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Euro 9/11 this month

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 04:25 AM
11/9, 11/16 and 11/19

rare alignments to watch this month where 911 appears since there have been many bizarre numeric coincidences connected to 911 on that day and to that day.

but a far more interesting alignment occurs on New Years 2009



posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 04:30 AM
I think you're wrong. It's just a number game. You can twist the numbers aomost anyway you want. There've been too many threads with twisting numbers in last few months so i think most of people won't believe you.

*Just my opinion

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by baburak
I think you're wrong. It's just a number game. You can twist the numbers aomost anyway you want. There've been too many threads with twisting numbers in last few months so i think most of people won't believe you.
*Just my opinion

YES, I'm quite aware there have been way too many threads twisting numbers and that most of course, won't "believe" me... But then, I'm not saying they have to. I'm just posting this for future reference and discussion which includes intelligent discourse, of course.

However whats different in this post, hasn't been specifically discussed yet. I do see alot of random claims and numbers without consistent patterns or logical arguments and facts why what they point out is unique. In contrast, I submit that the material I've posted has in fact demonstrated a valid reason to be considered more seriously.

One such example includes the only claimed predictions of 9/11 from a seer who seems to have been the only one using a consistent numeric dating code which imo, has been eerily accurate and outside what most claim is merely twisting numbers etc or post-dicting. That might be true if the numbers and patterns being used, weren't consistent or repeated, but you can't keep claiming or making HITS using a consistent pattern if its not an INTENTIONAL masking of the truth in code.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I think terrorists doesn't care about the dates of attack. They wouldn't wait 7 or 8 years for the day to attack. It's just dates-. If they will attack they will do it a day they think is the most appropriate and that they will do the maximum damage. Dates are not important - it's just a time stamps to know position of Earth relating to the Sun.
Can i ask you why do you think they will attack in Europe? What makes you think so? I think they won't attack in this year. October was the "best" month to attack if they wanted the maximum damage considering the economy. The crash that would make could be the second (maybe even 1st) biggest in history.
this even could lead up to the WW3 like it did in 1929.

So, i'm pretty sure you're wrong. At least i hope so. They will attack one day, i'm sure of that. Let's hope they won't do it in next few years.

PS: I'm not the terrorist.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by baburak
I think terrorists doesn't care about the dates of attack. They wouldn't wait 7 or 8 years for the day to attack. It's just dates-. If they will attack they will do it a day they think is the most appropriate and that they will do the maximum damage. Dates are not important - it's just a time stamps to know position of Earth relating to the Sun.
Can i ask you why do you think they will attack in Europe?

Whether the "terrorists" (US GOVERNMENT faction) chose 9/11/01 for a reason or it was random, will never be known.

The fact remains though, there are an incredible amount of amazing numeric coincidences, synchronizations and connections surrounding that fateful day which cannot be denied. There were consistent repeated numeric sequences, associations with the number 11, the date itself and the number 911 which is now etched or ingrained in the human psyche forever connected to that day.

Who could have known that a number associated simply with an emergency phone number, could end up being tied to the most tragic and important date in history?

On one hand I might believe the date was random... on the other, there seems to be alot of evidence suggesting it wasn't as random as it appears on the surface.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by matrix911

Who knows, maybe you're right. But i still think it's not the case. As i said, you can get almost any number you want by twisting them. And i never heard any other case which is directly connected to this numbers. Can you provide them? You stated that there're a lot of others.
And you forgot to answer why do you think that they will attack europe next?

No offense if i'm trying to disprove your theory, it's just the way debates work. It's just the way to hear (read in this case) all of the views on the subject

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by matrix911
Whether the "terrorists" (US GOVERNMENT faction) chose 9/11/01 for a reason or it was random, will never be known.

It's ironic that you posted on 11/9/2008, which appears as 9/11/2008 at 9:11 A.M. Did you do that on purpose?

On topic though, the date they chose wasn't random at all. The year was also not random. The date chosen only gives more credit to the evidence that the U.S. Government is responsible. Foreign terrorists would not choose a date that is relevant to their victims, but rather a date that is relevant to them and their purpose.

