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Is ATS bad for your health? I need ATS detox...

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Has anyone else needed to detox from ATS? I have been on this for a month straight. Almost consuming and every time I do I feel like absolute *snip*. I love the site but man I have never in my life read so much negativity. I believe there is more to what is the normal perception. I believe that there are incredible mysteries and people in power abusing that power but if you read everything you read on here we might as all go jump off a cliff.......HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11/14/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Well when i first found ATS i was on it every single day without fail for about a month or so aswell and i ended up having to take about a week break from it and after that i feel great again like i have just found it again seriously try it sometime just take a week break and see how much you miss it its like a drug(the good kind)

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:06 AM
I can't turn on my computer with out coming here. At first just to check my threads then I get caught up reading everything lol. It is addicting

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:08 AM
My girlfriend calls ATS my other lover. It's too funny. I used to check my emails first in the morning. Now it is ATS.......

Hi my name is Hellskitchen and I am an ATSaholic

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by hellskitchen

It seems like you need to spend some time in BTS:

You log in by with the same username and password as you use in ATS. Go and have some fun!

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:06 AM
I'm with you on that one. I had to take a raincheck to make sure I was still 'sane'. All the time I'm thinking "Wonder what's going down on ATS?". Then a thought occured to me (unrelated but here it is).

I once gave up television for two weeks. Not having been a total telly addict and being the type of person who sees past the media messages and possible hidden agendas I thought it would be easy. Not so, it was harder than giving up cigarettes... almost as hard as giving up ATS!!

So, is ATS the ultimate distraction tool? True, it is a great source of information but we are all so addicted that we'll never have enough spare time to do anything with the information!! Wow.

Hang on, no it's just me looking for excuses for being bone idle.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:07 AM
I check this site every now and again when I'm in the mood to read some entertaining theories that probably don't have any real application or validity in my life.

Here's my take. My hunch is that say around 90-95%% of all conspiracy theory-oriented material is complete rubbish. Entertaining in a fictional sense, but not anything to seriously consider or get worried about. Then maybe 5%-10% of what you read actually does have merit and validity. These are incredibly rough estimates, mind you. When you consider the amount of material on this site, even that 5%-10% is compelling. Personally, I think a lot of the more valid material concerns that which most would consider the less "realistic" topics - namely, UFO and paranormal-related topics. The NWO-type stuff actually seems to have less evidence or a coherent rationale to back it up. I've come across far more pictures, documents, videos, and testimony to back up UFOs, for instance, than I have to back up say, the Illuminati. Granted, I believe there exists a NWO-type mentality of sorts in certain individuals in positions of power, and of course the elites do manipulate the masses as has been the case throughout history. However, I would argue that it is less conscious, intentional, deep, and malicious as many on this site would claim.

I just think it's a messy world of imperfect people which is characterized by a degree of inequality between those with wealth and power and those without. That inequality creates mistrust and paranoia. Oh yes, we're being screwed over, but I don't believe it's part of some organized, coherent plot for world domination or that behind everything lies a dark and sinister agenda. Humans, rich or poor, powerful or weak, are still humans. Those in power have plenty in common with those living on the street begging for nickels. Giving credence to all these conspiracies, I think, gives way too much credit to the abilities of those supposedly behind them. At the same time, even if you can give that much credit, it still doesn't add up. The motivations for these supposed worldwide terrestrial conspiracies would be downright alien were they true. I don't see humans either wanting to or being able to pull these schemes off on such a grand scale. That's my opinion. I could be wrong, obviously.

But as to ATS, yes, there is a lot of negativity. If you focus on such negative scenarios as are daily presented here, you will undoubtedly attract and reinforce more negativity. Let us not forget that the attraction of conspiracy theories (true or false) is similar to that of scary stories. There is always an element of tantalizing fear because of the unknown. They have the same appeal as urban legends - that ring of "truth", of "what if," that sense of it being just plausible enough to really send shivers down your spine. So it's based on fear, and maybe it's an entertaining type of fear, but it's fear nonetheless. If you believed even a quarter of what you read here, that would be enough to terrify anyone into hiding under their floorboards. But day after day, the planet Earth is still here, human civilization continues on, and we all eat, sleep, go to work or school, read, go to movies, have sex, laugh, play games, and so on and so forth. Life goes on.

That being said, it's a good site. What's BS is still entertaining BS, and what's real is compelling and worth studying more deeply. Take everything you read with a tablespoon of salt.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:26 AM
There is a core conspiracy on ATS, slowly begining to shine through all the noise, and it's the NWO type conspiracy theory, the elitist cultural and economical manipulation paradigm. Imo this is the one which best fits reality, it's a sort of "big picture" conspiracy theory which gives people the framework to really understand the modern world. Micheal Tsarion, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, et all. All the rest feeds into here. But since it's a harsh truth it is indeed scary, and fear, especially prolonged fear which manifests into stress is indeed emotionally toxic, it's bad for your health.

