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Video: Gay Marriage Proponents Attack Elderly Woman

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ghaleon12

I don't agree. These people standing up for "Gay Rights" aren't just there to stand up for "Gay Rights". They are there provoking Christians, Muslims, and all other religions that consider MARRIAGE between a man and a woman as sacred. This elderly woman holding the cross probably would NOT be there if the Gays were only asking for equal rights as gays. They want "Gay Marriage". If they didn't intend to spit in the face of Religion, they'd be asking for "Civil Unions" or "Domestic Partnership". I don't know how it is in CA but here in Iowa when it comes to people who work for a living, you can claim a "domestic partner".

The whole "Gay Marriage" thing is nothing but an attack on Religion. The Government recognizes the word "Marriage" as a courtesy to Religion. The Gays should think about this. Are they asking for Government Recognition by being granted the same rights as married heterosexual couples (which they pretty much already got) or are they wanting that "marriage" word in there because they really want to smear their lifestyle in the faces of those who won't "sanctify" their way of life? If its the latter, the Gays fired the first shot on this whole "Gay Marriage" issue.

I cannot believe that people have come to this. I was always taught to be respectful of elders. The peoples' behaviour in this video sickens me. The comments I've seen in this thread defending this behaviour angers and saddens me.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:01 AM
Obviously I don't condone this type of action.

But in all seriousness, what do you expect when your talking about civil rights?

People are going to get heated about public policy that legitimizes hate and ignorance.

The more you try to disenfranchise a specific minority the more they are going to react.

Truthfully, I debate this topic on a message board, but if I was gay I would probably have been right their with them.

# that lady...nah she's just ignorant...

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Jezus]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:03 AM
whats the point of a democracy if, when the people vote and pass something it is immediately challenged by our own state representative and will soon be challenged on a federal level. I've seen alot of bullying coming from the no on 8 side of this issue and all I see are a bunch of hypocrites, they say the yes on 8's are discriminating yada yada, hellllllo they are christian, it is against their beliefs and seriously, their pretty specific about it so it's no like it's up for interpetation. So how about not discriminating agains christian beliefs either.

The way I see it is I can totally understand both sides and them marrying doesn't bother me in the slightest but if I was a frim believer in the christian faith I might just resent the very idea of it. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their butts and make a compromize, allow for gays to legally combine as a couple while gaining the same benefits without having to be ordained by a priest. But don't they have that allready, called a civil union? Well, wth are these a holes whining about, seriously wtf, show some respect for your christian brothers and stop forcing this on them.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by ghaleon12

So, its okay that the Gays in the video stomped on the cross? Well, what would happen if that old lady took a flag with a rainbow on it and lit it with a match? Would that be okay? She's got as much right to be there as anyone else, as I imagine it was public ground they were having their protest.

You know damned well how sacred a cross is to Christians. You are attacking Christianity when you burn a cross or stomp it into the ground. You are attacking your own Right to freedom of speech when you burn an American Flag as an American. But, its probably a hate crime to express any dissent against what this group of protesters agenda is?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

This thread is a perfect example of generalization and group mentality. Very sad.

The "They" you keep talking about is a generalization to all people who are against prop 8, basically all gay people.

To suggest that the behavior of these few people represents the gay community or other "leftists" is quite frankly homophobic and a broad generalization only suitable for supporting bigotry and hate.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:18 AM
First of all, the little old lady was hardly "beat down". She wasn't assaulted. Her cross was. I'm not saying what they did was right, but let's not exagerrate the actions by speaking as if they physically attacked her, because it simply didn't happen.

To the person appaulled by the man saying "We should fight...", he wasn't speaking to the woman and inferring he and she should fight. He was saying that all of the people against Prop 8 should fight for what they believe is right.

As for the attack of the cross itself, two points, 1, YOU CHOOSE to be offended by a cross being stomped on, or by a flag being burned. You choose your response to other people's actions. You do not have to be offended. 2. Just because you hold something "sacred" doesn't mean anyone else must. No one MUST respect your religion or your beliefs, just like YOU don't have to respect the belief that Homosexuals should be allowed to be married. How dare you demand respect for your belief while not showing the same respect to someone elses. Hey, isn't that EXACTLY what infowars was saying about this "attack".

The road goes both ways, and it's REALLY very simple, if people would just get the hell over people being gay, there wouldn't be this problem. Stop being offended by what they do behind closed doors. Shoot, there are some straight married people who are WAY kinkier than whatever your mind cooks up about what "the gays" do with eachother. Mind your own business, take care of you and yours, and leave them alone, then these protests won't even be taking place.

