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A 3rd Dimensional Encounter with an "Advanced Human"

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:44 PM
I've been doing alot of research, not only on encounters, but on Nicola Tesla, meditation (zen and chakra), and many other fields to enclude quatum physics, ect... From what I've put together and this is very understandable and able to prove, we resonate at a frequency, our minds and bodies. our minds and the earth resonate at around the same frequencies, and everything we come into contact with and precieve within our three dimensional world all resonate at around the same frequencies. (ways to prove that things vibrate is through looking at a particle of light or listening to a sound. we know that sound moves in waves, we know that light travels in waves, we know that waves have frequencies. So if these frequencies are out of our direct preception we need tools to percieve them, no?)

Maybe you were the only one who saw her on the train, you opened yourself up to her vibration, the Nortic as it were. One could also say she resonated to your frequency and through that direct encounter was telling you that you must play a part in saving the world. Well the world doesn't need saving, we need it, we has the being that was created to live within this planetary/solar frequency. See if the planet is on a frequency then so must the star that feeds it, as well as anything else in the system that can be percieved at those frequencies. We Know that there is a fourth dimension which is time, and because we have to use instruments to measure and study other things then we know there are many other dimesions. If there are Notics and they can or do resonate at our frequecy why couldn't we resonate at theirs or others so to say?

A line is drawn and something i hear more often is what they(not earthlings) are telling alot of people through encounters, "WAKE UP", i hear that in Zen alot too, to wake up to our true selves, to what is going on, but i also hear one does not know if they are awake.

One thing that makes me question all this is who they encounter and directly send a message to, its never really someone that can make a direct impact into what is going on, as presidents or dictators or officials of some sort. I understand several people in high command of something secret see things and stuff but really if you wanted to make a change in alot of earthlings you would have to do it through what makes sense to them.

At this it leads me to understand that the more i hear that we are devine beings, created to be this being, why, why is this being so important, ours lives seem so pointless, and our desires are so plentyful, wake up through what?, meditation is great but it leads to desire and a seriousness of disipline that can't be controled by our desires.

(I only say this as a point and do not stand hard to these statements, they are only what I have been able to percieve with a combination of eviedence to a giving time. Research for your self to find the truth, but do not fall hard on to something you agree with. question everything many times over.)

One truth is be good, be the light, just be.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Interesting story. I think you dig this chick. You should stay in contact with her more. She sounds like fun.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:41 AM
Hi All,
I tried to post anonymously but it was denied... Thanks for all you replies. It's good that other people have similar stories. I'm pretty sure something is going on... Who knows what though....
I doubt I'm going to be posting here much for the forseeable future...
Lord Bucket, that's an excellent analysis, I encourage other people to have a good look at it. Yes, the fact that I wasn't attached to the outcome, plus the fact that it was a sustained effort over a couple of months really helped me to be successful. Yes- secondly, I used an archetype but didn't program any specifics. I've rarely done this since, but that's a big factor. And yes, after that beginners luck a lot of doubt+desparation crept in, which is probably the cause of my "failiure" to successfully manifest anything really interesting lately. I'm slowly getting my mojo back though, casting off the veil of fear and fluoride.

Also- do not underestimate the role of the I Ching in all of this... It's much overlooked. goes quite deeply into the whole business. I tend to leave out the tree of life part, and go straight for the Hexagram info, there's a lot to dig through. M1thr0s is a great researcher.

Blujay, if you get a strong bad feeling during any type of energy work, my advice is to banush/clear/cancel, whatever you do. Positive entities should feel loving and light, and even then we can be tricked.

Antar- who knows- I would have laughed at this a few years ago but things have gotten so strange in my life recently that really, nothing would surprise me. Thanks for the interesting spin on things, I certainly have no conscious memories of anything like that happening.

"You may be impressing what you expect into your recipe. As I am sure you know the art of not doing by Casteneda can help you clear out expectations and maybe return you to that state you were in originally."

Shadow Watcher, yeah I love Castaneda, and as I briefly explained the look was very similar to the look that DJ gave CC in the bus station... As far as not-doing- well, the not doing of looking for advanced beings would be to hide from them, right? I did that one day and it worked, surprisingly.

ahnggk, I don't think there was any evil involved- bsviss3- earth angel, maybe!

purplemer, great story. Yes I think it's the same thing, from a similar group of beings. It's weird the way it stays with you for years later...

Others, I'll get back to you later, so I can do your responses justice...

