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Who are you...

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:10 PM
Is it just me, or am I the only one that wants to know more about members of ATS. I’m simply curious, but I often wonder what people look like, or what they do for a living, there back ground, education; little insignificant details. Irrelevant facts that we can normally put together in a matter of seconds just by seeing a total stranger in public. It’s almost as if people are afraid to reveal too much info, but what are people afraid of? Or do they just enjoy being mysterious.

I’d like the option to have a private profile that has a pic and other trivial details so that I can relate to more than just an avatar.

Are you affraid? If not tell us…


I'll go first.

Just a 35 year old average Joe. Irish/Scotch desent, happily married for 8 years to the most beautiful woman in the world, with 4 awesome kids, mostly upbeat and happy. (All of us, really) For a living I’m a tank rat, AKA, fuel cell mechanic; Enjoy road biking and hiking, and I also like to draw once in awhile.

That wasn’t so bad…

[edit on 14-11-2008 by apaulo]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Hi apaulo, I'll join in with you here, I'm not afraid. TPTB already know who I am, hell I've been followed enough **maybe thats me just getting paranoid again**

I'm 40ish, happily single, one 15 year old alien, must be an alien he doesn't speak any language i know.

I am Scottish, Irish descent, I'm a residential care worker, and also into my road bikes and i go camping in the Scottish highlands as much as i can.

we have a few thigs in common.

[edit on 14/11/2008 by whoswatchinwho]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by apaulo

Looks like all are afraid to come out & play?

I haven't created a membership yet, don't like reading through all the _javascript:icon('
') can't even figure out how to get the _javascript off my icon

I'm 40's, male, married - no children. live in the southern states area on a small farm. Real estate agent..... 8 years... but who knows in this crazy economy.

Found ATS just surfing, been around a few months off and on. Find it interesting and even entertaining to read some of the stuff that flies around here.

Lurker in the south

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:03 PM
I don't mind at all really, I've shared so much with the site in general and with certain posters. I figure that they can read me rather well. In my case I'm a 48 year old male, you can read in my profile some stats on me. Also in my sig there's a link to a rather odd job that I until recently had. In at least one of the threads in that link you'll find a pic of me. I believe it's in the gift thread.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:31 PM
This seems interesting.

I am a 30 something that lives in the Midwest (USA). I live with three young ladies that call me mom. We share the house with a dog, guinea pig, rat, and a venus flytrap named Audry II.

& I enjoy being mysterious.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by fishneedh2o]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:17 PM

I'm a 23 year old male from BC/Canada, Scottish/English decent with the curly hair to prove it, student at UBC-Okanagan studying Anthropology with a minor in English but still don't have much of an idea what I want to pursue as a career. Had many past occupations, none of which panned out for me; by that I mean I got board

Card carrying NDP member and somewhat displeased with the lazy SOBs who didn't go out to vote here, who let Harper back in power
I mean seriously, have you seen Jack Layton's mustache? What issue could possibly sway you from a man like Jack who clearly knows his facial hair?

I'll up the ante; I think the two biggest problems facing society today are literacy (or lack there of) and acceptance, even respect of, willful ignorance. Examples being the American election and the whole "conservative movement".

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:46 PM
If only for the fact there are new members who do not know me well,I'll bite.
37 year old female, Mom to many. Mostly Irish but a wee bit of English heritage.

Canadian born and raised .
You wanna know more, that's what my profile is for.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Im 26yr old Aussie, male. Living in Darwin, tropical northern territory.

Possible father to many.....none have come forward

If you have a facebook account, join the ATS and BTS groups there, and you can see what people look like to

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:13 PM
I didn't know ATS peeps were on Facebook... hmmm. I must explore that.. but then the names wouldn't match would they? I am on Face with my real name... by golly.
I have been an open book on here except for the personal stuff... that's what u2us are for.

As for the basics... I am a 43 year old female, married for the second time, 10 years on the 27th, to the nicest man I have ever met. I have a black lab rescue named Tahoe. Two rats, Tinks and Lily. Wild chipmunks on my deck. Had a bat in the house the other day.
I have two beautiful daughters. I live in Oregon and I am very proud of that.
I have worn many hats. From a trucking weigh scale operator to a victim's advocate.