Lastly, there are plenty of Christian churches that 100% support gay marriage. There are religious people who believe you should just let them be, and let God take care of it. The people, like this woman, waiving her cross around to antagonize, and to (without words) call these people sinners, are a disgrace to Christianity.

Do unto others as you would have done to you...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by rickyrrr

Ok, pretend this video didn't even exist and you could still generalize and say "they" are doing this kind of stuff, because incase you've been living under a rock or only get your information from the msm "they" actually are freaking out all over the state like rabbid monkeys. It really is ok to generalize, don't be afraid. And "they" aint just the gays, the lefties are joining in this little rebellion against the state. Poke your head around and maybe you too will see "them" just as I have. Democracy is under attack at home and abroad and it's the lefties that are taking it away.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by rickyrrr

By "they", I am talking about all people who want to call it "Gay Marriage". I don't know if this is ALL Gay people and I certainly wouldn't generalize like that. But, I do have a problem with people who want to accuse me of generalizing like that. And, cut the "hate" crap. Not everyone who disagrees with something does indeed "HATE"! Some just "dislike" or "disagree". Going to the "HATE" thing is getting old. It got old with this last election, its old now. Just because someone doesn't agree, does not mean they are a bigot.

I disagree with Obama's policies and approaches.

I disagree with proponents of "GAY MARRIAGE" but agree that gays and lesbians should be granted the same rights when it comes to government recognition, or "civil" recognition. I oppose Religion being forced to condone it as SOME gays seem to want.

I HATE liars, thieves, rapists, murderers, and people who think they sound good when they sing in the shower.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by CreeWolf]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Sheeper
reply to post by rickyrrr

Ok, pretend this video didn't even exist and you could still generalize and say "they" are doing this kind of stuff, because incase you've been living under a rock or only get your information from the msm "they" actually are freaking out all over the state like rabbid monkeys. It really is ok to generalize, don't be afraid. And "they" aint just the gays, the lefties are joining in this little rebellion against the state. Poke your head around and maybe you too will see "them" just as I have. Democracy is under attack at home and abroad and it's the lefties that are taking it away.

I don't think I need to add anything to your post to illustrate my very point.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by rickyrrr

You know what ricky, you are one ignorant mofo, seriously. What is wrong with you people? You are so quick to judge us and you are really going to make me out to be some sort of hate filled bigot or whatever? Why? I am extremely tollerant, you don't have noooo idea, I'm really cool and get along with everyone, so take your stupid generalations and evolve, because you people are the last true ignorant ones.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:44 AM
oops! their true colors shone through. This will be the norm sooner than you think.

When grasshoppers swarm, they turn into locusts.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

I wasn't responding to you personally, but I think it is interesting, that you took it upon yourself to respond to my post, perhaps you thought it fit you?

I happen to have trouble understanding in what way would religious people be made victims if gays were to be "married", i.e. that the word married be allowed for use. Specifically, how come they are suddenly now victims of what is supposedly incomplete wording in the state constitution.

How exactly is anything "forced upon them" is the question. And no, civil union with the same constitutional rights as marriage does NOT exist in California, not sure where you got that idea from.

You have to admit that when a person can choose to become a victim by simply taking offense at a particular interpretation of a set of words, that a reasonable non biased observer has no trouble with, it makes them look very silly and unreasonable, not unlike that time when some Muslims got offended because of a cartoon of Mohamed in a Danish newspaper. I guess that newspaper was "forcing itself upon them by existing", you know, like the state of Israel forces itself upon Iranians by existing. Those Muslims could have simply avoided buying the newspaper, and Iranians can simply avoid visiting Israel. Only that Muslims happen to be a minority around here, so it is easier to see how crazy they are, but with Cristians and Jews ... well, we can't talk about them can we, they're everywhere.

Show me a right, or a choice, or a privilege that a Cristian has that they no longer have if a couple of gay guys exist somewhere who happen to be married?


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Sheeper
reply to post by rickyrrr

You know what ricky, you are one ignorant mofo, seriously. What is wrong with you people? You are so quick to judge us and you are really going to make me out to be some sort of hate filled bigot or whatever? Why? I am extremely tollerant, you don't have noooo idea, I'm really cool and get along with everyone, so take your stupid generalations and evolve, because you people are the last true ignorant ones.

I don't know whether to applaud you or what because you have the most amazing sarcastic sense of humor. It's like I can barely tell whether you're joking by making an example of my point, but you continue making the perfect example of the language of generalization. The use of the "You People" and "us" brilliant.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:58 AM
Well, if one good thing has come out of all of this, it's that we now know that marriage is really only about holes and poles. Saves everyone a lot of time and trouble!

