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Missing Person!!!!!

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 09:17 PM
They are searching/were searching the WRONG damn area...sorry If I'm coming across pushy with all these edits but I REALLY think I need to trust what I've "seen".

It is unfortunate that the search for Caylee is over; however without any new leads or information there is little more that can be done. Everyone here is sad to be leaving – may hugs and tears have been exchanged – but in the end we all know that they put their best foot forward. Perhaps in the future something new will come of this case. In the mean time, Caylee will remain on our thoughts and in our hearts.

Ocseola State Park... Anyone living near the State Park want to go on a goose chase? ( to look around for certain things)

I have done a remote viewing of a missing person and would REALLY be grateful if someone could drive one of the Park roads and see if they can find some of the landmarks I have drawn.

This person really needs to be FOUND!

If you don't believe that RV is possible skip this thread it's an important thing I'm asking someone to do.

If you are game, and willing to take this extremely seriously even though it may not pan out then let me know. You don't have to believe in RVing, but you do have to believe WHY you'd do it...goal is to possibly help. Plain and simple.

You wouldn't be going out to do this for any other reason than to help the family of the loved one who's missing. I feel it so strongly I REALLY want someone to check a certain area... Yes I have sent my weird little ideas to the Authorities however I don't know if you realize HOW many weird little ideas people send them during the course of a day...they can't follow up all leads.

If you do live in Jacksonville/Carter area there are also some landmarks...that may stand out and also a hand drawn picture of a man you might even know? (Small world theory)

This really costs only time...and maybe a bit of Gas but if you're planning to head out to the State Forest anyway....make it a picnic at the same time

Oh and if you have a digital camera to take a few snapshots of this roadway that would be AWESOME!

There are Ghosthunters, Alien Hunters etc etc...think of this as RV Hunters

Please let me know - I'm not at all worried about being wrong...I am more worried about being right and that area NOT being checked based solely on the "method" that it is presented.

Not a debate whether RV exists or whether I am psychic or whatever...just looking for someone to help

Edited to add: I WOULD gladly do this myself but I am in Vancouver BC, don't drive anymore and have no passport
[edit on 11/9/2008 by justgeneric] To change title... and again I don't know why?

[edit on 11/9/2008 by justgeneric]

[edit on 11/9/2008 by justgeneric]

[edit on 11/10/2008 by justgeneric]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:45 PM
I get the feeling that this is either viewed as: suspicious (no I'm not going to jump out from anywhere - I'm in Canada for goodness sake)

or: people don't want to get involved?
or: think it's stupid/waste of time"
or: nobody on ATS lives near there?

It's for a little girl who's missing, I have the road name I think, landmarks that should be easy to find and either confirmed or dispelled, no you don't have to go digging around in the underbrush, a few pictures and a bit of your time is all.

Heck if you seriously want to help and look into this more, U2 me and I'll give you my home number to prove I'm on the up and up. I will provide all the information including pictures (scans of pictures) I have drawn.

This is also a bump.

Maybe it is a stupid idea ? if I was there I'd do it myself.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:42 AM
This is the park you refer to?

I'm in Ohio, sorry, not close enough or I would be on my way.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Have you contacted police? Police here use "psychics" all the time.

Seriously, if you think you might have a lead PLEASE contact them!!

You can call and you can email (might be best to do this also, because you can provide attachments of what you are seeing)

[edit on 11/10/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:01 AM
I sent two letters to the just to the office general mail and the second address to Sheriff Beary.

They seem to have a method I dunno...just because I sent in a suggestion for a search area doesn't mean they have to follow it.

They based all of the previous searches on "practical" data.

Casey Anthony s not a practical person by any stretch. She is elaborate and I am 100% certain she had a whole big lie planned up to cover her tracks..and she got caught by her mother before she could do it.

about 40 minutes to a half an hour outside of carter/Jacksonville in the State Park.

I won't put the info here in detail, it would be BAD!! if anyone did find it based on my target descriptions and landmarks and messed up a crime scene. It needs to be agreed upon before anyone heads out there. that's why I ask them to contact me and we can go over the leads and what to do etc etc.

It needs to be done properly and carefully. I just need to confirm that I'm in the right area and that these landmarks DO exist...the police can take it from there if I can get proof that the area is as I have seen it.

See my point?

I don't blame them for not following all "psychic" 300 pages released to the press already since the beginning of the case.

If this area is as I see it then there IS a body in the woods there.

I dunno if I call and give my name and number do you think they'd take it more seriously? I have nothing to gain...but I am not so sure I want to give out personal info to the authorities. A bit fearful of that to be honest - only because I feel very strongly that I am in the RIGHT area...

