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Real Mythical Creatures?

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Alright now I'm not sure if I believe some of this but here are some things I've noticed haven't been up a whole lot and I wanted to know people's opinions on the subjects, mermaids, the Loch Ness monster, werewolves, and bigfoot. Some of these things seem very unlikely to me others are a little more plausible. What is your view? I'm just curious what people think of this since most are talking about vampires. Reality-check.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Reality-check]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:20 PM
I'm definitely no expert in the field of Cryptozoology, so this is only my opinion.

Mermaids: Humanoid Fish? The only kind of mermaids I have ever heard of are the kind from Disney's movie "The Little Mermaid." I believe there are no such things.

Lochness Monster: Reports seem to be very similar to known prehistoric animals, however, I don't think there is a large enough food source to sustain a living, breeding population of huge, aquatic animals in Lochness.

Werewolves: A human that can shape-shift into a humanoid wolf monster? A human that can shape-shift into an actual wolf, dog, or other animal? I don't believe it.

Bigfoot: It's incredible how societies all over the world report a similar bipedal hominid, ape-man, or wild-man. I feel there has to be some truth to the legends somewhere. I think it is very possible there are such creatures somewhere in the world.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Sahabi]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 08:22 PM
"Real Mythical Creatures?"

Well first of all that's an oxymoron if ever I heard one!

No but seriously, I think that Pilosaurs, Plesiosaurs, whatever definitely could exist somewhere in the murky bowels of the earths deepest seas, maybe not Loch Ness but somewhere perhaps...

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by fanthorpe

I agree. The ocean is so vast and relatively unknown. The fact that we only recently have been able to film a colossal giant squid shows how much we don't know. Such a huge creature only coming into realization recently opens up doors to greater possibilities in the deep blue.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:31 AM
My votes:
Mermaids: Not likely. The "myth" supposedly came to light after which early sailors supposedly mistook manatees for mermaids... I believe that theory even less than I believe in mermaids themselves. How drunk (lonely?) do you have to be to mistake a manatee for a beautiful girl? I think not.

Technically speaking the idea of a mermaid is not impossible. A human sub-species which have evolved to live in the ocean? Don't see why that can't happen. However proof of mermaids' existence is nonexistent. All we have is a couple of fisherman tales and children’s' stories.

Loch Ness Monster: There have been enough sightings (and blurry footage) to give some open-mindedness to the idea. It's extremely difficult to photograph a submerged animal from the surface (even more so from a distance), which explains the lack of good quality evidence we have. The continued sightings suggest that there have to be something in there. A Plesiosaur? Not likely. I'm more inclined to believe it's a giant eel(s) or another unknown aquatic species.

Werewolves: Impossible. Full stop. I have to agree with Sahabi. The human body simply doesn't have the ability to change shape/form to that extend.

Bigfoot: Now there's an animal I can go on about for hours. Let's just say my vote is "Real".

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:03 AM
When you talk about mythical creatures vampires come to mind.
And i believe there real. If you look hard enough i'll bet you'll find them. One thing to know dont believe what you here from hollywood about them. Yes some things hollywood has said about them is true, like drinking blood, they need it for energy. they do not turn into bats or burn on the spot when they come into contact with the sun.

Loch ness monsters: Well i believe that there is more of a possiblity that they are real. We do have footage of something emerging from the depths of the Loch, but now we can do anything with technology. I belive that if they were real there would only be one of them alive at a time. I think we should search the loch. Every square inch, yes it will take a long time but i really want to get to the truth.

Mermaids: yer i dont believe in these creatures. If you do find proof, that they are real be sure to contact me.

Werewolfs: I would like to believe so i do even though i know that our bodys probably couldnt transform into larghe dogs/wolves.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:06 AM
mythical goats

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Mermaids: This myth was started by sailors who saw manatees in the water. And, there's also a birth defect that gives people attached legs with webbing in-between their legs. This can make them look like a "mermaid."

Loch Ness Monster: Could be an ancient dinosaur (pleisosaur) that managed to survive the comet that killed the dinosaurs, because it was deep underwater? But it's hard to believe that if one or two of them existed in Loch Ness, that they would be so hard to spot. It's just too convenient they only appear every ten years or so, for some lucky bystander to catch a photo of them. If the Loch Ness monster existed why would it be so shy? It would probably go ashore trying to eat somebody. So it's probably just a myth.

