posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:53 PM
Mr. Rockefeller is saying that whatever measures take place, they'll have to be sensitive to moral and religious rights. He's not saying he's
going to do anything evil here. He's pointing out a very serious problem of over population and he's not actually saying there's a plan to
de-populate by murdering or something so wicked. I don't think his comments are so damning. I'm sure that the people present in the room were
thinking more along the lines of new communities or high rise housing. They may have been thinking about advanced energy sources and space
colonization. If he has an evil agenda, it's not coming through in this video. He's simply right. Our planet's population is growing at an
alarming rate and industrialization will only compound our environmental pollution problems. But... This is ATS.. We can only assume the worst.
Relax. Be easy. God Bless.