I did sketch a few more drawing and a bit more detail but the area hasn't changed at all...I have recently had only a few RV sessions that have done that and it makes me take NOTICE.

I won't go into too much detail on the effects this has had on me...I'm not sure if it's active imagination what it's always on my mind and I have seen other things... great detail that even with an overactive imagination I'd be hard pressed to allow my mind to comes from somewhere.

I guess I'll mail a third letter. maybe I'll enclose my Number...but see the press is getting copies of all the tips called or mailed in...

Maybe just my email addy?

[edit on 11/10/2008 by justgeneric]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by justgeneric

I dunno if I call and give my name and number do you think they'd take it more seriously?

If you truely believe what you want to tell them.........then yes, I thnk that might help.

I agree, that they probably receive such an overwhelming amount of "leads". At least you tried. Im not sure what else you can do.

I hope and pray she is found. I have been following this story from day 1. Makes me sad

Good luck. Please update this thread when you can!

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Well I sent an email with and included all of my contact information.

All I can do is wait and see.

It's weird. The believer in me says "there is something valid in there, because some of it just couldn't be "imagined"...(and other reasons)

The skeptic in me is SCREAMING "what an idiot! You need to have your head examined again for believing such BS.

it's a really bizarre thing...mostly because the confirmations I have for the RV and what not haven't really been outside a very trusted group of friends. Reality tells me that people aren't always honest... a few "fun and games" on ATS last year.... then again I've never really been able to put it to task and have it compared with real data...investigative data.

This is one of the first times I have ever ventured out and put my "data" forward to be "useful" and it feels very risky. It's not a "game" on this one because there are real people spending real money, time and effort to find this little one...

Ah least I did what I thought was right and REALLY hope it helps.

I'll update if I hear back from them at all.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:57 AM
I would have done it myself - but I'm nowhere near the area you need me to be. Please update this w/ results if anything comes from it.

I'm sure this will end up on MSM if she was found.

ATS will be all over the world wide media if you caused this work - lol.

That would be crazy to go to work in a few days and check the net to see - Tip from conspiracy website leads to discovery of ..... lol

Good luck to you. and PLEASE update when you get word back.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:59 AM
I'm in Southern California so I can't do anything myself but I do have a couple of friends who are in the area. One of them is very adventurous and what you are asking is something that is right up her alley so I am optimistic that if I can reach her she will help out.

I have been following this case and it has really been an emotional one to watch. As the mother of four daughters (10, 9, 7 and 7) it is impossible to understand how Casey can allow this case to continue as it has. It is heartbreaking and almost beyond belief.

I hope some ATS'ers are in the area and can hop on this immediately but in the meantime I wanted to let you know that I'm doing what I can to reach someone that I think can do what you are asking.

Bless you for your desire to find Caylee.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:30 PM
Have you thought of contacting a news station or a local paper in the area? Maybe a reporter looking for that *Break* will be willing to take this on,

I really wish the best of luck and hope that your feelings on this come to the finding of this little one,

Oddly i got a strange feeling from reading this thread, I have the feeling you may be on to something, That or im just over feeling due to the case,

Good luck,

[edit on 11-11-2008 by asala]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Well I sent the email to the guy who runs EquuSearch.

Not sure if he'll get it before he leaves Florida, but he may have searchers in the area that can check it out. AND above all if the landmarks do in fact exist in that area then they will know how to respond and search for more.

If the area is right then anyone in that area would have to know what NOT to do.

RV isn't perfect either and some shapes that I have given "form" may not be exact... the mind is a funny thing and it really searches for something it can label and name...something familiar.

It would be awesome if someone could go out...and thank you all for the responses

Asala: MEDIA????? LOL oh my BF would love that...he has no idea that I have done this or that I do this...I'm a covert RVer
I really like my "normal' average boring life.

As for ATS...well I originally had this up in RATS. That's partly why I don't want to include any details here, the forums are search-able, and I'd hate for the area to be converged upon by those wanting to do good and perhaps causing damage to the area or evidence (if it's the right area).

I have kept close tabs on the media reports. They thought they had a good hit but it was animal bones.

They think Caylee was sighted in a mall...they're investigating that. I hope that's the case!!! That would wonderful!!!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:06 PM
You have mentioned landmarks several times - have you looked on google earth to see if what you are seeing via RV are shown on google earth?

I didn't see your post on RATS but maybe my membership expired.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Maybe get a hold of the Bounty Hunter Mr Padilla,he has a lot of interest in this,that mother must be a real sociopath,the human thing to do is tell where she dumped the body,I wish the worse for that baby killer

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:39 PM
Hi Jem,

Yeah I posted just now in RATS on it and replied to you.

