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2 High Security Clearance Workers Gunned Down In Mysterious Circumstances

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

Yup, I too thought something might be uncovered in this thread - it was getting pretty juicy and exciting! I also noticed the embedded video on the Blogspot page that never seemed to load...and the bizarre "clues" mixed in with the search engine gibberish. Strange stuff.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:57 AM
I've known about the Kanika thing since it first occured, and I believe that she did call the cops at some point, I read it on a gossip blog geared towards African-American readers....I found it very suspicious, but did not know about the other murder. The cops arrived 4 minutes after she called them. Sandra Rose
[edit on 18-11-2008 by frogs453]

[edit on 18-11-2008 by frogs453]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Well I spent quite a few hours on Sunday running down every possible link I could, and GreenEyedLeo probably did as well. There's just not much info due to the unassuming nature of their personal lives and the secrecy of their jobs.

Maybe members from the DC area could be helpful as far as locating police reports, etc.

I hate to let it go, because I feel stongly that something connects the two, but I'm not sure how else to pursue it.

[edit on 18/11/2008 by kosmicjack]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:46 AM
Cracking conspiracy speculation and exactly the sort of thing I signed up to this site to read, now all we need is some Reptilian link and I am hooked!! - Kidding obviously.

The other interesting thing is the link to Clintons death list - thats an awful amount of suicides dont you think??

Back to these 2 murders and those of you who are tracking it closely and seeing what you can find will earn big kudos points if you keep at it. This is the sort of thing that will fade away with time and be consigned to being just another 'symptom' or 'ingrediant' in the bigger picture. Its these types of murders that you the American population should demand be investigated to the fullest extent possible. Two, I repeat two, High level security professionals are killed in this manner so closely together in terms of time????

Just too coincidental Im afraid...

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by must be a way
Although the whole thing seems to scream conspiracy,It seems odd to me that the first was shot nine times in the head in public and the second is reported as being riddled by bullets.

Surely any respectable assin would only have used 'a double tap' and then got the hell out of there?

I agree, particularly about the second hit. It has amateur hour written all over it. I think it was done by some cabal at a low to middle level of the place she worked for.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:16 PM
I heard somewhere that a large amount of damage (bullets/knife) indicates a crime of a personal nature.

Who knows, maybe the two deceased were dating and didn't sign on to their boss's wife swapping offer; who then got embarrassed and pissed and offed them before they started talking to others about propriety.

Not in America.

Bottom line-two intelligence related people have tragically been silenced.
Tears for their families and demands of investigation as to where is the motive.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by must be a way
Although the whole thing seems to scream conspiracy,It seems odd to me that the first was shot nine times in the head in public and the second is reported as being riddled by bullets.

Surely any respectable assin would only have used 'a double tap' and then got the hell out of there?

Also wouldnt the powers that be be more creative In atleast trying to make it look more accidental ro being in the wrong place at the wrong time??

I don't think so. These were to mid-level (with high-sec clearance), black americans who lived in a economically mixed neighborhood. If the Shooters were Black Hat aassasins they were porbably not accustomed to execution of this type of demographic hit and may have thought that making it looki like 'thuggish gangland' type shooting would draw less attention. And from the dearth of info about the murders of these two victims, they may have been right.

Poor judgement on the 'shooters' part, but would make more if they had been able to 'frame' the muders with the old saw of a 'drug dealer''s retribution blah, blah. If these cases do warrant furhter press, I bet we start to see that come out... CAVEAT - If these were 'hits'.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt

Originally posted by must be a way
Although the whole thing seems to scream conspiracy,It seems odd to me that the first was shot nine times in the head in public and the second is reported as being riddled by bullets.

Surely any respectable assin would only have used 'a double tap' and then got the hell out of there?

Also wouldnt the powers that be be more creative In atleast trying to make it look more accidental ro being in the wrong place at the wrong time??