As for your theory of when Europe will be attacked again, wouldn't it make more sense if the date is 9/9/09 since 999 is the emergency number in Europe? Which is doubtful in itself because it would be in the month of September. The motto of any criminal/s is not to leave loose ends and choosing the same date twice would be a big loose end. Surprise is half the accomplishment, and every 9/11 anniversary everyone is expecting something bad to happen. Like you said, it's in the human psyche forever. When we do see the next attack, whether it's another false-flag operation or a legitimate act of extremism, I would guarantee it will not be on 9/11 or anything related to 9-1-1 again.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by baburak
reply to post by matrix911

Who knows, maybe you're right. But i still think it's not the case. As i said, you can get almost any number you want by twisting them. And i never heard any other case which is directly connected to this numbers. Can you provide them? You stated that there're a lot of others.
And you forgot to answer why do you think that they will attack europe next?

No offense if i'm trying to disprove your theory, it's just the way debates work.

No offense taken... I agree... that is how debate or intelligent discourse works. If I state a claim, I am subject to having that claim scrutinized and challenged or supported by evidence on why what I'm claiming is true and not just opinion.

With that said...

A) I disagree you can get any number by twisting them. If you use random codes etc perhaps that might be true... however if someone explains a specific code and can show a consistent pattern that repeats within that code, then a specific set of numbers cannot be twisted randomly to fit a specific outcome. IOW, there's only a limited amount of possible outcomes that can occur and reasonably be shown to be correct within that set code. IE. the number 911 can only appear in a DATE on certain date conjuctures. Or in 365 days, the numbers 9 1 1 can only appear in an independent succession a limited number of times. Your logic suggests 911 can be twisted somehow to fit everyday/anyday or any date.

thats not true.

So, if a "date code" or such is given and explained that 911 and its reverse 119 can also be expressed as a DATE ie 9/11 and 11/9, then any combination in that specific succession is valid or fair game... but not all dates have the numbers 911 in them. I'm sure you'd agree 11/12 or 11/5 etc cannot be twisted logically or reasonably to show 911 in anyway without your theory being true. Nor does 911 appear at all. So your argument that implies a specific series of numbers like 911 can be twisted to fit any scenario, is fallacious.

B) As to other examples I would point to the 911 prediction I outlined in this thread
which is about someone who uses a specific numeric and reverse/mirror number code/DATE CODE throughout his writings (explained repeatedly long before events had occurred) upon which he and his supporters claim many "hits" have been made using it, including their 911 predictions. If you want further specific examples I can provide some. However in the 911 prediction as it relates to this seers fan Xinoehpoel, there were several examples within his prediction about something happening TOMORROW and WAIT 7 DAYS. "Tomorrow's" reference being 9/01/01 where removing the zeros revealed one hint/clue as to the intended date allegorically speaking. While most claim BS since nothing happened on 9/01/01 and the intention of TOMORROW could only be for SEPTEMBER 1ST, those claiming miss and bs are told/reminded again on 9/04/01 to wait 7 days for the event and to see the connection or INTENDED meaning of TOMORROW. Of course 7 days from the 4th of SEPT 2001 is 9/11 thus supporting a date code where ZERO's are omitted to express a numerical sequence or date; a code repeatedly used by sollog who Xinoehpoel gave credit to and supported. LEO HIT THE DATE TWICE, once by saying 09/01/01 (remove the zeros) and then by saying specifically 9/11/2001!

C) Why do I think Europe will be attacked? I personally have no idea whether that will happen there, in the US or anywhere for that matter.
I noticed several here were posting about 911 and reverse 119 etc so I simply responded with a reminder of someone who has claimed hits in the past explaining how the number sequences such as 911 11/9 or 113 and 103 and dates that contain those numerical sequences will connect to major tragedy and terrorism

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Niobis

Originally posted by matrix911
Whether the "terrorists" (US GOVERNMENT faction) chose 9/11/01 for a reason or it was random, will never be known.

Originally posted by Niobis
It's ironic that you posted on 11/9/2008, which appears as 9/11/2008 at 9:11 A.M. Did you do that on purpose?

ACTUALLY NO I DIDN'T! LOL... didn't catch that til you pointed it out. And I believe that even if I tried to coordinate my posting with that exact time (which I am saying i wasn't even aware of), there are posting delays, time differences etc that would make such an attempt difficult and probably unlikely. It just goes to validate yet another example of my belief that the concept of the matrix in this physical reality is real... or more specifically by design. So while most will say its coincidence, I'm not so sure if we live within an illusion or matrix construct.

