+6 more
posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:16 AM
Deny Ignorance? Is that the purpose of ATS?
Yet, the level of one-sided "information" is no longer tolerable, at least for those who are seeking to truly inform, learn and grow.
I have been participating in ATS for a couple of months now, and my alarm at the level of sensationalistic "info", paired with gross overall
ignorance of some basic facts about OUR nature and the nature of reality, make me have to speak out.
While I have no reason to doubt the basic good intentions of some of the posters on these forums, the constant bombardment of alarmist depictions of
hidden "realities", and world and universal events to which the general folk at which they are directed have absolutely no power or say, create
negative effects that feed the very events these posters want to warn us about.
My point is that a fair and balanced knowledge of the NATURE OF REALITY, as well as HOW THINGS WORK AND WHY, would present an alternative, more
sophisticated, and closer-to-the-truth approach for ALL to better understand and process what COULD be going on, and would enable the individual to
see just how much power and say each one has over their own life and conditions of existence.
Before I comment on my PERSONAL and DIRECT experience with these supernatural, Alien, and other phenomena, as I say sometimes, without writing the
whole book here:
We are IMMORTAL, EVERLASTING beings, and the You that you think you are now is a manifestation, one of so many that the "SOUL", your SOUL is
You and the many incarnations of your Soul are SIMULTANEOUS. Time is only an impression of this particular "dimension" in which we PARTLY
All these "parts" ARE YOU, and You are all of these Lives and manifestations of consciousness, of your Soul.
The You that you think you are, in turn, is composed of an infinite number of "Yous", all actualizing and examining all the probabilities of what it
means to be You, in an infinite number of venues, universes and other "dimensions".
There are no closed consciousness channels, so you can and SHOULD attempt to communicate with all parts of yourself, all the systems of probabilities
where You examine yourself, as well as the other "Lives" your Soul experiences.
I repeat: ALL OF THESE ARE YOU, and the only thing that keeps you from communicating with Yourself, of KNOWING Yourself, is your lack of belief or
knowledge of the fact that you CAN do it.
These are FACTS that can be easily experienced and ascertained, tried and VERIFIED by ANYBODY, for I am talking about the basics of Human Nature.
This is your birthright, your own Self to know and "develop".
The Establishment has long tried to keep people away from this basic knowledge about themselves, to use and sway Humanity for their own temporal and
measly purposes.
But ONCE you know WHO and WHAT YOU ARE, there is little chance that you can ever again feel at the mercy of anybody or any event, for You will
understand that YOU create your reality, as surely as I write this.
A simple understanding and desire of getting to know Yourself and the collective "realities" that WE create for our learning purposes, CAN and WILL
bring to better place and put into perspective the Alien phenomena, the power of TPTB, of the NWO, the "lower" energies, and ALL other phenomena
that, as of now, is only serving the purpose of spreading fear and ignorance.
FEAR and IGNORANCE are the real enemy, no matter what section or aspect of Reality you deal with, for no matter what happens, the fact remains that
You are eternal, ever searching and capable. No matter what, no one will forever remain in ignorance or fear.
It is time that Humanity, that You as in individual, begin to realize your own everlasting nature, your power and place in OUR creation, and just how
you can affect and direct your life and others for the greater Goods that are being denied out of ignorance.
[edit on 11-11-2008 by citizenc]