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Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods to End Life on Earth

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posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods to End Life on Earth.


In the study, Austrian scientists performed several long-term feeding trials over 20 weeks with laboratory mice fed a diet containing 33% of a GM variety (NK 603 x MON 810), or a closely related non-GE variety used in many countries. Statistically significant litter size and pup weight decreases were found in the third and fourth litters in the GM-fed mice, compared to the control group.

The corn is genetically modified with genes that produce a pesticidal toxin, as well as genes that allow it to survive applications of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup.

A book by author Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Roulette, distributed to members of congress last year, documents 65 serious health risks of GM products, including similar fertility problems with GM soy and GM corn: Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce. Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells. The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning. Several US farmers reported sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed on GM corn varieties. Additionally, over the last two months, investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products.

The question of the products safety is well understood, that Monsanto has released a genie into the worldwide ecology that they cannot bottle. In the pusuit of gross profits under the guise of helping humanity their built-in poisons are now making their way to the human population. Is it time that Monsanto, of St. Louis, MO. did the honorable thing and reworked their modifications back to normal, natural foods, or will they blindly pursue their death-to-all programs without conscience?


The Conspirators


Southern African governments find themselves in a dilemma: they have to choose between letting their citizens starve to death or giving them genetically modified food aid that many believe may be harmful to health.

That was the predicament facing the region's cash-strapped governments when the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) provided them with thousands of tonnes of emergency food aid to help combat severe famine conditions. Some of the food came from donor countries, such as the US, which produce large quantities of genetically modified (GM) maize and other grains.

Several governments in the region objected to the GM grain, especially Zambia and Zimbabwe, the countries hardest hit by the drought. Citing health and environmental concerns, Zimbabwe blocked the GM food aid from entering the country. In Zambia, where some GM grain had already arrived, the government placed it under lock and key, banned its distribution and then blocked another 40,000 tonnes that were in the pipeline.

What do they know that we are not being told?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:27 PM
i had heard stories of poor rural farmers in india that have been commiting suicide alot more because they are forced to buy these genetically modified crops but then cant afford the pesticides to go along with it and end up lossing everything

food is so vital, it should not be messed with

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Does that mean that our grain,corn, food etc. has this in it. And we are eating it too. Since we are sending it to underdevelope countries. Or is the US just messed up like that?

Star & Flag

[edit on 15-11-2008 by isa75]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Everyone should watch the documentary The World According to Monsanto.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by icecap
Everyone should watch the documentary The World According to Monsanto.

The crimes against humanity that Monsanto has perpetrated should land every single member of the organization in prison forever and the company disbanded.

Please watch the quoted documentary, and then watch the movie The Corporation which is available after a quick google search.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by robertnesta
i had heard stories of poor rural farmers in india that have been commiting suicide alot more because they are forced to buy these genetically modified crops but then cant afford the pesticides to go along with it and end up lossing everything

I farm, and this paragraph makes no sense at all.

If I plant round up ready canola, and do not spray it with roundup, I just end up with weeds as well as canola.

They can still get a crop.

And they do not force anyone to plant anything. You are under contract with the purchase of their seeds though.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Dulcimer

there was an ATS thread talking about indian farmers and GM seeds.
the point was that, yes - GM seeds could (not a fact) be stronger but
the trick was in MON becoming a monopoly supplier of GM seeds and
then raising prices thus making farming uneconomical...

i have to agree, letting elite manipulate seeds on genetical level
to make rich richer is retarded. humanity risks too much by letting
MON play mother nature.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer

Originally posted by robertnesta
i had heard stories of poor rural farmers in india that have been commiting suicide alot more because they are forced to buy these genetically modified crops but then cant afford the pesticides to go along with it and end up lossing everything

I farm, and this paragraph makes no sense at all.

If I plant round up ready canola, and do not spray it with roundup, I just end up with weeds as well as canola.

They can still get a crop.

And they do not force anyone to plant anything. You are under contract with the purchase of their seeds though.

They weren't forced to use the GM crops, they were talked into borrowing money to use them, on the promise of greater profits. When the crop failed, they were left destitute. If they had continued to use open pollinated seeds that they save from crop to crop, they would have survived the crop failures. .html


GM food crops are very bad news IMO, but as to the assertion that they will end life on earth, I would have to disagree. Life has survived much larger threats, and will continue to adapt and survive. Will the damage be great? Perhaps, but we can all do what I'm doing and grow and preserve heirloom OP varieties and store the seeds to pass down. You get great fresh food to eat and you fight against the war on food. Plant and preserve people.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:48 PM
Yeah, but they aren't the fittest!!!

Seriously, other species than humans do breed.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:07 PM
What do you mean?

You mean they process food that has absolutely no nutrients or health benefits?

So basically I am paying them and they are making a profit off of selling me fully manufactured food that has no natural nutrients left and no health properties that will kill me?