Werewolves: Probably just a really hairy man, like in the photo below. Old-time people who couldn't explain skin/hair conditions like this with science and genetic testing, probably just thought the man was part-wolf or something.

Bigfoot: New species of animal are discovered every day. It's quite possible there is a species of gorilla or ape out there that is very rare, and walks upright like a person. Maybe it's an older human species that is really not extinct, like homo ergander, homo erectus, or homo neanderthal. We might know some day, or we may never know. Bigfoot is probably the most plausible out of these.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 02:08 AM

Mermaids- nah..I don't think so.

Loch-Ness Monster- Even though there's a lot to this myth, I can't quite believe it.

Werewolves- Nope.

Bigfoot- Ahh, here we go, this one I am leaning heavily towards believing it. Why? Well the Patterson footage, survived many a debunk attempts, with no avail, therefore, I think that footage may actually be Bigfoot in the flesh, it most likely is.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Have to agree with most of the guys on here before me.

Mermaids - Manatees

Loch Ness - I would love to believe this and Loch Ness is big enough to support a creature that could go undiscovered, but I would like to point out that it is a Lake. So how would a Pleisaur get in there? I think it's more likely a complete hoax, or a case of mistaken identity.

Werewolves..............Plain and simply NO. This accounts for Vampires in my eyes.

Bigfoot - I am a firm believer in the existence of this hairy guy, I believe there have been too many eye witnesses with good credibility to ignore this. And the patterson footage which is yet to be disproven, is the most overwhelming piece of evidence I believe there is.


posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Unicorns....I totally believe Unicorns at one time or another existed. I mean come on...a horse with a single horn...why would that be so hard to believe..and then a horse with a single horn..thought to hold magical they kill it for its horn, and it goes extinct...why would that be so hard to believe? or to be true? then theres the fact that we have no idea what a unicorn actually was..I mean, it only means a single horned animal..and we have those everywhere..for all we know they were referring to the Rhino...but if it were those beautiful creatures we see in fantasy books? I still don't see whats so hard to believe, we have many animals today with single horns that are going extinct..maybe not based on magical powers..but back then, thats what they believed in.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by TheOmen

Also, I forgot to mention the fact that there are countless stories of this big guy (bigfoot) across the globe. All stemming from past generations who describe the same sort of being. That, is also very strong evidence IMHO


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
I'm definitely no expert in the field of Cryptozoology, so this is only my opinion.

Mermaids: Humanoid Fish? The only kind of mermaids I have ever heard of are the kind from Disney's movie "The Little Mermaid." I believe there are no such things.

Lochness Monster: Reports seem to be very similar to known prehistoric animals, however, I don't think there is a large enough food source to sustain a living, breeding population of huge, aquatic animals in Lochness.

Werewolves: A human that can shape-shift into a humanoid wolf monster? A human that can shape-shift into an actual wolf, dog, or other animal? I don't believe it.

Bigfoot: It's incredible how societies all over the world report a similar bipedal hominid, ape-man, or wild-man. I feel there has to be some truth to the legends somewhere. I think it is very possible there are such creatures somewhere in the world.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Sahabi]

I'm in agreement with you on this, you sum up pretty much what i feel on the matter. I'm more inclined to the possibility of the existence of yeti's in Asia though than an American Bigfoot creature.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 12:10 PM
hey i am just giving my thoughts on the beings listed

mermaids- i dont think so because the legend started with sailors mistaking manities for women *thats just plain weird* but i am an open-minded person, so it may be possible because not even half of our oceans have been fully explored.

nessie- yeah i beleive its real nessie could be a plesiosaur living in the lock. nessie isnt the only one either, there have been many sightings of champ, a plesiosaur like creature that lives in lake champlaign in new york so yeah i beleive it is real.

werewolves- maybe most say that the transformation is past human body limits but actually if you think about the incredible things that our bodies can withstand it could be possible ex: human bones need at least 1 ton of pressure to break, if unconious*sp?* the body will the unharmed if thrown 40 feet out of a tornado, so it actually could be possible

bigfoot- that is one i do beleive in because i know that he has been reported in every state and province in the us and canada except Hawaii and footage is good which means one should be found soon, right? well i dont know but i think that bigfoot/yeti/skunkape whatever you want to call him hes real!

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