But there is also a positive side, which is the realization of our oneness with each other, the realization of the importance of love. That can click in after the elitist conspiracy if you continue reading into the spiritual side of all this, and things become even more clear. At this fase fear is gone and ATS, despite being a pretty obvious fearmongers haven, becomes quite readable and educational.

So stick with it and realise love is the key to tolerating all the bad stuff. Yin and yang I guess.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Yes, that is normal. But take most of what you read with a grain of salt. For example, once you are here for a while you will begin to get immune to most of the doomsday threads warning of impending alien invasions/terrorist attacks/earthquakes/vampire vs. werewolf wars on a certain date.

And you can always take a break. Go outside and get some fresh air. Or if you are looking for practical answers the survivalist pages are very educational. I picked up some good things to do just in case of emergencies. And the cryptozoology pages are interesting, and usually not too paranoia-inducing.

Remember, most of us are here looking for answers. I think very few of us can say we know the truth. Although I am sure it is in here somewhere.

I am off to look for the recent post about the new pyramid discovery and see if anyone has claimed that this coinicides with an ancient prophecy about aliens landing on December 6th.

[edit on 11/14/2008 by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Shocka
I can't turn on my computer with out coming here. At first just to check my threads then I get caught up reading everything lol. It is addicting

The reason why you and some others experience a bout of cyber obsession is that subliminal messages appear in the text that orders you to click on ATS board and stay. The subliminal message is similar to the Bible code; your mind unconsciously reads specially spaced letters that form words in the paragraphs. It was developed by the CIA and has been tested in its beta state here on ATS in exchange for the promise not to shut the site down.

A subliminal messages is an effective type of mind control, but the government research into it is far from complete, because some people don't respond to the hidden orders and some people do. The cause of the difference is not known; it's still in the guessing state.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by stander

Originally posted by Shocka
I can't turn on my computer with out coming here. At first just to check my threads then I get caught up reading everything lol. It is addicting

The reason why you and some others experience a bout of cyber obsession is that subliminal messages appear in the text that orders you to click on ATS board and stay. The subliminal message is similar to the Bible code; your mind unconsciously reads specially spaced letters that form words in the paragraphs. It was developed by the CIA and has been tested in its beta state here on ATS in exchange for the promise not to shut the site down.

A subliminal messages is an effective type of mind control, but the government research into it is far from complete, because some people don't respond to the hidden orders and some people do. The cause of the difference is not known; it's still in the guessing state.

LOL Not trying to be facetious but are you kidding? Who puts these messages there? Why would the CIA want me coming to ATS and not like Rush Limbaugh's blog or something? Wow, maybe I am too paranoid, now I'm getting a bit weary of my computer!

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Shocka]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
There is a core conspiracy on ATS, slowly begining to shine through all the noise, and it's the NWO type conspiracy theory, the elitist cultural and economical manipulation paradigm. Imo this is the one which best fits reality, it's a sort of "big picture" conspiracy theory which gives people the framework to really understand the modern world. Micheal Tsarion, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, et all. All the rest feeds into here. But since it's a harsh truth it is indeed scary, and fear, especially prolonged fear which manifests into stress is indeed emotionally toxic, it's bad for your health.

ATS is like a Zen koan... you have to absorb it in its entirety for it to make any sense.

ATS attracts so many kinds of folks, from so many angles of perception, that it's akin to intellectual white-noise. But if you listen to it long enough, a pattern does emerge.

This, to me, is the true value of ATS.

There's definitely a rabbit hole into which most of us have fallen. The dimensions of that hole can be estimated by the extremes of personality that fall into it. Christian fundamentalists, Constitutional patriots, UFOlogists, Scientologists, Christian Scientists, ex- and current military, politicians, physicists, and just regular dumb schmucks like me (with and without a few connections).

It is from that vast array of personalities that you may draw a conclusion that SOMETHING is not right. NO ONE is satisfied.

It can be argued that it's a symptom of all of those competing ideologies, none of them winning completely.

It can also be argued that perhaps we are doing it to ourselves with malicious intent: that, for some occult reason, the powerful few are attempting to exert control over the weaker masses.

It reminds me of the reported discussions in the time of Copernicus when it was first postulated that the Earth moved about the Sun.

"But the Sun must move about the Earth because that is how we observe it to act!"

"Yes, but if the Earth did move about the Sun, what would that look like?"

I submit to you that the truth is only important as much as it affects you. If you are a farmer, do you care if the Earth moves about the Sun or vise versa, or do you simply care that the seasons remain constant? If you're trying to launch a rocket to the moon, then it's of the utmost importance.

Before you judge the value of the information presented on ATS, decide where it is that you are trying to get out of it. Truth or fiction, it will hold infinitely more value.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:05 PM

It is from that vast array of personalities that you may draw a conclusion that SOMETHING is not right. NO ONE is satisfied.

