posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:02 AM
It's a cool thing for Obama to be using all technology possible. Shows that at least there is some semblence of currency to the Dems . . . the
unfortunate part is that no matter what he says or does, it pretty much won't change the way things really run in government.
Anyone . . . I mean I could go on the internet with my little webby cam thingie and say, 'Well folks, the economy sucks, we're in a war we probably
can't win and I'm sick and tired of the House and Senate bitching at each other all day. And those lobbyists . . . the ones that pretty much paid
for my campaign . . . they suck and we really need to change that . . . Don't worry, though . . . we're working on all that so I've gotta run now.
I'll be back next week at and I'll probably say the same things, only in a different order so it gives the appearance that something's changed but
really . . . um . . . outside of the redecor of the White House, we're the same wolves in sheeps clothing that have wandered these hallowed halls
since Abe grew a beard. Anyhoots . . . have a good week and y'all come back now'