posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I first heard of haarp at its conceptual inception more than 20 years ago.
99.999999% of what you will read about haarp is utter rubbish and BS.
Haarp cannot cause earthquakes or destroy the WTC or cause bridges in minnesota to collapse.
The original intent of haarp was to find a way to "lens" military radio communications. By focusing a beam a radio waves at a spot in the high
atmosphere the reflectivity patterns of radio waves can be altered.
From what i have read in the past, from reput5able sources like science journals, researchers have been able to extend the range of radio
communications far beyond that of their typical broadcast ranges.
It can also be used to keep an enemy from recieving communication by causing the radio waves to reflect in such a way as to not be recievable.
It has also been rumored that the original concept was for tactical battlefield weather modification.
I might have been used in GW2 when a nfreak sand/wind storm blew up and covered the coalitions advance around iraqi defenses.