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NBC sells Obama "Yes we can" dvd.

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:01 AM
I can only begin to imagine the ATS uproar if Fox sold a Bush propaganda DVD. If all the past evidence of NBC's bias didn't convince you, than this should be the nail in the coffin. Any hope that our left wing media will be critical of this man are going right out the door. They are now financially invested in the man!

NBC News presents "Yes We Can!" the story of Barack Obama. This commemorative DVD takes you through the story of Barack Obama's life - his campaign to win his party's nomination, his campaign for the presidency, and finally his victorious history-making win. DVD extras include footage of the full inspiring speeches which were the most pivotal and memorable ones of his 2-year campaign.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:28 AM
This makes total sense, for the "Obama network" to profit from his election, doesn't it? NBC and MSNBC, being a heavily slanted liberal network, are viewed by their liberal and "independant" (yup, right :@@
viewers as "doing the right thing". So this is exactly what those Olbermann/Matthews/Comedy Central News viewers want in their DVD collection, right next to their Al Gore enviro-drama rant and Mikey Moore boxed set collection.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:54 AM
And yet, when Fox, primairly O'Rielly, reported that NBC and MSNBC was in the tank for Obama, a great many readers here on ATS blasted him for it as well as anyone who took the time to watch anything on FOX. Apparently CNN, MSNBC, and NBC were okay to watch since they were linked to Obama.
Wonder how they feel now?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Um, hello? The man won the election and now someone's making money off of it. How is this surprising or dark at all? If McCain had won, Fox would be releasing their own DVD and NBC would be sulking. What a terrible and shocking thing...right.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:48 AM
it's no different than the olympic video they peddled.
it's capitalizing on world history events. a common practice.
perhaps fox should release a dvd titled: "oh, we blew it" on how the mccain/palin campaign they vigorously defended will go down as one of the worst in recent history. it could be used as a teaching tool.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:10 AM
I was thinking the same thing...This is apparently a DVD that give some background into his life, not an "all hail the great leader Obama" propaganda video. They're making money off of people's excitement. You don't see this sort of thing for Bush because honestly there's no market for it. Who would buy it? I am sure that in the event of McCain/Palin winning we would have seen the same thing showing how a POW and an Alaskan nobody became president and vice president of the US.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:33 AM
I thought this was somewhat interesting
media campaign donations were 100-1 in favor of the Dems in July.
NBC people gave $104,184 to dems or Lord Obama and a paltry $3,150 to repubs
it's pretty obvious where their interests lie

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by MetatronCubensis

you mean donations by employees? sounds like it's more democratic employees outnumbering the republican ones in the contribution department.
meanwhile, at fox news, more donated to democrats apparently and there's no listing on the republican donations or the amount was also much lower.
rupert murdoch held a fundraiser for hillary clinton. hmmm...
sounds like citizens exercising their right to contribute to election campaigns.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Yes talk about a monopoly,had to pass up news channels during the election with their pro Obama crap,what low lifes


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