posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 04:01 PM
It is sociopathic behavior to seduce someone actions or beliefs.
That is not to say it is uncommon,
Advertisers use Mountains of it trying to sell products,
Political promoters use huge amounts of it trying to manipulate people,
heck, kids use the playing off of Mom against Dad as a means of improving the odds of getting their own way.
The only kind of influence that isn't sociopathic, is that which presents an idea in a clean, purely [as possible] intellectual manner, allowing the
subject to make as rational a determination about it.
But since the presenter is a living being they can not help but have a bias, even if they don't realize it. The fact that they have spent time and
energy to present the idea, means an investement has already been made, so always be cautious.
The perfectly untainted ideas are those that come from observing the inert world around you. Those things that react but make no effort to appeal to
you by accessing you through your mind.
Sociopaths abound and often rise to the very top of society.
Politicians have to be glad handers at the very least and complete phony liars at the worst.
Sales people will often say anything, even lies, to get you to buy a product.
Party zealots will tell you only the things you want to hear that will get their candidate elected and not tell you all the things you don't want to
Many of the very richest people consider themselves super salesmen.
The art of persuasion is at the very heart of sales.
At this point in time they have isolated chemicals such as oxytocin (sp?) that creates a feeling of love in the brain,
So talking about manipulating people as some kind of dependable learned skill while ignoring underlying biology is pretty silly IMO.
The real art is gauging the suseptibility of a given subject to persuasion so as to use your time and energy most effectively.
The subject is at the heart of persuasion.
Are they consistently open to you or just when the mood is appropriate?
Are they naive enough to take what you say as gospell and will it therefore stick permanently or at least for a prolonged period? Or will they fall
away from it 20 minutes after you have convinced them?
What is the social context of the subject? Will they be challenged, treated neutrally or have your implant re-inforced by the social environment in
which they live?
A little pointer, sexually repressed males are much more open to suggestion that targets via sexual inuendo than those who are not.
The idea that people are not individually variable during different time periods and that individuals vary a great deal from one another is
Sadly enough the people most vulnerable to mind control are victims of early sexual abuse, especially if they have been made to feel worthless
consistently over time. They have such low expectations that the investment of time and energy is very minimal, and they are held at arms length by
society. So like the predator that culls the weak and the vulnerable from the herd, they are already outside the mainstream.
I don't know if any comparative studies have been done but it might be almost the same without the sexual abuse, as long as the person is made to
feel worthless at a young age and consistently and from all directions getting the same response of being worthless.
It is the absolute, disgust and contempt with which people regard sex that makes it tend to be a cinch in our modern society.
Slaves in societies where this was the norm can and tend to be psychologically sculpted and selected to suborn themselves to others. If a slave is
excessively rebelious and can not escape they are confined or killed.
What you are really looking for is an easily maleable mind. That is why many influence pedalers target children, because they are in such an unfixed
state. But adults are still quite maleable if they are under the right conditions.
The truth is we are all essentially worthless to the Universe and beyond, yet of infinite importance to ourselves individually, and sometimes of some
worth to some portion of the rest of the species. Further complications are what is the worth of a given [your] species?
You even have to be wary of ideas presented in an apparently unbiased way.
Also ideas that 'we are only doing for your own good' are another warning flag.
We [government, religion, sometimes even family] know better what is right for you than you do. Be very skeptical about proposals and make sure you
can and do ask lots of questions.
I think the only people without an agenda are the dead, and im not completely sure about that.
As fairly sophisticated mentalities in a social context we are almost inately sociopathic. That doesn't have to necessarily be bad though. We choose
which social/personal settings in which attempt to draw or not draw attention to ourselves. We craft our speech to fit the person to whom we are
speaking. We speak differently over an entire matrix of variations depending on the relationship between ourselves and our audience:
One or many people?
Who agree, disagree, don't care, don't know?
What is the combined social relationship of both them and us?
If you really wanted the technology to instantly suborn a person to you or your ideas it would be to flash disperse the solvent chemistry of the brain
and then you could probably just tell them what to do and not do.
If there are advanced aliens that is probably what they use.
Just as we tranquilize animals only what they would do would be much more effective.