posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 11:45 AM
I think you are belittling the acheivements of all black people when you intimate that this could not have happend had the white man not let it.
When I refer to the previously mentioned 'proverbial' white man, I mean to implicate the people at the top pulling the strings. I simply tried to
state what I thought of when I pictured these men that very few people have probably ever seen before. I'm not saying that there is any less of a
chance of these people being African American, just that the I have inferred, through observations of the upper levels of economic management and that
is the picture I get in my mind.
And yes, I believe that since the interaction between the ones in control and the bulk of the African[-American] population began with slavery and
moved slowly upward from there, that this might not have happened if it weren't for the people at the pinnacle of this scheme.
I do not think the people in control let this happen so much as the coerced and cajoled this to happen. I am not belittling the achievements of black
people by any means. Any cause for justice is worth fighting for. And the achievements of the African-American populace are great by any standard, but
the unfortunate fact is that all their achievements are within current system. Therefore, on some level, we can assume that they are subject to some
form of control.
And I only single out black persons here because you did. This holds true for other groups as well. Women, homosexuals, etc.
I am not any better off than anyone in these groups, either. Anything I accomplish (assuming the world doesn't implode) will presumably be funded
with fiat currency, and therefore what I do will be subject to monetary manipulation on some level. I realize you can circumvent this by not utilizing
what our current society provides, but my point still stands for large organizations such as NAACP or NOW or ACLU.
The system is too intrinsic now to unravel and they started the game with a loaded deck. The situation we are in now dwarfs any possible individual
responsiblity, we weren't meant to win this "game," only to play it.
[edit on 20-11-2008 by CSquared288]