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CFR/Bildeberger warning - Obama will be tested

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:09 AM
Current News

Seattle Times

Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberger Richard Haas predicts doom and gloom scheduled for President Elect Obama.

“while foreign leaders may or may not choose to test obama, “the one thing I’m sure of is, events will test him. There will be coups .. there will be genocide .. there will be terrorism.”

Oh boy .. promises from the CFR and the Bildebergers that there will be problems. I don't remember warnings from these guys about any previous president. Thanks for the heads up boys.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I remember the similar warnings by Biden and Powel.

Hm, interesting indeed.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Seeing how Clinton was tested in his first year(WTC 93), Bush was tested his first year (WTC 01). I think that it's obvious they'd try to test him at least on the terrorism front. Isn't genocide already goin on in darfur? And coups this leads me to ask, does he mean coups here at home? Or will Obama try to preform coups like Bush tried on Chavez?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:15 AM
okay!!!!! the earth will continue to spin and the rain will continue to fall in a downward direction!!!!

they're hardly saying anything that gives a real insight into the events yet to unfold before 2012. (the length of term, not the apocalypse)

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:15 AM
This is a bit of a "no duh" kind of general statement that is not unpredictable given the complex nature of the world today. I am sick of the CFR and Bilderberg Groups above governmental operations which subvert true democracy from happening anywhere around the world. Yet we continually get distracted by the goings on below that level because the media concentrates on the perceived relm of power rather than the actual realm of power. I don't know if Richard Haass's statement was meant as a warning of know future events or rather an educated guess.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
This is a bit of a "no duh"

Sure. All presidents get tested. All of them.

But I can't remember a time when so many people came out before the guy had even been elected, let alone took office, and reminded everyone of this.

The VP elect himself. CFR. Bildebergers. etc ...

It just seems like a lot of people are either making excuses for the guy before things happen OR they are hinting about something they know is coming (that is planned) and they just can't keep their mouths shut.

Tested? Sure. They all are.

But this many warnings from this many people so high up and/or involved? I dont' think it's happened before like this. I could be wrong - but I dont' remember it.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:37 AM
If TPB or other does in fact make good on these threats, I think he should push the red button. Nuke them all.
After that, I doubt there will be any more threats.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

That's one way to put it. Of course, the entire earth would be destroyed, including you and then you couldn't post on this forum. And then, wouldn't the terrorsits have won?


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Yes presidents have been tested before,but not like this,fore warnings of doom?,make me think this election was rigged and all this scenario was planned well in advance

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:59 AM
I will have to say that the warning could become in part a reality.

People needs to understand that Obama as a new president will uncover a lot of dirty rags from the present administration closet, dirt that he will either keep hidden from the masses or to avoid been tagged to a bad presidency will reveal to the public.

I don't know if that will be a good idea.

But with the state of our nations affair economically, you don't need any body's prediction to see that we are heading for a hard times in this nation.

I Rather learn the truth than stay in the darkness.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:03 PM
Most of Obama cabinet is Bilderberg-CFR-Trilateral Comission and they've all been ``warning`` that their puppet Osama will strike, probably with nukes or biological weapons in a few cities.

Those cities: Phoenix, Chicago, New York, Washington, Houston, Portland, San Francisco...

One or many of them...

Or it will be an international crisis, like another attack against Russia by proxy, North Korea doing stupid things, economic collapse, Iran being attacked by Israel...

A lot of scenarios possible in the first 100 days of Obama the messiah.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I predict January 21th.

US Embassy somewhere.

The persons or group responsible will be identified real quickly.

The noise over this just seems to be getting louder and louder.

Do we have any more of them there missiles for those $10 dollars tents?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
It just seems like a lot of people are either making excuses for the guy before things happen OR they are hinting about something they know is coming (that is planned) and they just can't keep their mouths shut.

Tested? Sure. They all are.

But this many warnings from this many people so high up and/or involved? I dont' think it's happened before like this. I could be wrong - but I dont' remember it.

thats true, but at the same time i don't remember any other american presidents being touted as messiahs. it's a difficult one to call but it's worth remembering that these people rarely say anything in public that hasn't been assessed, considered, reassessed and tailored to issue a preferred result.

i wonder if this is designed to distract us from something else that is going on.

[edit on 10/11/08 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by jam321

No, they like dates like 3, 7, 9 and 11 for some reason. 9/11, London Bombings, Madrid Bombings etc.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:31 PM
It appears that they're setting this up so that we won't be surprised and so that we will know there was nothing the new president could have done to prevent it. In other words, this won't be blamed on him or suspected as an inside job like 911 has been.

All I know is that something probably is planned and it will cause the people to beg for help -- we will lose even more freedoms than the Patriot Act and FISA bill have already taken from us.

Something similar, or indeed the same event, would have happened if McCain had won. So, the only difference between this 'test' and other tests of previous presidents is that we have been forewarned.

My loins are girded.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:31 PM
Oh, brother. That's the worst warning yet.

So now we have Biden, Powell, McConnell, Brzezinski, and Albright; as well as Australia's Gareth Evans and Israeli sources with the general nuclear warnings. Don't forget the UK's Lord West's terrorism warning for them. That makes 8. We have "international crisis", "biological attack", coups, genocides, and terrorism. Which is it? Maybe all? Apparently it's gonna be worse than 9/11. World War III plus a heaping helping of civil unrest in the U.S., with maybe an assassination (or attempt) and coup thrown in for good measure? No food on the shelves, until they jump in with centralized new currencies? Plus it will all be in rapid succession and/or some at the same time, no doubt. They make it sound like they are preparing us for the nastiest planetary casserole of events I think we will ever have seen so far. They really want us to beg for "help", don't they? I mean, none of us want to end up in those plastic coffins they have stockpiled in Georgia that are supposedly for veterans. Ok.

And it's hard for me to decide if the warnings are real or simply distractions. I think the warnings are real *and* distractions from the premeditated nature of the response that they will present to us. Or is it "vaccines" or "medicine" for fake biological attacks? Or will it be real biological attacks? I'm guessing real bio attack; the other theory sounds so far-fetched it's still hard for me to believe. Either way, it's clear they expect lots of deaths.

One of the things that scares me the most is that I heard a rumor that leadership in military in the U.S. has been quickly changing hands recently. Does anyone have confirmation of that? And, if it's true, just who are these new bosses? Where will they have come from? This may be a counter-argument to all the people that claim the American people won't tolerate military ugliness from our own. Well, maybe they are not our own. In possibly more ways than one.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:48 PM
I think Obama is gonna test the world... Not the world testing Obama.

You have to be crazy to want to become president of the US, so he doesn't give a **** what he has to deal with... He came to Change world weather we like it or not.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:59 PM
When those guys say something as serious as that, its a good idea to listen.

Too many people with inside info have given this warning for it to fall on deaf ears.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Dermo
Too many people with inside info have given this warning for it to fall on deaf ears.

That's what I'm thinking. All these people in high profile - high knowledge - positions and they are all spouting. I'm wondering what has been set up .... or what is coming down that they know about and can't stop.

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
I think Obama is gonna test the world... Not the world testing Obama. He came to Change world weather we like it or not.

Ahhhh .. unicorns and stardust and rainbows.
Thanks for the nice break from reality.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 12:15 AM
Curious to see if the next Bildeberger convention will be June 4-7 2009 in Europe possibly UK or France

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