posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:26 PM
ok, first of all, im honestly not sure where to post this so please move it if its in the wrong area.
alrighty then, last night i went to put my cat out in the shed to sleep as i do every night, and, as i do every night, i looked up into the sky just
to see if anything decides to fly by or to check out the stars. it was really foggy so no stars were visible and i looked at the moon only to see a
huge circle of cloud around it (by the way i live in the eastern suburbs of melbourne). picture this; the moon, then sky all around it for quite a
while, then cloud in a massive circle all around that.
now i know its probably nothing and simply just light reflecting but i have never seen it before, i showed my parents and they both thought it was
pretty bizarre too.
i went inside while my camera charged for half an hour and i got back outside and it was still there but a little fainter, so i recorded what i could,
and took a photo.
if you want to see what i saw ill try upload to youtube/photobucket but i dont know how they will turn out as it was about 9.30 pm and quite foggy.
anyway, thats my story, any ideas on what it was?