I see it as, the folks who post, are generally unsatisfied, I think the majority is satisfied, you just dont hear about it, because they are satisfied.
This place is truly a psychologists dream, nightmare, and awakening all wrapped into one URL.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Shocka
LOL Not trying to be facetious but are you kidding? Who puts these messages there? Why would the CIA want me coming to ATS and not like Rush Limbaugh's blog or something? Wow, maybe I am too paranoid, now I'm getting a bit weary of my computer!

There are lots of posters here who really don't exist as independent individuals; the subliminal messages are composed by researches employed by the CIA and the composition is computer-guided. It is not an easy task to compose the subliminal message. But you can cut corners by the "insertion through misspelling," or compose the message with less coherency so you can shuffle the key words around more easily. That's why ATS or similar boards are used not to raise too much suspicion.

Most of the CIA posts include subliminal messages that are actually suggested replies to an OP. The researchers at CIA then check the replies of real ATS members to the OP, and they measure the degree of success. So basically if you reply to the OP composed at CIA, you just write something that the subliminal message told you to do.

Did you ever notice the off topic notices placed by the mods? That's what it is. The subliminal messages oftentimes tell you to change a subject, which is an irrational decision, but the strong subliminal instruction overrides your mind.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by stander

hahaha I love it, I wonder if this could really be done.

Take out all the headings, links, pictures etc and run all the posts on to one continuous thread and run the bible code software for letter skips.

So which one of you has the time to give this a try, the truth may really be in here.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:12 AM
I can't stop !!! And I don't want to. This place is My Addition of Choice.
I'm not ready to kick this habbit.

ATS makes me want to learn more and more and more. It increases
my curiosity.It opens new worlds to me.

Thank you,Thank you !

I like to think it is really just another step In My Evolution.

Much of science fiction touches the subject of what we
will eventually Evolve Into.
Most often it is some form of Energy Being.

But how will we evolve to that point?
I think that we have Already Begun.

In the beginning there was only Chemistry.
Chemistry and physics formed the pysical.

The physical evolved to defend and promote chemical constructs.
The physical constructs evolved electrical/chemical impulses to control,
defend and promote the physical constructs.

The electrical/chemical impulses impulses evolved to form memes.
Memes use all means necessary to defend and promote themselves.

Evolution has turned.

The physical now works to defend and promote memes.
Dying and fighting, not for survival of kindred physical beings, but for thoughts, ideals, knowledge, and beliefs.

These Memes act outside their physical host to create art, books, buildings etc, in their image.
That expression has evolved into electronic media. Initially a media like the others that simply recorded and expressed the meme but required physical beings to actually multiply, maintain, and evolve, the meme.

At what point does the Media become powerful enough to promote the meme Without reliance on the Physical Hosts?

[edit on 15-11-2008 by azureskys]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 03:44 AM
Dr. Morgan over at Langley must have read my post." CIA" are three letters, so he takes the first three sentences and make the poster say funny stuff where the capitals would spell CIA backward without the poster even knowing.

Originally posted by azureskys
I can't stop !!! And I don't want to. This place is My Addition of Choice.

Dr. Morgan kind of messed up on the word ADDITION. It was supposed to be misspelled to read ADDICTION.

Know your local CIA operatives, right, Jim?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:47 AM
What about all the other letters in the sentence? I mean, if we're going to play subliminal scrabble I'm sure we could come up with more points...

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
What about all the other letters in the sentence? I mean, if we're going to play subliminal scrabble I'm sure we could come up with more points...

The answer is YES.

This is just a crude model to explain the nature of the answer: Your nickname starts with letter Z, which is the ending letter of the alphabet. So you pay attention only to the ending letters of the words you wrote.

Start with the ending word and its ending letter for the confirmation of the "pilot." The ending word is POINTS and its ending letter is S.

Since you liken the decoding method to playing scrabble, your words PLAY and SCRABBLE join the word POINTS and the ending letters form the answer to your question:


Now comes the confirmation that the ending letters Y, E, and S really form the word YES. The subliminal message instructs you to add an emoticon to the end of your scribble so, the ending letters of the meaning of the emoticon would form the word YES.


Right on.
Now the answer YES is embedded in your mind (intermediate case), and if someone within like two minutes asks you if you are "a stupid speaking monkey who can't ever notice anything," then your answer will be YES. Of course, within a few seconds you will deny that it's true -- you say NO. Or you don't say anything and wrestle the accuser to the ground instead. It all depends on what the CIA wants you to do.

[edit on 11/15/2008 by stander]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I never thought this thread would turn so funny.....

I swear I could put a blueberry pie recipe on here and someone could find a conspiracy to match the theme. This is why I can't stop looking at ATS.

Thank you everyone....

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