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by bskivss3
reply to post by ahnggk

Personally, I think that response is a tad nasty

I do not agree with you though, this is my personal opinion of course. You mentioned evil spirits... That is your Glass-Half-Empty pessimistic point of view. My Glass-Half-Empty optimistic point of view would state, Angel maybe.

Two sides to the glass of course.

True, I respect your opinion. But someone once told me, what angels are and they are the ones who beg in the streets, the homeless and the forsaken. Of course, like you said, this is from another end of the spectrum

A benevolent entity of great beauty and wisdom with good intentions and looking for help I theorized, won't approach people in all their glory and beauty. As I would, I won't go looking for people that will only help me because I'm beautiful and desirable to be with. I would look for someone who'd help because helping is their desire, NOT what I could give them back in return or that my presence gives them pleasure.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by ahnggk

Originally posted by bskivss3
reply to post by ahnggk

Personally, I think that response is a tad nasty

I do not agree with you though, this is my personal opinion of course. You mentioned evil spirits... That is your Glass-Half-Empty pessimistic point of view. My Glass-Half-Empty optimistic point of view would state, Angel maybe.

Two sides to the glass of course.

True, I respect your opinion. But someone once told me, what angels are and they are the ones who beg in the streets, the homeless and the forsaken. Of course, like you said, this is from another end of the spectrum

A benevolent entity of great beauty and wisdom with good intentions and looking for help I theorized, won't approach people in all their glory and beauty. As I would, I won't go looking for people that will only help me because I'm beautiful and desirable to be with. I would look for someone who'd help because helping is their desire, NOT what I could give them back in return or that my presence gives them pleasure.

Perfect reply

Each person, and his/or experience differ from one to the other. I have not had the more darker experience as some, hence my perception of "Glass-Half-Full". Though I had similar experiences of which all was warm and fuzzy

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

The journey can be just as dark and undesirable, and sometimes the Angel asking for help out of the dark is in full splendor, emmiting light in very dark places.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:32 AM
Okay, here we go.
Six years ago (summer 2004) a close friend and I went to Shoreditch festival, East London, for a summer day out, We had a wonderful time in full participation with the activities of this relativeley young but well attended festival.
At the end of the day, around 19:00 we decided to leave the festival and make our way home across the City, from East to West London.
The journey to West London, from Shoreditch, involves a long ride on London Underground (metro system) which (ironically, coincidentally) passes below City of London, which over recent history has become synonimous with serpeant and reptillian insignia and symbology.

We entered the underground system at Liverpool street station, one of London's major transport hubs, taking passangers out of London to other parts of the country. From liverpool street we rode the train, four stops, to Holborn Station, where we would change for the Piccadilly line, transporting us through to West London.
The train was crowded with revellers leaving the festival. We squeezed into the already full carriage in high spirits, finding just enough space to stand inside the closing double doors in the standing area of the carriage.
As the journey progressed we came to a stop at one of the two stations between Liverpool St and Holborn stations. The doors opened and what we presumed to be a man stepped into the small space between us and the soon - to be closing-, sliding doors.

I will begin relating the encounter by stating,- the whole incident happened in 10-15 seconds, or, the time it took the frain to complete regular functions at a very busy station.
The person/reptoid that entered the carraige was initially standing with it's back towards us.
At six foot tall wearing a black cap, red chequered shirt and dark full length rain coat
(I know it sounds rediculous, however, this is my truth...... that i have to deal with).
The on-going conversation between my friend and I was abruptly interupted by the intrusion of the character moving into the small space between us and where the doors would soon be sliding closed. My attention was immediately drawn by the skin colour, tone and texture of the back of his(?) head/neck, which was hairless from below the rim of the cap to the shirt collar. There was a combination/mixture of colours ranging from sandy- beige, yellow and brown with defined brown specles running along the spine from under the rim of the cap to below the shirt collar. The skin appeared thin and taught almost translucient and slightly shiney not at all scaley apart from around the edges of the eye lids..
On realisation of what was standing immediately infront of me my mind began to race as it searched for a rational explanation from my previous experiences, lookijng for a referance point on which i could use to make sense of what I was looking at. I remember vividly the sensations of that moment, I remeber thinking it must be a burns victim or some form of skin disorder, although the symetry of the speckled pattern, skin tone and texture were too perfect for any kind of disease or random burn damage.
I had to actively pull my mind back into rationality to logically decypher the experience in that moment.
Amazed, shocked and awe struck i stood staring at the back of the neck of this character in a state of total un-recognition of what i was looking at.
In this instant my friend who was standing next to me, literally shoulder to shoulder, turned and began to barge his way through the passengers in the crowded train carriage as the character began to turn slowly towards us revealing its profile.
I stood transfixed on the events unfolding before me.