This old lady was ignorant, and I'm just glad that she wasn't really attacked, then it would be "All gays are violent towards old people!"

Could people maybe find something better to spend years fighting over? Why can't marriage be about two consenting adults? Why does it have to be about penis and vagina? Why does it always have to be compared to relationships not involving two consenting adults, like kids, animals, and 3 or more consenting adults? Could it be because people are grasping at straws?

Now that gays are the last scapegoat for ignorant people to point fingers at, what will happen if they DO get equal rights? Will people start trying to deny rights to people with autism?

How many more insignificant Prop 8 threads do we need here?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:24 AM
God I hate liberals!

This video perfectly illustrates that the only way to deal with libs is through superior fire power!

Pull the old lady out of their and call in a napalm strike!

Problem solved!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

If the proper response to people getting pissed off at each other is death, you are so screwed.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:09 AM
Yeah, totally. All people who are against prop 8 are violent, disrespectful, gay "leftists" and this is a policy decision made at the highest levels of the party and will eventually be adopted by ALL of us commies, I mean, lefties.

Come on, people. Wake up and smell reality for what it is. Clearly this is news because it is out of the norm and yet, you just can't wait to perpetuate the rhetoric.

Good job there, guys...way to go. You are totally doing the world a favor and your suspicions about this being a secret lefty tactis has finally exposed our dasterdly plan to stomp on old lady's crosses.

...and it woulda worked too if it were for you kids and that DOG!

[edit on 12-11-2008 by 4N6310]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by CreeWolf
Not everyone who disagrees with something does indeed "HATE"!

I'm not trying to tell you what you think...but.

Standing against a specific group's personal freedoms is interpreted as hate by many people.

I find it difficult to understand the mentality of,

"I don't want you to have the rights I have because you are inherently immoral as a homosexual, but I don't hate you."

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Jezus]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by CreeWolf
reply to post by ghaleon12

I don't agree. These people standing up for "Gay Rights" aren't just there to stand up for "Gay Rights". They are there provoking Christians, Muslims, and all other religions that consider MARRIAGE between a man and a woman as sacred. This elderly woman holding the cross probably would NOT be there if the Gays were only asking for equal rights as gays. They want "Gay Marriage". If they didn't intend to spit in the face of Religion, they'd be asking for "Civil Unions" or "Domestic Partnership". I don't know how it is in CA but here in Iowa when it comes to people who work for a living, you can claim a "domestic partner".

The whole "Gay Marriage" thing is nothing but an attack on Religion. The Government recognizes the word "Marriage" as a courtesy to Religion. The Gays should think about this. Are they asking for Government Recognition by being granted the same rights as married heterosexual couples (which they pretty much already got) or are they wanting that "marriage" word in there because they really want to smear their lifestyle in the faces of those who won't "sanctify" their way of life? If its the latter, the Gays fired the first shot on this whole "Gay Marriage" issue.

I cannot believe that people have come to this. I was always taught to be respectful of elders. The peoples' behaviour in this video sickens me. The comments I've seen in this thread defending this behaviour angers and saddens me.
I've no idea what the law is in the states,but in the UK,domestic partner,does not have the same tax rights as a married couple. Death duty and such,can be crippling for anyone whos relationship isn't recognised by the law. Why should a couple who've lived together their whole lives,who've bought a house together and lived there for life,not get the same legal rights as hetero couples? I'm not condoning what these people done on this video (as i've not watched it,I can just imagine how cringeworthy it will be,kind of like normal good christians watching the god hates fags bunch protesting at the funerals of your war dead...) I just hope that people aren't tarring all gay people who want the right to have a relationship recognised by law,with the same brush as the idiots who think that shouting and being nasty to the elderly is acceptable. Cos it clearly isn't the case. (though reading this thread,I get the feeling some do think that

And quite frankly,I couldn't care if people think it's an attack on religion (as it quite blatently shows them up to be nasty hate filled people),when religion quite freely attacks me on a daily basis
I don't care what they call this union between same sex couples,in the UK it's Civil partnership. Which works for me,if it doesn't offend people by calling it marriage,then it's at least trying to not be offensive. I coined the term "garriage" btw

[edit on 12/11/2008 by Acidtastic]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

reply to post by Jezus

reply to post by rickyrrr

I've got a solution! Let gays and lesbians establish their own nation with their own Constitution. There, they can marry, propagate and circumvent all that silliness of living in a nation founded on religious know, nations like the UK, US, Saudi Arabia, India, and practically EVERY NATION on EARTH!

Is there a religion on earth where gay and lesbian "marriages" are "sacred"?

[edit on 12-11-2008 by CreeWolf]

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