I don't think so. These were to mid-level (with high-sec clearance), black americans who lived in a economically mixed neighborhood. If the Shooters were Black Hat aassasins they were porbably not accustomed to execution of this type of demographic hit and may have thought that making it looki like 'thuggish gangland' type shooting would draw less attention. And from the dearth of info about the murders of these two victims, they may have been right.

Poor judgement on the 'shooters' part, but would make more if they had been able to 'frame' the muders with the old saw of a 'drug dealer''s retribution blah, blah. If these cases do warrant furhter press, I bet we start to see that come out... CAVEAT - If these were 'hits'.

I completely agree with what you said. One single bullet to them both, would obviously look like an assassination. The way they were shot and where, sounds like it was made out to look like some thugs killed them.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

This does seem unprofessional, but it also defines "overkill." This whole thing is extremely bizarre. Could it have been done to "send a message?"

Also what if these people didn't get professionally silenced, but somehow both did something that sparked some sort of vigilante justice. The MO for both murders is also very similar.

There certainly seems to be a method there that left the victims VERY much dead. This could be equally achieved by a double tap, but that would scream professional.

Another possibility is that the hits were carried out in such a way as to be misdirecting.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:46 PM
Is there a publicly available police report? Or has it been snatched up under the circumstances of these individuals jobs? A weapon type, or caliber could be interesting to note. Plus powder burns would imply or rule out a silencer.

First Post... Just thinking. Cops use .40 or 9mm. military .45ACP. U/C cops often use 380's... There might be a clue in a ballistics report.

[edit on 18-11-2008 by maxmini81]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by maxmini81
Is there a publicly available police report? Or has it been snatched up under the circumstances of these individuals jobs? A weapon type, or caliber could be interesting to note. Plus powder burns would imply or rule out a silencer.

First Post... Just thinking. Cops use .40 or 9mm. military .45ACP. U/C cops often use 380's... There might be a clue in a ballistics report.

[edit on 18-11-2008 by maxmini81]

One could try and call them, but I doubt they will be made available.

This is on the PGPD site:

7600 Barlowe Road, Palmer Park, Maryland 20785 / Phone 301-772-4710 / Fax 301-772-4948

November 13, 2008
For more information, contact:
Corporal Stephen Pacheco

Police Investigate Homicide in the Oxon Hill area

Prince George’s County, Maryland…The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit is investigating a homicide that occurred yesterday evening at the intersection of Virginia Lane and Saint Barnabas Road.

On Wednesday, November 12, 2008, at approximately 5:31 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Virginia Lane and Saint Barnabas Road in Oxon Hill for the report of a shooting. Upon arrival, officers found the victim, 31 year-old Sean Nicholas Green of the 2700 block of Alice Avenue in Oxon Hill, Maryland, inside his vehicle suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Green was transported to a local area hospital where he later died. Investigators are working to establish a motive and a suspect in this case.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit at (301) 772-4925. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477). The Prince George’s County Police Department is offering a cash reward of up to $25,000 for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of the suspect(s).


7600 Barlowe Road, Palmer Park, Maryland 20785 / Phone 301-772-4710 / Fax 301-772-4948

August 30, 2008
For more information, contact:
Pfc. Henry Tippett

Victim of Shooting on Merrill Lane Dies at Hospital

Prince George’s County, Maryland…The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit is investigating the shooting of a female that occurred Thursday afternoon on Merrill Lane in which the female later died. The circumstances of the shooting are as follows:

On August 28, 2008, at approximately 11:50 a.m., officers responded to the 8900 block of Merrill Lane for the report of a shooting. Upon arrival, officers found the victim, 28 year-old, Kanika Powell, of the 8900 block of Merrill Lane, with multiple gunshot wounds to her upper body. She was transported to a local area hospital in critical condition and pronounced dead late yesterday afternoon. Investigators are working to develop suspect information and establish a motive.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit at (301) 772-4925. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477). The Prince George’s County Police Department is offering a cash reward of up to $25,000 for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of the suspect.

