posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:41 AM
Story Here
Gov. Palin was boo'd at the Flyers opening game when she dropped the puck.
Biden was boo'd at the Eagles game the other night when his mug was flashed on the big screen. (He was sitting in a private box)
Philadelphia fans boo everyone.
Even Santa Claus when he shows up for games.
We are kinda mean that way.
The conspiracy part of this story is .... AP had the information about Biden being boo'd at the game. And then they scrubbed it. Now the story
can't be found in the news. People watching the game on TV, and people who attended the game, confirm that Biden was boo'd. But AP scrubbed the
negative aspect of the democratic VP-Elect that was in their story.
Michelle Malkin captured the original AP story at her site.
Therefore I have it posted as 'story here' at the top of the page.
Kinda surprising, but at the same time it isn't.
I thought the AP was above the agenda progaganda.
Apparently not.
The AP new motto should be = 'we report only what we want you to know'
They made sure everyone knew about Gov Palin being boo'd at the Flyers game. But they scrubbed the info about Biden being boo'd (and yes, he
definately WAS boo'd)