If your friend would be willing to do this it would be awesome! So long as they will agree to give me feedback.

Google earth won't get close enough to detect building in the trees and thats where a lot of these structures are...

There are other landmarks but the trajectory of the satellites isn't conducive to seeing some of them ...they appear as just shadows on the ground to indicate height and a basic shape.

I tried street view (hours and hours so far) but still haven't covered even a portion of the areas around Carter Jacksonville...where I am thinking a man saw Casey in a parking lot.

I sent that picture of the man and the description of his truck to the Orange County Sheriff.

I've sent two letters (anonymously) (not so much anymore I guess) to the Sheriff's office, and have a third drawing with a bit more detail of the area.

I emailed EquuSearch...we'll see what happens.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Oldtimer2

Casey is a pathological liar. They will go to EXTREME lengths to conceal truth. They cannot often disseminate between what they have fabricated and what is real.

It's a hatred of reality IMO. My daughter is a pathological liar. I can see the "circles" and backpedaling and sidetracking happening. The searchers and investigators would be wise to consult some serious psychiatric or psychological pro's in how to analyze what Casey says.

As I know with my own daughter, there are often bits of truth tossed in...I think it's a subconscious attempt by the psyche to TRY to remain attached to reality in some small way. The Pathological liar still has to function in reality after all...there has to be some truths in their existence. They are not INSANE...most can function within both realms of fiction and fact.

However they do tend to get caught frequently. They simply detach from the people around them who question. My own daughter has cycled through friends like she does underwear.

They have almost a multi personality. behaving one way with one person and completely different with's a very fractionated way of life.

All points of their personality are there but not in whole. Their life consists of HOW the world relates to them and how people THINK of them, view them, react to them and with them...

They are Black holes...sucking everything in. Emotions, attentions, fears, worries, praise....everything. They crave it. No single day can go by without drama or amazing occurrences.

Life is mundane and we travel through it most days with absolutely NOTHING unusual or amazing happening. The pathological liar cannot handle that...they cannot handle NOT being the centre of attention.

Casey will remain in the spot light so long as Caylee remains missing. That's it in very simple terms.

As a mother of a pathological liar I can tell you it's frustrating and scary seeing your child incapable of being whole.

Casey is a victim in a way but of herself. Because she is not insane she's going to be a tough one to help psychologically. Psychologists have a hard time correcting this behavior. Psychiatric medicine doesn't do much at all in treating them's a SELF LEARNED process...usually starts in pre pubescence.

Even sitting my kid down and pointing out the path(s) of her lies is completely moot...she listens and seems to understand, even responds...but the whole while you can just see on her face that it's just not being COMPREHENDED. She rejects it...completely.

It's draining and tiring and scary and very sad. I adore my's painful to watch.

Cindy I'm sure has experienced all of what I have and then some! It would kill me to know my daughter would even be capable of harming a child, especially her own. She's in denial mode...that won't last long.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:09 PM
I so wanted to be able to help you in your help of the Anthony family but I have struck out. My friend that I thought would be so perfect in aiding you with your search is currently in New Orleans until mid December. If she returns to Florida for a weekend she will get in touch with me but she isn't anticipating that happening.

I'm glad you have sent letters to the various authorities and I'm remaining optimistic that someone on ATS is in the area and will volunteer to help you.

I can't explain it but I am overcome with faith/trust in you and what you are seeing and that is highly unusual for me.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Any new information? Have you heard back from anyone that you have contacted with information? I think you said you emailed the search team but weren't sure if they would receive it before leaving the area. Did you get an email from them at least acknowledging that they received the info you sent?

Surely there has to be someone from ATS in that area ... anyone?


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Just wanted to let you know that on Fox News right now, they are live at a scene with divers in a river at a park (not sure which one) and they found a bag with tiny bones of fingers and toes (they believe) and toys attached to bricks.

Obviously no idea if this belongs to Caylee. But I thought you would want to know. I dont know if the park is the one you invisioned.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Thanks GEL!!

I checked it out...grim discovery and if it is Caylee then I hope it gives them enough evidence to make sure Casey stays in jail a longggggg time. hopefully they investigate the Grandmother too.

The area isn't even remotely what I saw really as far as can tell...

Drainage ditch not a river
Not sure if it's off a long straight heavily treed area or not...about to go to google maps (again) and take a closer look at he areas around there.

never saw any toys and didn't see it as a plastic bag on it's own.

DNA will tell for sure.

No pictures yet of the exact area the bags were I have nothing to compare to what I have drawn.

If it has to be Caylee then at least the ordeal is over and she can be laid to rest properly.

Thanks for the heads up...I'll be watching for more news!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:35 PM
Here is a link to the story that was on Fox news:


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