It is mportant to make the point- historically i am not a person to go off on flights of fantasy. I had never seen a ghost or a UFO or had any kind of ESP or other experiences outside of
what i would consider to be 'ordinary'. Or if i had i have always explained it away as nothing unusual, an everyday regular phenomona and made nothing more of it.
Very much a seeing is believing type of person

As the creature rotated 90 degree anti-clockwise to reveal its profile, my friend panicked, in fear, and barged through the passengers in the crowded train carraige, It became quite apparent this was not a regular human........ the contour of the head was more streamlined, elongated, although rounded and pronounced to the point of the jaw, there was no ear simply a taught flap of skin, simillar to the piece of skin between your thumb and forefinger when outstretched, There was no extruding nose bone just two nostril like openings in a smooth regular slope from the forehead to the rim of the mouth opening which had no human like lip features.
The creature turned fully to face me, literally centimetres apart, I was so close I could have kissed it with the slightest forward movement. The lip area had no recognisable human like characteristics, although basically simillar. The mouth was more straight, longer and looked less flexible than human lips and mouth with a small vertical slit in both upper and lower lips.
The most striking, overwhelming feature of the creature were its eyes. Bigger than Human eyes by maybe fifty percent and full black, both upper and lower eyelids had noticable gnarly bobbles/scales around their rim intensifying around the tear duct (in human's) area
As we stood face to face eyeball to eyeball centimetres apart our eyes locked and i was overwhelmed by a sensation that is difficult, almost impossible to relate in its full emotional intencity using the inherent limitations in symbollic value of black marks on a white background and without facial expression and body langauge to add emotion and enthusiasm..

The nearest i can get to giving you the slightest inkling of the sensation is........ Moments after my son was born when he was first handed to me, i looked into his eyes and felt an everwhelming sensation of purity and love like looking into the vastness of space where there is everything and nothing all at the same time.
With all due respect to my son, with the emormity of love that we share for eachother, the relative sensations and emotions of that moment are fractional in comparison.

The eyes were full black and large, shining like onyx reflective and obsorbing at the same time. i witnessed myself reflected in the deep black orbs and then I had the most sensational experience of my life in the form of a 2WAY telepåthic transferance of what i can only describe as information, sensation and emotion, the deepest most overwhelming sensation of pure love that i have felt, so powerful in its significance that i still feel it today. This was love on a molecular level, a truly transformational experience that was so full of compassion that as time passes and i move away from the initial confusion and sheer magnitude of this paradtgm shifting experience and settle into a new belief system that i more and more recognise its monumental significance on my existance.
There was a stream of energy/information that was reciprically fluent between the two of us. He(?) was not looking at my eyes,.as with regular human interaction, he was looking inside me, asif fully scanning my consxiousness. I also saw a flow of energy. ark-like in formation. passing through our eyes and into our chests respectively. A channel of transfering energy that obsorbed into every cell of my being with a distinct feeling of flow between the two of us. I couldnt move there was no judgement just pure unadulterated pleasure JOY! JOY!
The most pleasant wonderful experience.
I eagerly inticipate our next meeting of hearts and minds of different species.

For my part in this happening I have only positive feelings there was no-thing negative about it what so ever simply and purely Joy and pleasure. I would have the same experiance again in an instant, it was absolutely overwhelmingly WONDERFUL
The encounter ended when i said telepathically to him " I love You!" and immediately he stepped out of the still open doors of the train and walked along the platform. I leaned out of the carraige and watched him as he faded into the crowd then spun round into the carraige to join the other passengers in discussion about the amazing happening. To my amazement and great surprise it was as if nothing had happened I had an urge to shake another passenger to ask what they had seen but wisely decided against it.

This is the end of my reptillian interaction experience although the relationship between my friend, who thankfully shared the experience with me, and I, has been sorely tested over the passing years since the incident. He was absolutely petrified in the immediate aftermath of the incident. The comparison in our reactions to the same incident is a study in itself. I have developed amazingly as a direct result of my response to the incident however my friend has suffered some trauma and moved into denial after not being able to come to terms with the experience. Very quickly after the event we stopped talking about it and consequently spoke about it once in the next five years.
The negative programming that persists prodominantly, regarding the reptillian phenomenon, dramatically effected his perception of the situation before he gave himself an opportunity to actually interact with the creature. he was overwhelmed by FEAR and NEGATIVE programming, I was overwhelmed by JOY and PLEASURE.
Whatever, Whoever the entity was who shared this time with me i am eternally grateful for the greatest experience of my life this far.

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