Hmm, It reminds me of vibrations typically felt during the OBE (out of body experience) process. Keep in mind you dont have to have an OBE to feel
these vibrations.
I used to mess with this type of stuff. THe vibrations started for me by them selves. I did some research and it led me to Robert monroes book "
Journey out of the body. It actually helped me alot.
As wierd as it may sound I was, well atleast I think I was, able to leave my body voluntarily. But I only did that once. and only about half way out
of the body. But that was after months and months of training and experimenting,
here are some links to websites about OBE's plusr rober monroes website.
I really dont know too much about it. I experimented with it some when I was younger. The vibration that I experienced always started out in my head.
It felt almost like a pulsing vibration. It didnt hurt, but it was still wierd.
When These vibrations first started happening It scared me a bit. I would fight off the vibrations. I learned to get used to it though. If I did
nothing and just let it happen, It would start out at my head and stay their for a bit, then gradually it moved down towards my feet. It went back and
forth from my head to my feet for a few minutes then stopped by it self.
Now keep in mind, im not saying that this is what has happened to you for sure, it just reminds me of what I went through.
It was not a negative experience for me at all. I have thought about experimenting with it again.
Anyhow, I am rambling a bit. I just wanted to share this with you. If you ever do see a copy of robert monroe's book "journey out of the body" You
should consider buying it. It explains alot. It even goes over The technique robert used to have OBE's. That method worked for me. It talks about
experiences he had during OBE's. Even if this isnt what is happening it is a very interesting read.
I hope I helped a bit and didnt make you more confused.
There are plenty of people who know more about OBE's then I do, but I am sure they will find this thread soon enough.
[edit on 14-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]