posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:24 AM
I posted this in another topic but I think it also applies here too.. And CAZ, you are in part correct but you also have to remember NK, China, Iraq,
Russia had not blown up a US Navy ship, Had not blown up US embassies, Had NOT smuggled bombes into the US and tried to blow things up, but Al Queda
Well here's how I see it, and this is a issue that a lot of people have strong feelings about but I just like to take the facts over a period of time
and collect them. Most people forget the context of the things they hear and it makes it easy to blow it out of proportion. Here's my take on the
issue anyway:
In the last month of the Clinton administration the head of the FBI, CIA, and National security and anti-terrorism had a meeting EVERY DAY because
there was evidence to suggest that an attack was coming. The type of things they did at these meetings were shared information collected by all the
agencies involved, the heads of the FBI and CIA were "shaking down" so to speak their organizations for any information that could be helpful no
matter how small it may of seemed they were putting together a puzzle and because of their meetings they thwarted the millennium attack.
Bush got into office and the same type of chatter/threat was detected again and Clark, and the head of the CIA obviously had the same concerns.
President Bush was told EVERY DAY in his daily briefings that there was an impending attack and he blew it off EVERY DAY but 1 (I think it was in june
before 9-11) where he asked if there was a plan. If he had taken it or thought of it as a real threat like Clinton did the FBI and CIA would of had
their daily meetings on the subject and there is a good chance that the information that the FBI had on terrorists taking flight lessons but not
asking about how to take off or land may (and it is not a big may) have come out. So there is a chance there that if Bush had done his job this
wouldn't of happened. Again, bush did nothing with the exception of that one comment for 9 month about al-quada even thought he was told about the
threat every day. Yes there was a plan in the approval process, but had it been important to Bush it would not have taken 9 months to get past
committees. That's what he had on his desk on sep. 9th, it was passed by the committee on sep. 4th. He did nothing, Clinton may not have done enough,
that may have been a mistake, but at least he did something.