Ok, maybe I could add some stuff I haven't already.... I was born in San Diego as a Navy brat. Dad went to Vietnam, and when he came back he promptly had an affair so my mom left him in Tx. We moved from Austin back to Oregon where she came from. We are 6 generations from this area. I have roots.
I live in a tiny town, next to another small town, next to more small towns....
I am obsessed with interior decorating and architecture. If I won the lottery, I would probably have ugly houses painted better colors, just for my own enjoyment. I think in one of my parallel lives I am an architect. In another I am a designer at Pottery Barn. In another I am a farmer. In yet another I am living on a lake in Maine and own a resort. I am pretty sure I am not a gourmet chef in a restaurant in NY.
I am addicted to ATS now, so I don't get much of that done. I do take little breaks to go paint something or rearrange something... so if it says I am on here, I just leave the computer I may not be...
I love being a mom. That's my main job now.
I have lived an interesting life.... but I like being boring right now. I'm taking a break. I stick pretty close to home these days.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Hi apaulo. I've been on ATS for 2 years but, as I just found out from the "Are you a famous ATSer" thread, nobody seems to know me.:bnghd:

I'm err, um, eh, how shall we say? Over 21. Mom, healthcare provider. I ride a scooter, shoot at the range, make my own wine, spend waaayyy too much time on ATS/BTS, run my own business which keeps me too busy to run anyone else's. LOL.

We have a thread here dedicated to Okies so feel free to wander over for a cup of coffee and some small talk.

Belated welcome and glad you're taking the time to get to know everybody.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 12:31 PM
Wow, I didn't expect so many responses. I wish i had the time to respond to you all, but I just don't have the time, and I don't think you'd expect me to anyway.

I envy you... hiking the Scottish Hignlands! I can only hope some day I'll to get to visit there. I was born and raised in Idaho and have not got to leave the U.S. though I have lived in a few different states.

Thanks for the Facebook info. I'll have to check it out some time...

An Okie thread? Cool. Gotta a link?

[edit on 15-11-2008 by apaulo]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 12:43 PM
Here goes:

female, early 40's =).. I have been married for 17 years. Catholic school girl who married a Jewish guy. ( My dad did ask if i was going to reimburse him for all that tuition
lol ) I have 2 great kids 12 and 10.. 2 dogs and an old old kitty .
My " real " job was as a bank loan officer. I left when i had my children as part time was not an option then. I have since worked PT for a construction company ( clerical ) . Currently I work in a school as a teachers aide / monitor.

Heritage is Polish, English, Irish and German.
Life long NY'er and dang proud of it.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by apaulo

Unfortunately i do not trust people externally from this website and as anyone can access your ifo i choose to not share my personal info. This is not facebook where you have to be a freind to see your info.

You can findf out a bit about people by reading through their posts and threads on their profile. I do that if someone has left a really questionable post and just check their recent activty to see how sane they appear to be.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by MCoG1980]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 04:33 PM
I'm an 18 year old male student studying Environmental Science, Geography and Fascist History at A level, hoping to go to University and study Environmental/Earth Science.

I'm English, live in England (funnily enough) and I used to basically live on ATS/BTS back in 2004-06. I'm trying to make a come back, but there's so many new faces!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 04:38 PM
Likes the Facebook Group Idea (hates facebook) but is far too paranoid to join with her real facebook....might consider making an Special ATS Facebook account....


I'm a Female University Student, attending school to major in Psychology and minor in Economics. I live in British Columbia Canada (
to all fellow Canuckians!!), in residence at the University.

Oh...and I'm this site FAR too much

- Carrot

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Hrm, I'll play along too..

I'm Dave [unfortunately my parents didn't give me a cool "user-name"] haha
I'm 24, male/single [not by choice, but I don't get out much lol]
I'm from Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario originally now residing in the Okanagan Valley near TRU... (British Columbia, Canada)
I had a cool cat who randomly showed up one day, but a gang of 7-13 year old girls rolled up on tricycles and bicycles and stole him and I haven't seen him since
other than that I have house plants (they can't escape and aren't high up on the "to be stolen" list) ...
I am unfortunately working on-call right now, looking for a job with more hours because I'm wasting away slowly and bills are accumulating (can I eat bills?) ..
I haven't been posting a whole lot lately, been too busy studying and learning a bit about everything although at the moment I am more focused on NLP & Hypnotherapy which is very fun and rewarding.
Like many other people who have been on ATS/BTS for quite awhile, I've done some growing and 'maturing', digested and studied a lot from this site and many others, and have changed opinions on a lot of issues that in the past were the main focal points in my life.

It is a very privileged generation that grows up online and has the opportunity to dynamically shape their interests and knowledge on what they want to learn instead of what is locally being 'rehearsed' by everyone around them, also interesting I find the rift between peoples online personalities and their offline personalities; I myself try to maintain an equilibrium or at the best I try to mesh the best of both worlds, the majorly unfortunate thing is the loss in the richness of our communications when we simply read a combination of letters on a screen.

this is what I look like while I'm in my human form (come on, this is a conspiracy website!) lol haha

Okay I think I'm done now....

[edit on 11/15/2008 by PuRe EnErGy]

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