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MonsterQuest : Sasquatch Attack? November 12

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I feel as though I've already seen this story somewhere else. Is this a rerun?
Isn't this the story of some hunters that were attacked by an unknown thing. It through huge boulders at their campfire!

I included the episode teasers because in the 1st hour of the 2 hour episode description they tease you with DNA evidence, The test results will surprise you. , then in the second hour description they tell you it is non-human primate !

MonsterQuest : Sasquatch Attack? Airs on Wednesday November 12 08:00 PM

Does Canada have its own Bigfoot? Owners of a fly-in fishing cabin report attacks by an unknown creature. Can DNA tests on blood and tissue from the alleged beast reveal its true identity? The test results will surprise you.

One-part history, one-part science and one part monster, discover the truth behind these beasts and take a scientific look at legendary creatures around the world. The best evidence available will be examined, from pictures and video, to hair and bones. Scientists will be brought in to tell viewers what the evidence reveals. Ultimately the evidence will reveal the truth....or in some cases continue the mystery.

MonsterQuest : Sasquatch Attack II Airs on Wednesday November 12 09:00 PM Something has been attacking a remote cabin in Northern Ontario, Canada--it may have left behind a blood trail. DNA analysis suggests that the creature is a non-human primate. A follow up test will confirm or deny this, and the results could change history. Meanwhile, a new expedition, outfitted with the most advanced surveillance and detection equipment, will set up camp at the cabin and wait for the creature's imminent return. Scientists will be brought in to tell viewers what the evidence reveals.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by venividivici
I feel as though I've already seen this story somewhere else. Is this a rerun?
Isn't this the story of some hunters that were attacked by an unknown thing. It through huge boulders at their campfire!

I included the episode teasers because in the 1st hour of the 2 hour episode description they tease you with DNA evidence, The test results will surprise you. , then in the second hour description they tell you it is non-human primate !

Sasquatch Attack II is the season finale where they are going to reveal Dr. Nelson's DNA conclusions that where from the Snelgrove Lake cabin. It was from season one. It premieres this Wednesday.

For Dr. Nelson's questionable credentials watch this:

at t=1:21

and yes, MQ documented a miracle when BF through rocks at the cabin just 8 hrs before the MQ team was scheduled to leave the lake.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:56 AM
i would be more interested in the evidence of the " huge boulders " it allegedly threw .

mainly because it would take me a lot of work / research to objectivly analyse the DNA evidence - without making major assumptions based on the credentials / veracity of those presenting the evidence

however the mechanics of balistic trajectories and the energy require to move a given mass a givven distance , i fully understand

so while any competant hoaxer could fool me with DNA " evidence " - you would have to be dammed shartp to convince me that a rock of a given mass was thrown a certain distance and landed at a given angle if it hadnt really happened

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
i would be more interested in the evidence of the " huge boulders " it allegedly threw .

mainly because it would take me a lot of work / research to objectivly analyse the DNA evidence - without making major assumptions based on the credentials / veracity of those presenting the evidence

however the mechanics of balistic trajectories and the energy require to move a given mass a givven distance , i fully understand

so while any competant hoaxer could fool me with DNA " evidence " - you would have to be dammed shartp to convince me that a rock of a given mass was thrown a certain distance and landed at a given angle if it hadnt really happened

The only rock I'm aware of is this one. That in itself is a 2nd miracle. The first miracle is when BF decides to appear just hours before an uneventful expedition is to conclude. Think about it. Bigfoot fires this rock at the cabin from quite a distance way and it doesn't roll off. It's like that carnival game where you through a coin at a glass dish. If the coin doesn't bounce off, you win a prize. Whoever through it wanted it to remain on the roof so it could be filmed the next morning.

So what's more plausible? The weasel cabin owner and/or MQ hired some idiot to hide in the bushes to toss it on the roof. Or did Bigfoot pull off the shot of a lifetime by putting the perfect amount of backspin on the rock so it stays on the roof.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by esoxlee]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Did anyone see the ending of the show on NOv 12th? For some odd reason History Channel on my TV went black for the last 15 mins of the show...what did the test results say?

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by venividivici

While part two was interesting, there was no new evidence and the tests of the new hair belonged to a human The older DNA that was further tested was inconclusive because the sample was deteriorated. I was hoping for more concrete evidence.

esoxlee, I don't think Monster Quest or the people at the cabin went out to throw rocks. (I also can't rule that out, but it doesn't make sense.)

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by venividivici

While part two was interesting, there was no new evidence and the tests of the new hair belonged to a human The older DNA that was further tested was inconclusive because the sample was deteriorated. I was hoping for more concrete evidence.

esoxlee, I don't think Monster Quest or the people at the cabin went out to throw rocks. (I also can't rule that out, but it doesn't make sense.)

The DNA was tested 3 times. Twice it was tested by DNA experts who didn't care one way or another what the results were. Their results came back with no primate DNA whatsoever. It was tested by a huge BF enthusiast and he found primate DNA after claiming he got rid of the UHHH, "INHIBITORY STUFF". Results he fabricated on behalf of MQ.

Do you remember the episode "Stalins Killer Apemen", where Nelson also tested the Zana DNA. He again got results that hugely benifited MQ by saying the DNA results could not prove it was human.

Now a couple of years earlier, Nat Geo did Russian Bigfoot and got a DNA expert to analyze a Zana sample and the results came back 100% human. Even Grover Krantz (may he RIP) who was a huge BF advocate examined the skull and said it was human.

So Nelson is batting 0 for2 with the scientific community. But for MQ, he's 2 for 2 by always drawing conclusions that favor the show.

Back to the rock throwing. It doesn't bother you that rocks have never been thrown at the cabin in the past. The only time it happens is just when a MQ film crew is packing up and getting ready to leave after a dissapointing expedition. This miracle ensured a second visit to the cabin by MQ and it also got Mr. Weasel the owner fully booked cabins for the next 2 years.


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