast, and try my best to filter out the noise it gives what I call "false colors"

Not sure what you mean by false colors, but my guess would be because of saturation on one or several components the balance of red green and blue is not preserved. In the processed image I used a very aggressive stretching of the color space that changed the original colors of the three lights. I could have done a better job with different tools, but I was not looking for a better view of the lights.

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