But anyways.................

Originally posted by Niobis
On topic though, the date they chose wasn't random at all. The year was also not random. The date chosen only gives more credit to the evidence that the U.S. Government is responsible. Foreign terrorists would not choose a date that is relevant to their victims, but rather a date that is relevant to them and their purpose.

On one hand I do agree that the date they chose may have been intentional. But what I don't think was intentional was all the subsequent numerical connections that occurred and continue to in a sort of RIPPLE effect. I believe that the number connections outside of the date they chose, were by design in a manner of speaking and NOT random coincidences. I submit 9/11 is perhaps the most important and profound date in the history of mankind, so the unconscious ripple or synchronicities that most claim are coincidence etc, when you're able to see between the lines or consider other perspectives on reality, you begin to realize there may be alot more going on than what we perceive on the physical level.

Originally posted by Niobis
As for your theory of when Europe will be attacked again, wouldn't it make more sense if the date is 9/9/09 since 999 is the emergency number in Europe? Which is doubtful in itself because it would be in the month of September. The motto of any criminal/s is not to leave loose ends and choosing the same date twice would be a big loose end. Surprise is half the accomplishment, and every 9/11 anniversary everyone is expecting something bad to happen. Like you said, it's in the human psyche forever. When we do see the next attack, whether it's another false-flag operation or a legitimate act of extremism, I would guarantee it will not be on 9/11 or anything related to 9-1-1 again.

999 is the euro emergency number? WTF? really?? lol... didn't know that! interesting.

I will agree that its very unlikely anything will occur related to 9 1 1 as you say. If not just because it IS too expected and a loose end as you explain. However I might venture to postulate that should another 911 style attack or 911 part 2 occur, I have a feeling you may very well see bizarre "coincidental" synchronicities to that numeric sequence appear which will not have been consciously chosen. Time will tell.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by matrix911
But what I don't think was intentional was all the subsequent numerical connections that occurred and continue to in a sort of RIPPLE effect. I believe that the number connections outside of the date they chose, were by design in a manner of speaking and NOT random coincidences.

I'm interested in hearing some of these.

What numerical connections do you think are random coincidences? And what connections do you think are intentional?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:23 AM
9/11 originate from an event that took place in 1911.

The event was the result of a co-operation between transcendental and earthly intelligences.

Not many people are interested in knowing about the spiritual world, but if just one or two
could be found, they can take a look here, translated from danish to english:

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Niobis

Originally posted by matrix911
But what I don't think was intentional was all the subsequent numerical connections that occurred and continue to in a sort of RIPPLE effect. I believe that the number connections outside of the date they chose, were by design in a manner of speaking and NOT random coincidences.

I'm interested in hearing some of these.

What numerical connections do you think are random coincidences? And what connections do you think are intentional?

REALLY?? you haven't seen all the connections to number 11? I'm thinking you have to have seen these. and how about neo's passport?

the best way to answer that question is by saying what I believe were intentional... I want to say ONLY the DATE that was chosen, but the more I look at all the various connections to 9/11 and 11 as it relates to that day, the more I think there could be more... BUT NOT ALL... so perhaps about 10 percent were intentional. The 90% couldn't have been consciously intended. Makes you think though how deep this conspiracy runs and who really are the puppets and who are the puppet masters.

so you tell me... here's a few sites that discuss it:

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by matrix911

Yes, I've seen all the so-called connections to 9/11 and 11. I was just asking which ones you thought were random and which were/are not. I agree with you when you say the date was intentional, and I also must agree that some others are very ironic. However, I don't think most of the connections to the number 11 hold up well. "When you look for numbers, you will find them."

For example, this is just desperate searching for connections to 11:

The time Flight 11 crashed into the first tower was 8:48 a.m. (8 + 4 = 12 and 1 + 2 + 8 = 11).

On the other hand, these two are(in my opinion) intentional since I'm one to think there were no planes:

Flight 11 had 92 people on board, 9+2 = 11
Flight 77 had 65 people on board, 6+5 = 11

Thanks for the links.

Oh, and as for Neo's passport in The Matrix...that is VERY strange indeed! Only problem is we'll never know if that was intentional or just a unlikely coincidence.

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