posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Obama, on Sunday, stepped down from the US Senate seat. This coming from just two days before a major vote to bail out the US car industry. This
doesn't look like the actions of someone who is really concerned with the passage of any pack that can help save jobs and keep the car manufactures
in the black. When it passes and then vetoed from the President, they need to have a 2/3 vote to over turn a decision from the President. Don't you
think that if he really cared for this bills passage and more over the people who he stumped for votes from to make sure that they will keep their job
and stay in the Senate and make sure that the bill goes through, or does he rather have them file for bankruptcy and actually make the employees take
a pay cut after the autoworkers union contract would have to drastically reworked. Such things like health care would have paid by the employees and
wage ceilings. Maybe I am looking too much into it but that is the message he is sending to me, John Q Voter.