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Sightings of supposed crash victims from 9/11

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Grandma Turbine how old is your Grandma must be about 120 years old?? pfffffffffffttttttttttt

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

My questions would be reserved for Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Jamie Gorelick and a couple other officials. And for the most part, have little to do with the actual events of that day, they would be more concerned with the events from 1993-2000.

As for the staff crack ipsie, I know it gives you the warm fuzzies to believe that there is some huge US Government department that exists just to harass you (and others) on ATS, but it just ain't true. I sit here, at home in Des Moines, Iowa, watching my daughters play their new videogames and my wife reading a book. No staff, no office, nobody but myself.

It would have been nice had the politicians on Capitol Hill would have had some balls to say, Im sorry, but we arent going to waste millions of dollars on what we already know, we are going to take action to fix it. Unfortunately, the actions taken by them were the wrong ones and have not really made us any safer. The whole National Intelligence director and all that crap....just one more layer of bureaucracy that prevents what really needs to be done in regards to terrorists.

You can make all the snide comments you want to. In the end, it comes down to a group of fanatics that took the time to do their homework on us(after 1993, Osama figured a bomb in the basement probably wasnt going to do what he wanted), to find our weaknesses and then plan an operation. Didnt take millions of dollars, didnt take a large amount of people, didnt need a huge conspiracy, just the drive and desire to make us bleed. Thats what we wasted all the money on...investigating what most of us already knew, we got caught with our pants down.....again.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Why would the military try to create confusion Swampy? You're a military man

You didnt need anyone to try to create confusion. Confusion happens all by itself in events like this

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by pinch

Naw Pinch, he was trying get to the Cadillac dealership, he lost a bet with Jim Morrison.

Actually, I am suprised that none of the truthers have brought up Elvis yet......

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
You can make all the snide comments you want to. In the end, it comes down to a group of fanatics that took the time to do their homework on us(after 1993, Osama figured a bomb in the basement probably wasnt going to do what he wanted), to find our weaknesses and then plan an operation. Didnt take millions of dollars, didnt take a large amount of people, didnt need a huge conspiracy, just the drive and desire to make us bleed. Thats what we wasted all the money on...investigating what most of us already knew, we got caught with our pants down.....again.

At least we agree on something. It's just a question of who those "fanatics" were. You would say, I assume, that they were Saudis, I say they were a collection of Americans and American/Israeli dual citizens.

Given what happened in the aftermath of 9/11 I don't think there is any doubt about which one of us is right.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
You can make all the snide comments you want to. In the end, it comes down to a group of fanatics that took the time to do their homework on us(after 1993, Osama figured a bomb in the basement probably wasnt going to do what he wanted), to find our weaknesses and then plan an operation. Didnt take millions of dollars, didnt take a large amount of people, didnt need a huge conspiracy, just the drive and desire to make us bleed. Thats what we wasted all the money on...investigating what most of us already knew, we got caught with our pants down.....again.

At least we agree on something. It's just a question of who those "fanatics" were. You would say, I assume, that they were Saudis, I say they were a collection of Americans and American/Israeli dual citizens.

Given what happened in the aftermath of 9/11 I don't think there is any doubt about which one of us is right.

Yep, me.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by daxman
well if there was a cover up then execution or some kind of body surgery (Face change) could have been done, it can bordeline on fantasy i guess but im sure we are so much more capable that what we are currently being led to believe.

Hey Dax, what's this 'face change' stuff your talking about? You talking about it being done to the corpses or they did it to them while they were alive and let them go?
Also, I remember reading that someone actually saw the people on the plane after it landed being herded into some building and that the airport was closed for security reasons for some time. Any one else hear anything like this?
Personally, I am with Swampy on this one. For a conspiracy of this grand nature so many people would have to have been involved that I doubt it would remain secret long...then again someone comes out and we just call him a kook. Still... for a government that can't balance the budget, or much else, I find it hard they could have pulled this off so well.
The only REAL thing that still bugs me is the government taking all the video tape of the pentagon (like that gas station's tape) and not releasing it. Wouldn't that put all this to rest? So why do they keep it locked up? That's the only thing that keeps me from saying the conspiracists are wrong. Something just smells here... and it ain't me!

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:39 AM

posted by Swampfox46_1999

You can make all the snide comments you want to. In the end, it comes down to a group of fanatics that took the time to do their homework on us(after 1993, Osama figured a bomb in the basement probably wasnt going to do what he wanted), to find our weaknesses and then plan an operation. Didnt take millions of dollars, didnt take a large amount of people, didnt need a huge conspiracy, just the drive and desire to make us bleed. Thats what we wasted all the money on...investigating what most of us already knew, we got caught with our pants down.....again.

Surely Usama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) with his hi-tech top-notch intelligence apparatus, could have figured out that the FBI helped those guys collect and plant those bombs in 1993, so why not just call up FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and ask him to volunteer the FBI to help again? With such crack Al Qaeda (The Toilet Bowl) covert agents to work with, Mueller could surely have got them into the WTC Towers with a week in office. (September 4 - present) Or maybe Osama could have called up Acting Director Thomas J. Pickard in the two months he was in charge before Mueller.

Then there was always Director LOUIS J. FREEH (September 1, 1993 - June 25, 2001) whom Pappy Bush gave a judgeship to way back in 1991. But it was Judge WILLIAM S. SESSIONS (FBI Director November 2, 1987 - July 19, 1993) who was in charge in 1993 and must have ggiven the go-ahead to help plant the bombs in the WTC, wasn't it?

And it was most likely former CIA Director George HW Bush (President January 1989 - January 1993) and head of the Bush/Walker Family Mafia, who most likely set up the deal with planting the bombs in the WTC in 1993 wasn't it? After all, Usama bin Laden (Tim Osman) was one of his CIA boys wasn't he? But wait just a cotton picking minute; Osama in late September 2001, told the world that he had nothing to do with 9-11. Who are we to believe? Should we believe our lying government which lies to us every time we turn around, or Osama and our common sense?

We sure ain't going to believe Swampfox46_1999 who uses no common sense at all.

[edit on 1/2/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:02 AM
You want 'sightings'???


THERE are your sightings of flight 93 crash victims. Scroll down to Shanksville.

World Trade Center sightings can be found here. Scroll down and read.

BTW - the WTC was haunted before it came down. read here

As for sightings of pentagon spooks - the gov't isnt' talking.

I know those aren't the 'sightings' you were looking for. But there they are.

[edit on 1/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Not quite sure where to start with the ravings in this post. Again you mention Tim Osman, and again I will point out the fact that that story comes from a retired FBI agent who wont make a sworn statement about it, but he will sell you a copy of his story on his website, and an imprisoned drug dealer who has claimed to be a super secret james bond type since the 60s. Of course everyone of his psych evals says he cannot distinguish fact from fiction very well.....and you question MY common sense. Thats a hoot.

And now you have the FBI director ordering demolition charges emplaced at the WTC??

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:14 AM
Not possible. Just not possible. Everybody knows what happened to those four aircraft.

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