Hello. I made it to page 2, but like all ATS threads this has degenerated into yet another typical, mindless and boring "skeptics vs. believers"
To the original poster, I may not have all the answers, but I'm willing to offer my perspective if you find it useful.
"video tape it to PROVE IT!"
Don't waste your time. If nothing appears on the video, it doesn't prove that nothing is happening. If something does appear on the video, the
people who don't believe you will simply come up with alternative explanations that neatly fit into their own belief system. And, even if by some
extreme magic you actually do manage to convince anyone...it will be an entirely new belief and idea for them, and they'll suddenly find themselves
in YOUR position of having to deal with something they don't understand. They won't be any position to help you. So don't waste your time. Whether
you're dealing with aliens, government agents, your own subconscious mind or something else entirely doesn't really matter. Either way, you're
dealing with something. Fighting a second front with people here on ATS won't help, and it certainly isn't going to make what you're dealing with
already any easier.
i have been abducted for some time now.. however as
of last night im consciouss as it happens....
From what I gather, this is usually when it starts becoming unpleasant. You may be in for a bumpy ride for a while.
red marks
Honestly, to me they look like spider bites. Spiders tend to walk in windy little paths and bite as they go, resulting in small lines of close marks.
Also, if you look at "alien abduction marks" in general, your pictures don't look anything like them. Yours look like bug bites.
But....whether they're spider bites or something sinister and creepy...I have to ask...do they really matter? Let's put this into context. You
believe you're being abducted by aliens, right? Isn't that a WAY BIGGER DEAL than a few red holes in your leg?
blast them with love, etc.
Yes, this is the standard newage-ish response to everything. *shrug* It's never worked for me. Personally I suspect that the whole idea is a
deliberate misinterpretation provided to mislead people. However, I have found two things that, for me,
have worked:
1) Refuse to consent. This is largely mental. Words aren't the point here. If you say "No!" but them let them take you, it's not really any
different than a girl who says no and spreads her legs. Refuse to consent, and back it up with action. The "how" is a little difficult to describe,
but think of it this way: If somebody pushes on your arm, you'll feel the push, and it's something you can push back against and resist. Similarly,
if someone pushes your mind, there is a sense of "push" that you can feel and resist. The only problem is that whether you believe these events are
brought on by extradimensinoal alien beings, or your own subconscious...either way, it's reasonable to suspect that you may be fighting an opponent
who is a lot mentally bigger and stronger than you. Consequently...you might not always win, and it may take practice. Fortunately, "losing"
doesn't usually seem to result in being completely eaten to death, so you'll probably have the opportunity to practice and get stronger at
2) There's a mantra that I pulled from a book that I've found to be somewhat useful. "Aumala." Pronounce it in four syllables, "Ahh"
(rhyming with Bach, "oo" rhyming with coup, "mah" rhyming with Todd, and "lah" rhyming with lock. Like all mantras, the more you use it the
clearer sense you'll get for it, but from what I gather...it seems to identify the self with all that is, and when you've filled yourself with that
concept, whatever is trying to hurt you or eat you tends to feel the result of its own actions against you. However, I have also found that while this
mantra can in some cases put a complete and instant halt to everything bad that is going on...is some other cases I've found it to be utterly
useless. My best guess is that if you're being attacked by a conscious being, it will be aware of what's going on, and stop as to avoid hurting
itself. But, it seems to be fairly trivial for them to change methods and use non-conscious probes to do the work by proxy. So, in my experience,
while it does stop certain types of experiences, it doesn't stop certain other types.
Essentially, "abduction" experiences behave intelligently and flexibly. If you find a solution, they tend to adapt and try something else. So
eternal vigilence may be necessary.
[edit on 9-11-2008 by LordBucket]