What you are saying is that there are properties in the food I buy no matter where which my body doesn't recognize and doesn't break down. So these unrecognized chemicals in my food can give me cancer? Like balogna and hotdogs can increase my chances of getting say, pancreatic cancer? Thats messed up!

Or the sugar substitute can hurt me, like aspartame, a chemical sweetener that was approved without proper health regulation and approval thanks to the war criminal Donald Rumsfeld! That explains a lot

What about the manufactured process they use for high fructose corn syrup, I heard that it can make my body fat and disturb my natural metabolism simply because my digestive system is confused that the corn syrup looks like it is in a digested state, so it never breaks it down allowing it to increase body fat!

Now they want to regulate healthy crops of life giving nutrients by replacing them with genetically altered corn for fuel?

And they want to get rid of the God given vitamins and health extracts that human beings have been using for thousands of years to stay alive and healthy?

Is any of the food I purchase at the grocery store real and natural food anymore? Any of it?

What are they trying to do, kill us and make us sick and fat?

Good Lord!!!!!!!

[edit on 15-11-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Yes because obviously the "elite" are the only ones who eat the "real food".


There are natural foods that will hurt you or increase your chances of getting cancer.

There are also natural foods that will decrease your risk.

This is where GM really comes in. The future will lie in exploiting the positive priorities of produce.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Monsanto's terminator genes. Need I say less. Look it up if you don't know. And pesticide means herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide. Weeds are the least threatening. Crop rotation can control fungus, but it can be as destructive as bugs. A farmer in the US is not up against the same ecological web as a farmer in India. They used to use boxes with spiders in them (India) before they were sold on Monsanto's evil poison.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:49 PM
The problem with GM crops is lack of genetic diversity in my opinion. I don't know exactly how this is being addressed but low genetic diversity = low chance of survival when there is a selective pressure. In this situation you would lose much more than expected from the wild types.

The plans that Monsanto have for fisheries are much, much more scary (IMO).

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by robertnesta

What about the farmers that didn't buy their GM crap, but their seeds
were blown onto their land from farmers that did use GM Crap.
Then Santo comes along and sues them for stealing and using their
products without a License. And 'cause bugs won't eat this crap it tends
to take over the landscape, more proof to the Blood sucking Lawyers that
you must have stolen it.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:06 AM
I wonder if Autism could be related to GM foods? Some keep talking about vaccines causing it but have they even looked into that scenario? Does baby food happen to have GM foods in them? Does the GM crops that go to feed cattle transfer these toxins(pesticides) to milk and/or meat? There are a lot of questions I have not heard yet.

There are no long term studies. We are the guinea pigs here.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Theoretically, GM crops shouldn't be any different than the normal crops except that they contain genetic code for proteins from different organisms. Something like an unexpected allergic reaction may happen once in a while etc.

It is possible that some crops are causing other issues, but I doubt it.

You also have to weigh this all up against the fact that without GM crops, we wouldn't have nearly as much food on the planet. However, this is not to say that I agree with Monsanto's methods, especially concerning fisheries, where gene flow between escaped GM fish and wild populations could cause ecosystem collapses.

*** I need to see the source studies before I can comment on the sterility, disease etc issues.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by seenitall]

[edit on 16-11-2008 by seenitall]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Also watch "The Future of Food" a documentary released in 2004 all about GM foods and Monsanto.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by robertnesta

And 'cause bugs won't eat this crap it tends
to take over the landscape.

Of course bugs eat it. You really need to get your "facts" straight.

People think GM foods are to blame for our diseases but they fail to remember that cancer occurred before there even were GM crops or hot dogs or energy drinks etc.

Modern diets have contributed to our longer lifespans.

If you want to bash GM crops, the only real problem they create is monopoly over producers.

There isn't enough competition... yet.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by seenitall
Theoretically, GM crops shouldn't be any different than the normal crops except that they contain genetic code for proteins from different organisms. Something like an unexpected allergic reaction may happen once in a while etc.

It is possible that some crops are causing other issues, but I doubt it.

You also have to weigh this all up against the fact that without GM crops, we wouldn't have nearly as much food on the planet. However, this is not to say that I agree with Monsanto's methods, especially concerning fisheries, where gene flow between escaped GM fish and wild populations could cause ecosystem collapses.

*** I need to see the source studies before I can comment on the sterility, disease etc issues.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by seenitall]

[edit on 16-11-2008 by seenitall]

making more food is not the answer, it just allows the allows the
existing problem tp proliferate even more.

There are simply too many people on the planet, perhaps providing
free condoms for Africa, China, Japan and America would be a better
solution. And possibly some form of baby license prior to copulation is

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:59 AM

Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods to End Life on Earth.

I don't agree


because ending life on earth would mean ending monsanto profits...

the problem is that monsanto scientists (read: dr. Frankensteins) and monsanto managers are so unintelligent and short sided to see that their products and patents could destroy all life

they think only about short term profits no matter what the consequences are

and that is just typical behavior of modern western man

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