posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:06 PM
All countries that embrace the ideas of:
and Life
should support the US, and should NOT be celebrating the 9/11 attacks, OR ANY terrorist/fanatic/Islamo-Fascist attacks on ANY free nation.
Could you be more direct???
Which youtube link offended you/ made you think it was 'anti-muslem'
Maybe I didn't make it clear in my orignial post.
Not ALL Mulsems/Arabs/and followers of Islam are 7th century throwbacks, like this particular sect of Radical Islam...
I know MANY muslems that HATE these throwbacks more then I do.
They hate these 7th century throwbacks, because they give the Image of Arabs and Muslems, a Bad Name/Sterotype...
Much like how all LEGAL immigrants from Mexico, LOATHE the illigals that are here... Why... Because having criminals here gives ALL Mexicans a bad
John... Political Correctness is one of the most terrible enemies our country faces everyday...
snow... the 'them' in my title, refers to the:
'The enemy of the nations of the Free world'
Not ALL muslems in general... MOST Muslems are very modern people.
After the 8th/9th centuries, and the the Muslems had pushed their way all the way across northern africa, and across the striaght of girbralta. And
thru the Perinise, into Southern France...
Culture spread around the Mulsem world. The 7th century retro-grades, that BURNED the Liberary at Alexandia to the Ground, were gone by the early 9th
And this HORRIBLE sect of Islam, disapeared from the earth almost entirely... until now...
These people, The Dictators of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, AchmenDimInTheHead of Iran, Hamas, and MANY other orginazations and Goverments are the
REINCARNATION of this horrible past relic...
The people responsible for flying the planes into the twin towers are fundementaly the same as those that burned the Liberary at Alexanderia, some
1200 years before...
Them= The Islamo-Fascists, or Radical Mulsems, or Fanatics, or Terrorists...
What ever you want to call them...
The TERM that i find to be the most correct/discriptive, is the term, Islamo-Fascist...
Fundmentaly, they are clearly Fascists... This should not really be something that can be argued over...
And, they have wrapped their Fascism, in with Religion...
Which is why this deadly strain of thought, is more dangerous then we can even imagine...
These are some pretty shocking clips... and the last vid i posted has 40 Mins of photage that i had NEVER seen before...
In the own words of the Islamo-Fascist... I've never seen it before...
Everyone knows I hate Fox News, and the rest of the Alphebet media...
But AT LEAST i can give them credit, when in the RARE circumstance, they do an ACTUAL piece of journalism...
Nothing in here is 'Anti-Muslem'
And, if you are picking up Racism, then i think you need to take a look at yourself... Maybe it is you that is the racist...
Or maybe you don't like what Winston Churchill said... over one century ago...
Personaly, i think this is the kind of stuff, WE AS AMERICANS, need to not let slip out of our mind.
Whats your defense about these videos???
Is every scene a CIA film... Is AchmenDimInTheHead, also a CIA plant...
When a brainwashed 5 year old is holding an AK-47, and Says, ' I want to kill the Jews' And 'I want to be a martyr'
Do you just dismiss these notions... Because they make you feel uncomfrotable...
Dismissing fact, for personal pleasure...
Push aside reality, and only focus on your opinions and emotions...
This IDEA is going to be the death of the West...
I will respond to all questions... and comments...
This is not something to take lightly, or simply dismiss because it makes you uncomfratable...
This is the cold reality of the world we live in... And these people are stronger willed then us... they do not feel pain...
They LOVE death... More then we LOVE life...
But DO NOT think that you can not beat an enemy that is willing to kill themselves to hurt you...
In the Pacific Theater of WWII, the Japanese were had a similar will... They EMBRACED death, they though of death as bringing HONOR...
Now... What stopped the Japenese Kamikasi attacks...
Remember, Suicide bombers DO NOT ACT on their own...
They are Trained, Financed, and pushed by a HIGHER power... a nation, a group, or just total brainwashing from the time they leave their womb...
While America is Brainwashing their children, to embrace sexual deviance, debouchery, and to Hate America...
The Islamo-Fascists are brainwashing their kids to feel no pain, to embrace death, to think that matyrdom is the HIGHEST goal in life...
I thought the USA woke up on 9/11/2001
maybe we did...
But i think we might have just hit the snooze button...