posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:32 PM
True story.
When i was living in Broken Arrow Oklahoma, fresh from the farm in Canada, we had a big storm coming.
Everybody talked about it and i was sort of getting reved up about it so as soon as I got home I put together a battery powered radio, sardines, fresh
water etc etc.
Then I had a practice drill with my two girls.
All of a sudden the Tornado Siren went off like a incoming siren.
I grabbed three hockey helmets, one for me and the other two for my girls and got them under the stairs. I went under and turned on the radio.
I waited a minute, told the girls to wait and went outside to move my truck when I saw my neighbours out drinking a beer and watching the approaching
storm. (it had quit raining for a bit)
These two old boys took one look at me with my hockey helmet on and spit beer...........they still remind me of it when i see them.