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The Bankers' Manifesto of 1892 - MUST READ!

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:22 AM
If this was done a hundred years ago, well it would explain why the next age of Aquarious, that the bad guys are coporate and rich people.
I'll be broke, but happy.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:46 PM
My previous post did not say that bankers do not conspire, only that they don't write down a "manifesto" in language found in a grade B movie and then allow it to be published. Who needs a manifesto when one has the cash. Manifestos might get in the way of greed. How many bankers trust each other in a plot, anyway. I'll bet more than a few is pushing it.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:39 PM
It is designed to fulfill the one world government, as the plan was finished May 1, 1776 in the United States. It is a government system based on a Luciferian theology, with communist, socialist and later segments of a facist system even though facism is opposed to Communism/socialism. It was designed specifically to come to its fruition after several planned wars and major revolutions in the next several hundred years as planned then. This is supported by the agenda by the Illuminati, linked with the Masons for starters. Adam Weishaupt was the founder initially here in the US.....It has been successful with a few failures but they learned and fixed the problems leading to WWIII as planned between 1850 to 1871 by Albert Pike. Fact of history not put into history books. In fact, supported by congressional records, or testimony or historical records, we in the United States have had three planned military coups between 1933 and 1972. They were to be inside jobs involving international bankers and government officials starting with the traitor called FDR to the whistleblower, JFK to Nixon who was a dupe in the plot of Sept 1972.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:40 PM
No the original plan was completed on May 1, 1776. The Bankers Manifesto is only a small part of the whole conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:45 PM
You have done your research. Include the JP Morgan created the 1907 panic in order to justify the notion of a central bank. However, History has given him credit of taking the US out of the panic, history doesn't tell you he created it also.

Found this quote in "Red Fog Over America" by William G. Carr 1955.

March 4, 1939 - Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt,;

“I am making no concessions to business, or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments. I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.” From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriation Committee; The Ways and Means Committee; The Special War Finance Committee; and this copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen.” “The Red Fog Over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.

In 1841 Clinton Roosevelt published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonary in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonsary to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose.

The fact that FDR’s New Deal, his NRA, and other political policies and economic devices fitted perfectly into the “Long Range Plans”, of the Illuminati proved the continuity of the conspiracy from 1841 to 1945. It has been explained that Roosevelt made known his secret plans to establish a dictatorship in American in March 1939 when he gave a secret audience to some of his governments special committee. It has also been mentioned that Roosevelt was kept a virtual prisoner from after Yalta until his death presumably to prevent him telling the truth in the event his conscience troubled him when he realized that he was about to meet his maker.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:54 PM
Seeing the Headline to this post I checked out Scribed a great site that has millions of pdfs, docs, etc on it and wanted to leave links to these

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Thanks for bringing that to the table. If it's genuine, it's incredibly telling - particularly this part:

I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship.

...for the crushing of business and open borders are precisely what we have seen happen over the past decade - both in America and Europe.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:52 PM
I really enjoyed reading this post. I have a question which I hope is related to the subject here. At least I think it should be.
Why is it that when you (or me ) borrow money from banks we are charged any interest rate which they feel like charging, but when we give them our money to do whatever they want we are given back piddle?
Not all banks do that of course, but non of them are in the US, or US related.
Definitely time for a change, not spare change.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 05:29 PM
I found this book after I read "Pawns in the Game" by william Carr. I went after the original book, that costs $170 - 370.00 depending on the quality. they are rare. there are however, other versions, 1962, 1978 etc...

not the original. I would be interested to see if the quote is in the later version.

I have this one, dated 1955 "red fog over America" soft cover red

I discoved this quote and it blew me away. This backs up the real story of FDR and his true character and what he really did in helping to forment WWII for the globalist/bankers/Illuminati. I've done meticulous research on this since I was in Kosovo and the Congo. google Thomas Gambill + kosovo. point is, I found out that our entire history is mostly fabricated just like this. We have been lied to from the start. A massive fraud. Being a former Marine, this pissed me off to no end..........

I traced this back to at least May 1, 1776. It has been carried from family to family, father to son every generation of the 13 Illuminati families. google 13 Illuminati families. Its true.

I also found a rare book called "Roosevelt's Communist Manifesto" by Emmanuel Josephson, dated 1955. I'll copy paste my research discovery about this one which checks out and matches the quote by FDR and how they keep it in the family. Karl Marx did not, repeat...DID NOT write the Communist Manifesto. Clinton Roosevelt was an ancestor of FDR.

1841 - Clinton Roosevelt published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonry in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonry to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose. Karl Marx copied this document to take credit for the Communist Manifesto. As a result the communist movement with the Bosheviks in the early 1900’s was financed by Wall Street, specifically the same family line that designed the communist movement here in the United States, While Karl Ritter was writing the Anti-thesis in Germany called Nazism and facism.

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the "Communist Manifesto" under the director of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under the direction of another group.
The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started was continued after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzache who founded Nietzscheanism. This Nietzecheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment World War I and II.
NOTE: In the United States we had Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, William Fulbright, George Bush etc., as prime examples. In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the "Communist Manifesto" under the director of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under the direction of another group.

The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:33 PM
its been in the works even before May 1, 1776 passing from family to family member, father to son for generations picking other elite families along the way.

Here is where we are exactly.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:38 PM
Guess who shot McKinley....and Garfield....the same conspiracy. it goes back a long way.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:41 PM

The truth is coming out but the NWO won't be stopped by man........this doesn't even talk about the flu Pandemic that will be used in certain areas.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by davion

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Loki

A Manifesto is not a legal document (not that I beleive it). Besides it lists no author so it can hardly be called a manifesto either.

