posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 08:11 AM
Certainly an interesting occurance you have there. While I'm in no position professionally or otherwise to offer you advice as to what might be
happening, I think we could discuss this here in greater detail to hopefully uncover some plausible reasons for why it occurs. Or maybe not, but
here's my take on things:
I think we can rule out a visual response triggering it to happen, because you can't always necessarily 'see' a car back-firing, nor have you
claimed to actually 'see' anything before the ''boom'' occurs.
Light travels faster than sound and so if you were exceptionally sensitive to light, moving entities or vectors, you're likely to respond the 10th -
100th of a second more rapidly as opposed to those who are not very sensitive. In which case, your reaction would therefore be a subconscious trigger.
This would take place in the right hand side of the brain where fundamental active and reactive processes are triggered. Should this happen, your
brain would then be telling you to prepare yourself for what visual stimulii it has just registered. You would likely crouch, duck or cower into the
more prone foetal position. Again, we can rule that out.
What I'd like to know is if you physically hear a sound, or resonance leading up to, during and after the ''boom'' takes place.
I'd be very interested to know if you could describe what happens in detail. Hopefully, a few others here could offer an opinion.
Failing that, you could always try TheNakedScientist as an option?
P.S. You might wish to disclose what you think it might be, despite all logic it's sometimes good to go with a gut feeling, the intuition and
instinct. You'll be surprised what amazements you'll find.