Things I wish to praise president Obama for.
1. Thanks for keeping yourself above the propaganda mouthpieces that have insulted every about you, from your ancestoral heritage to your family.
Thankyou for keeping a calm and cool head!
2. Thanks for sticking it up to the republicans by reminding them "who won"
3. Thanks for being open about your family life and your real values!
4. Thanks for you continued respect for your opponents despite what lies their supporters spread about you. Thankyou for continously acknowledging
McCains sacrifice for this nation despite the religous and ethnic insults made towards you from his followers.
5. Thanks for being straight up to us about the economy! Years of watered down conservative talk and cover ups of the nation has made many ATS members
here deny the reality of the situation, they dont like to hear somebody be straight up to them, its great you did nevertheless.
6. Thanks for making all efforts of a bi-partisan government over the economic matter, even when many conservatives prefer to put their own partisan
goals ahead of this great nation, conservatives like Limbaugh.
7. Thankyou for being a good player and making Hillary secretary of state, even though you didnt need her and her intentions of running in 2012.
8. Thankyou for give all americans their rights to choice again, thankyou for restoring the constitution through establishing abortion rights and stem
cell research. The relgious nuts can decide for themselves what they wish to support, not what everybody else should.
9. Thankyou for having vision and actually thinking about solutions for america instead of dividing her up with the "his a commie fascist" talk.
Thankyou for recognizing the divirsity of America.
10. Lastly, thankyou, despite the odds against you, despite the unfortunate cultural discrimmination, despite the washington old guards and their
connections, for sticking it out and becoming our first african american president!
Thankyou Obama! And if you want any further praise from me, I suggest you bring this nation back to what it once was. Im giving you a term in office
president Obama.