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Theory: 9-11 was perfectly orchestrated to create a Truth Movement

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by ::.mika.::
where do you see any correlation between that list and the philosophy underlying in zeitgeist

please put some quote and make the links between that points and zeitgeist
(good luck)

Are you kidding?

Did you watch part two?

Project Venus?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

no i'm not

and yeah i did (quickly though but you guys only shall watch it again to prove your points i guess)

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:48 PM
It certainly isn't implaussible, though I doubt they did 9/11 simply to weed out the few non-sheep. There has, however, been speculation that misinformation and stupid, bizarre theories are being pushed in the 9/11 truth movement to discredit the more interesting evidence, and thus speculation. Naturally, in the world of conspiracy, paranoia and distrust run rampant, which is natural, since conspiracy theories start from distrust in higher authorities and suspicons of intention. So it is not totally unatural for conspiracy researchers, theorists, and the like to wonder if indeed, the very movement or researchers themselves could be an elaborate plot.

I've certainly wondered myself from time to time. After all, I've seen enough scary conspiracy theories proven, at least to my satisfaction, as having alot of truth to them. The world is a strange place, and the more I dig into learning about what our so called "betters" are up to, the less I believe that anything is impossible or beyond the capabilities of them.

Reality is one strange bunny. And who knows. Maybe 9/11 was performed for that sole purpose. World war 1 was started over far pettier reasons, after all.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 08:53 PM
You are absolutely correct. the thing that bugs me is why.?
the only thing I can think of is old farts telling all before passing...
that seems to be the norm these days - when your 90 the govt's
death threats just dont mean much anymore...
the question is what is going to be revealed...?
UFO's - well no, they could do that tomarrow without much comotion at all.
Betrayal - well - nothing new there either, USS LIBERTY - USS MAINE - Gulf of Tonken, 911 ...
Were Slaves - well no again, after all that was the NEW Deal, your a slave.
so they have all the money and all the power anyone could ever want or need.
So, then I stumbled over something called "Dark Mission" and that sort of made Earth look like a space colony per se' ... Now if we are ruled by blue blood Aliens and we are workers - what are we providing these blue bloods.. ? what is our purpose and then we have these systematic exterminations of total civilizations - they just vanish for haundreds of years, Are we being harvested and is this a Human Farm ... the evidence is sparse and it is either Gold or Us or Both...
I dont know - and then we go into religion and that is really weird stuff in there... and people believe in that like nothing else. which is also weird how do they narrow a human mind to such strict focus and filter. wild -

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 09:07 PM
Oh sorry, should have answered this the other post - but here it goes ...
the government operates by PROBLEM _ REACTION _ SOLUTION and these three things sits motionless unless something triggers them. 911 has all the finger prints of a multi layer plan. in other words ... this thing was thought through so throughly every department got a slice of this action.
gold in the vaults - tech crash evidence in WTC7 - WTC white Elephant issues - relief organizations - Military Industrial Complex - everyone except the American People all we got was No Jobs - Murdered Children = Less Rights - Less Freedom -
anyway - 911 created the Truth Movement - now we are a problem and sooner or later they will label us Terrorist and we out number 50 fold any enforcement arm of our govt - they call in Nato as UN declare American's terrorist and prceed with Stalenist witch hunts and terror trials of their creation. prosecution - what ever ... they hold all the good cards ... duces dont trump aces// and they know it... they control it ....

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by ::.mika.::

where do you see any correlation between that list and the philosophy underlying in zeitgeist

please put some quote and make the links between that points and zeitgeist
(good luck)

The movie attempts to make Christianity appear hypocritical by demonstrating how it's based on astrology.

I think you need to watch it all the way to the end, where it suggests rejecting mainstream religion (as well as war) and embracing nature.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
where it suggests rejecting mainstream religion (as well as war) and embracing nature.


*rejecting brainwashing religious institution
*rejecting war
*embracing nature


if yes, facking hell ! where do I sign ?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by ::.mika.::

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
where it suggests rejecting mainstream religion (as well as war) and embracing nature.


*rejecting brainwashing religious institution
*rejecting war
*embracing nature


if yes, facking hell ! where do I sign ?

Something tell me that you already have, by embracing brainwashing eco-feminism

Life is not about good guys and bad guys.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
Life is not about good guys and bad guys.

indeed man, it's about LOVE ! (the pure real one eh)

and the NWO stuff doesn't want us to know that obviously (you saw equilibrium ?).

the thing you should understand also is that i'm not against the possibility that zeitgeist is NWO propaganda

but i need a really decent factual and philosophical demonstration, until that i'd be more enclined to think that the idea of "zeitgeist being NWO propaganda" is NWO propaganda to keep you away from the spiritual universal ideas exposed in the background of the movies .

i hope you 're getting that point clear, because among those supporting the idea of a corrupted zeitgeist, i'm yet to recognize a spiritual entity.

ps edit : why eco-feminism ?

[edit on 12-3-2009 by ::.mika.::]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
We must understand that TPTB are several moves ahead of us.

Indeed. That line in itself makes your theory well worth listening to.

I guess they know who to round up now...

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