Even the rubbish that Marx pawned off as worthwhile (failed and always will due to human nature) had authors listed. At the very least it would have to be attributed to someone for it to be a legal document.

[edit on 20-11-2008 by lazy1981]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by prevenge

I think there's a little law in America (and elsewhere i'm sure) against this thing called CONSPIRACY. But I may be wrong, (if this is a real manifesto) maybe conspiracy is ok in your book being that you can't see what they would be doing wrong...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Here's my full estimation of this "Bamkers Manifesto" (some have touched on parts of what I'm going to say). I think that it's a sham in all likelyhood. As others have stated the language is off for the time period. And I take a degree of offence to the "American" portion of that statement. Up until recently many Americans of the "well to do" or wealthy classes spoke very proper English.

I think that this is some sort of planted paper (if you will) that a white nationalist put forward as grounds for the good old fashioned, "Jewish Banking Conspiracy" argument. I don't direct this at the poster on the site, more so at the "Manifesto" itself. Remember fear is the most effective emotion to play on when arguing any point of view. So those types will play the fear in order to drag you into their hatred.

In any event, at best lets say that this is a legitimate paper. Lets look at the timeframe at which it was supposedly revealed to the government and by association the public, 1907-1917. This is about the time that the Socialists/Communists first reared their heads in America in a real way (union movements and Socialist polotics). "The real fruit of their battles lies not in the immediate result, but in the ever-expanding UNION of the workers." Marx: Bourgeois and Proletarians

Or maybe it's only real in as much as the afore mentioned Congressman had conjured it up to further some Socialst aim to deomonize Capitalism. It would sure suit that purpose when read by people sympathetic to that frame of mind.

Take it for what it's worth. Just my two sense. I think it's a fake.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:20 AM
There is a law but, this real conspiracy is above the law and has been for generations. I've laid out part of the background in another thread.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Karl Marx didn't write the Communist Manifesto, as history has been fabricated in this and many other ways. I have a reprint of the actual document that Marx used to plagarize his "communist manifesto" in 1848.

The document he copied and rewrote from was a plan completed on May 1, 1776 passed to Mazzini by Weishaupt to Clinton Roosevelt, ancestor of FDR, to Albert Pike and karl Marx to rewrite. Fact. We are under the tenents of this program today and didn't even know it.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Oh, don't dispute the fact that the power brokers of the world opperate accourding to a completely different standard of law than what is applied to the "Great Unwashed!" The point that I was trying to drive home to (what I assume was a gentleman) is that there IS something wrong with what they are doing (if infact that Maifesto is real) and it is called conspiracy. And there are laws aginst it whether they are laws for "us" or "them." It's just our inability to shine the light of true justice into the dark places in which they opperate that keeps us from applying the laws that we follow upon them.

This is why those types function best in the dark and make it so. If we can't show the world the truth of the two systems (without equivocation) than man can not put assunder the foul double dealings that the elites use to prop themselves upon our backs and keep us blind.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by tgambill

As far as Marx is concerned I care not for his teachings as you can see. However as with all great lies there is much truth to it. And I speak only about the area of which he speaks about the elites abuses of the working and poor man. Not the socialist ideas, man's jealous nature would never allow communisim to work, period. It's a deeply flawed political posture.

As far as Marx actually writting The Communist Manifesto, I'll take you at your word for the sake of conversation. I see where your going with this and I agree that what is laid out in those pages is exactly where we (USA) are headed. Not in a nationalistic way but I think the sadest thing about that issue is that we are the country that so many look as the bulwark and example against despotism and tyrany and we are headed in that direction.

Where the Com. Manifesto came from is a moot point now. Anyone who can look at Roosevelt's "NewDeal" and all that followed in the administrations after him, are blind to see that socialism and despotism have been on the march in America for a long time. And the Presidency would have never gotten so powerful if it had not been for WW2.

Who ever handed that paper down to Marx and whether or not he wrote it is about as important as whether Shakspear or Sir Francis Bacon wrote all of those theatrical masterpieces (I beleive Bacon). It matters not anymore.

And your forgetting one key to the puzzle, I believe whole heartedly that the only reason why they haven't made their move in all these years is because the Siren's of the "Anti-Gun Lobby" have yet to lull us so deeply that we crash our ship into the rocks (ie. let them legislate our firearms away). People say what they want about the mil. tech. and all. But the fact of the matter is that they don't have the bullets to take on an armed citizenry of this size, especially if those willing to fight have the support of the people.

The simple fact of the matter is that you can only govern by force for so long, eventually in any case it goes back to the fact of the matter. All governments derive their authority onlyfrom the consent of those that they govern. Even if they oppress them it's because the people allow it. When the people get sick of it they can no longer govern effectively. Or at all for that matter. So, though we may be headed in that direction you need to worry when you see them actualy get the arms away from the populace, and then you'll see it deteriorate quickly into despotism. They fear the vote in a certain sense but they fear your gun even more. And the government that fears my gun when "I" have given them no cause is what worries me. Remember the one truth to all this, every despot that has ever been has first disarmed the people before the real power play!

That Bankers Manifesto whether real or fake touched on two key points that we should all be aware of.1.The elites work together to keep the power and material that they have gained (it doesn't take much to see that), 2. That this whole Dem./ Rep. thing is a real tactic (as seen in this past election) two sides of THE SAME COIN!!!

Sorry if I'm a bit off topic but I view these things as directly related. I'll take a look at that link that you put on your last post asap.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by lazy1981]

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