An Atlantologist is someone who studies legends, myths, reports and evidence about and for Atlantis specifically and ancient lost and sunken
civilizations in general.
Conventional Archaeology and History does not recognize advanced “pre-historic” civilizations. According to conventional archaeology/history we
were primitive hunter-gatherers before 7000 B.C.
The reason given for this is that no evidence that satisfies scientific scrutiny has been found - yet. Atlantology is therefore not taken seriously in
academic circles - and rightly so. Science priorities
should be with what is more likely to be proven.
Meanwhile however, dreamers and adventurers continue the search.
This is not a thread for the debate “Atlantologists vs. Conventional Knowledge”. We have enough of those threads here. It is also not a thread
about “Did Atlantis exist or not?”. It is a thread for those who have decided to pursue the belief that Atlantis did in fact exist – a thread
for Atlantologists and those interested in Atlantology to compare their data and dig deeper...much deeper than the Base-1 question “Did Atlantis
Image: Ancient Egyptian Statue in the Mediterranean
Atlantology is based on some of the following core-concepts:
1. "Heliocentric Diffusionism"
This is the idea that all cultures originate from one culture. This would explain why the myths and legends of cultures around the globe have more in
common with each other than not.
Only one example: From the wilderness of South American Forests to the Barren Planes of Australie, to the icey frost of Scandinavia we find myths on
Serpents, Flying Serpents, the worship of serpents. Other examples of commonality or even exact matches will be shown in this thread.
2. Euhemerism
Euhemerism is a method of interpretation that treats mythological accounts as a reflection of actual historical events. It acknowledges that
mythological accounts may have been distorted, exaggerated and coloured by cultural contexts, but respects them as being based on some type of reality
3. Occult/Hermetic Study Traditions
"Occult" or "Hermetic" in the original sense of the word, refers to knowledge that is hidden, secret or only passed down among elite initiates.
The Occultists worldview (the term "Occultist" has nothing to do with the modern christian interpretation of the word) is that there are two streams
of knowledge throughout history: The knowledge fed to “the masses” or the general populace and knowledge reserved for those in power. Many
conceptes of Atlantology originate from hermetic/occult sources, secret societies, the inner circles of various religions and cults, and upper levels
of organizations. It is believed that the information given to the general populace by religion, science and mass-media, is watered-down, distorted
and oftentimes completely wrong.
One side-belief of the hermeticist is that a human is able to “channel” information from higher, non-physical sources in order to gain and gather
information on various subjects. Apart from ancient textbooks, sacred scrolls and scriptures, “channeling” is seen as an additional source of
information on Atlantis. According to occult tradition, the less a channel “filters” information, the more accurate it will come out.
Among Occultists it is known that there are more "channeling" mediums which are frauds/hoaxes than genuine ones. This is measured by whether the
medium can make statements and predictions that are verifiable. One example of a medium where this is considered the case by Atlantologists, is Edgar
4. Ancient Astronaut Theory
This is a fairly modern theory that proposes that either extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings or technologically advanced humans visited or
roamed the earth in the stone age but then left the earth taking their technology and knowledge with them. I will later outline how exactly this ties
in with Atlantology.
5. The Disaster/Deluge/Flood/Cataclysm Myth
Atlantologists refer to an event of massive proportions which destroyed the civilization and ended the Atlantean Empire.
Most discussions on Atlantis only touch the surface. This surface-layer is, in the opinion of the Hermeticist, only a diversion from the deeper
aspects of Atlantology. One of these surface-layer discussions surrounds the Greek Philosopher Platos account of Atlantis. Plato is, however, neither
the only source of Atlantological information, nor the most important, nor even especially accurate.
Another diversion/deflection tactic of surface-discussions is to say “Atlantis was in...” and to fill in the blank with one specific location at
the expense of any other location. Examples:
“Atlantis was in Cyprus!”
“Atlantis discovered off the coast of Cuba!”
“No, Atlantis was actually in Bolivia!”
“Atlantis was in the Atlantic were now the Azores are!”.
The ensuing fight and discussion is a waste of time. Atlantis is merely an
umbrella term for an Empire that was spread across the entire earth.
If there are ancient underwater artifacts found off the coast of Indonesia, and others found off the coast of the Bahamas, there is no sense in
fighting over which one of them was “Atlantis”. Instead, both are remnants of an ancient lost civilization.
In time I intend on adding material in support of Atlantology as an interesting field of study.
Image: Artists Impression of Atlantis, near Cuba
I understand that I cannot determine what is and what is not discussed in this thread, but will make two polite requests, so that this thread is
pleasant to read:
To "true believers": Do not start attacking skeptics and turning this into another "believers vs. skeptics" thread. Skeptics sometimes ask good
questions...forcing us to dig deeper. And in digging deeper we sometimes find new information and better answers.
To "skeptics": No claims of proof or evidence are being made in this thread. The purpose of this thread is to go beyond the base-1 question "Is
Atlantis real?" and simply act as if it is real to see what data we can find from that vantage.
[edit on 17-11-2008 by Skyfloating]