For more information, call the Prince George’s County Police Department’s Press Information Office at (301) 772-4710.


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:37 PM
The Green case is one that is hard to be sure about. He stops at a light and is riddled with bullets. That is a typical political assassination style and a typical gangland style. It is also how people get killed who are mistaken for someone else. Other than his job, I don't think there is much to go on with regard to his death.

The Powell case is definitely sinister. The one thing that might be taken into consideration with the death of a young woman like this is the possiblility of a love affair that her friends and family did not know about. Sometimes women are killed by their boyfriend when they start to want to make the relationship public against his wishes.

But three separate attempts to get her with three different assassins argues against a love related killing. The three attempts against someone who really couldn't be classified as a "professional" in staying alive in oddball circumstances argues for similarly unprofessional killers. I think the fact that she was riddled with bullets also argues for unprofessional killers. I don't think the killing was personal. I think she was stepping on some group's toes in some serious way.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Geez Louise! Just because somebody has a security clearance doesn't mean they don't have a past. This dude who got 'offed' could have looked at somebody wrong at a gas station, banged the wrong guy's girl, could have had a beef going back to high school. If these two people were permanently downsized for reasons related to their work, I doubt we would have read about it. A suicide, one car accident, a medical event, these are the things that make me raise an eyebrow. C'mon watch THE WIRE, in Baltimore if you are working class and white you have the same chance of getting murdered as you would if you lived in Topeka, KS. IF you are African American..... not so much. There is the probability that some punk was jealous of the path of the victim. Envy is a hell of a motivator for violence.

smell, touch.... my two sense

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:04 AM
O.K. people let's make sure this thread stays at the top of everyone's radar.

I don't want to see this get burried into the depths of ATS and have people essentially forget about it. (Like what happened with the Ronald Carnaby case/thread)

Interesting story none the less. I think the connection is probably not really there. It sounds like the one guy at the traffic light is probably random, (as is common in that area of the city)

The woman SOUNDS like something fishy. That or she just had a stalker.

Either way dont' let this thread fall "under the radar"


posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

both these murders remind me of the Phil Schneider case also. He was also a former gov't worker.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:27 PM
The two shootings has attracted some international attention even though our own news media seems to be ignoring it. "What Does It Mean.Com" mentions it in the current report as an indication that there are some serious undercurrents working within the U S intelligence network.

Whatever the story is behind these shootings, I am sure that it is not a simple one and it does not involve local law enforcement. We all suspect that there is a serious "black ops" group within the intel system that is capable of taking out people that might present some risk to their bosses' plans.

Taking out Sean Green in daylight and in public is another example of hiding something in plain sight. The local police might have received instructions to not push too hard on this case and to write it off as a "random" act of violence with no obvious motivation.

End of story?

RfvB /

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Could some kind MOD come along and show us the anon posts, assuming they meet the T&C?

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

You forgot wirtapping us, renditions black bag kidnappings, Blackwater & Verichip in Katrina before FEMA arrived, Bogus Oil Wars, War Profiteering, Pat Tilman type fraggings, Jessica Lynch war propaganda, Big 3 auto industry killing electric car back in 2000, Faux News exposed to GOP as NeoCon hijacking of their party, Zionist Agenda exposed, ect, etc.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by vanosman
reply to post by mybigunit

You forgot wirtapping us, renditions black bag kidnappings, Blackwater & Verichip in Katrina before FEMA arrived, Bogus Oil Wars, War Profiteering, Pat Tilman type fraggings, Jessica Lynch war propaganda, Big 3 auto industry killing electric car back in 2000, Faux News exposed to GOP as NeoCon hijacking of their party, Zionist Agenda exposed, ect, etc.

O I didnt forget all that. I pointed out I was leaving a bunch out...I just didnt have the initiative to type a 10 page post to point out all the Anti American things our government has done

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:42 PM
this is just another example of what we call tieing up loose ends. Look into how many clinton aids and security died under wierd circumstances.

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