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Machine that sends video and images directly to your mind.

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posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:48 PM
So to be a teacher on the subject but not really. Basically the technology to send video directly to your mind exists. The technology is secret. I would like to get people excited and talking about it but I communicate poorly and also I don't have much. I only have experience. I'm making a stand and saying it exists right now.

This thread is about being able to view video footage and chat screens in your head through a machine and having your mind read. Anything that currently you can view on a tv, computer screen etc could be projected to you i imagine. This thread is about naked chicks (cause sex sells to get the truth out). ().

Imagine what this will mean for everything. Todays technology Ipod with 3" screen lol or laptop, I say no, no more 3" screen. Tech will have to be minaturised first though. I make a stand. The technology to send video to your mind exists.

I'm sorry my stand is this technology it exists right now and has for some time in various forms. Please tell me it doesn't.

Thank You


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 09:46 PM
I don't know about video/images but the audio...seems like they've done that 30+ years ago.

Here are some of the "audio" patents for those interested to look them up (go to There must be video related ones as well, I just personally did not run into any during my quests:

Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves - US 3,951,134 (1976)
Hearing Device - US 4,858,612 (1989)
Hearing System - US 4,877,027 (1989)
Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or Use of Brain Activity - US 6,011,991 (2000)
Apparatus and Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound as Carrier - US 6,052,336 (2000)
Method and System for Generating Sensory Data onto Human Neural Cortex - US 6,536,440 (2003)
Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect - US 6,587,729 (2003) ... USAF

And my two all time favourites, from Pete Flanagan:

Nervous System Excitation Device - US 3,393,279 (1968)
Method and System for Simplifying Speech Waveforms - US 3,647,970 (1972)

By the way, I believe he (Flanagan) has a few that are still classified by the Military, *chuckle*.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 05:49 PM
It's coming up over a year ago that I had a chat screen open up in my mind followed the next day by a naked chick (she said it didnt mean anything bout 3 months later). Im keeping this thread going because the technology to send pictures/video to your mind is real.

There seems to be no interest. You would think that something this big and world changing would attract a little more attention easily. But it comes down to me only having testimony about it I guess.

I mean this is amazing and real and yet nothing. There are voice to skull patents above this post and they were also using this technology but the important part is the ability to send video directly to your mind. This thread is also about having your mind read.

Video, images can now be sent directly to your mind. Please reply.

[edit on 24-1-2009 by leeda]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:07 PM
Well, we know this technology will have some immediate usage.

Imagine pop-up ads in your sleep...

Kinda like that episode of futurama...

I'm not sure if I want this tech.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:39 PM
I had the words "I Hate Arrogance" Appear in Text to me in my mind while walking in Wellington oneday about 1-2 months b4 September 11th 2001 to give a possible timeframe of existence of technology perhaps not as advanced.

It's kind of annoying that I just have to sit back and watch while no-one knows and I have very little to say.


[edit on 24-1-2009 by leeda]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:56 PM
This tech is real and being used. The so-called floaters that people see in their eyes are nanites. If you have them then you can send and receive visual data with the super computer that controls all that. Visual data is rarely sent because that can mess up a person's psychological state. Only a few people here and there, that can adequately handle the experience without fear, will get the ping. The super computer is just reaching out to say HI.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Infinite Paradox
This tech is real and being used. The so-called floaters that people see in their eyes are nanites. If you have them then you can send and receive visual data with the super computer that controls all that. Visual data is rarely sent because that can mess up a person's psychological state. Only a few people here and there, that can adequately handle the experience without fear, will get the ping. The super computer is just reaching out to say HI.

...and proof of that can be found, where?

I'd love to see a photo of one of those nanites, after all picture is worth a thousand words. Matter a fact, I have a floater in my left eye. You tell me how to image it and I'll post a photo of your alleged nanite in here for all to see. I'll eat my words and you'll stand proven...

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by amigo
...and proof of that can be found, where?

I'd love to see a photo of one of those nanites, after all picture is worth a thousand words. Matter a fact, I have a floater in my left eye. You tell me how to image it and I'll post a photo of your alleged nanite in here for all to see. I'll eat my words and you'll stand proven...

Proof?! You can't handle the Proof!

Let's see, they are probably no bigger than 30 atoms in any dimension (l,w,h). So you'll need a microscope that can see that small and then a camera that works with that microscope. Then you would need to stick your eyeball under it. Let us know how that works out for you.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Infinite Paradox
Proof?! You can't handle the Proof!

Let's see, they are probably no bigger than 30 atoms in any dimension (l,w,h). So you'll need a microscope that can see that small and then a camera that works with that microscope. Then you would need to stick your eyeball under it. Let us know how that works out for you.

LOL, and the proof is always across the other mountain, on the other side of the gorge, behind the rainbow, etc...

That must be some nanite machine when it's 30 atoms in diameter.

By the way, no optical microscope will resolve a nanometer size. It is beyond the light and I am *not* X-raying my head just to prove you wrong, even if I could stick my eyeball into an electron microscope.

[edit on 26-1-2009 by amigo]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by amigo

Well now you're just making it sound like everything else on ATS. Oh, er uh moving on.

I don't actually know how big these things are. Thirty atoms is just a guess. They are small enough to move through the fluid in the body without causing damage.

It does sound mildly difficult to actually get a hold of a photograph of one. Maybe you could send your eyeball to a lab.

Disclaimer: The author, this site, its owners and affiliates do not recommend or condone the sending of eyeballs to labs. Such actions are taken at your own risk. By reading this post you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the author, this site, its owners and affiliates from all loss, liability, damages and expenses incurred should you decide to send your eyeball to a lab. This post is for entertainment purposes only.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by leeda

Its highly unlikely but it could be a phenomenon known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) which was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia ( US Patent Number 5,159,703).

The patent abstract reads:

"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:18 AM
My Post'

which is along the same line of thought

As for transmitting to you.
If possible, the black projectsnerds have really taken Psi-tech and Psi-ability seriously for longer than we could guess.
Whilst we were all laughing at Uri Geller bending spoons & stopping clocks, there were people working away at the real Psi stuff (what happened to Uri anyway?)

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 05:54 PM
They are still around. Last picture I got was yesterday. Was a female holding this large sattelite dish and kitted out in other gears. They are proberly reading this thread so ask questions not that they have ever answered any of my questions.

The tech has existed for a long time. Do u think it's dangerous to the public for this tech to remain secret or is national security an issue and it's better if it remains secret. I could send you some text or a picture and depending on your belief system u could believe it was from god, angels etc, or u could believe it was from your own mind. Not many people would know that it was some tech that sent it.

When I first got visited almost a year ago one of the people said she was writing a book. (About me). So maybe a book soon but i really doubt it think i've abused them to much.

I actually abuse them lots if they listen to what I say so I wont get much out of them and wont get treated nicely not that they have ever treated me very good. But like they wont give me money which is what I actually want.

They are still here.

The tech is secret. It exists. Right now. Today. Has for long time.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by leeda]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:48 PM
I'm pretty sure this time I had a conversation with an A.I. So not only is this machine able to read your mind send u pictures but it's also hooked up to and artificially intelligent machine.

With me the machine was like reading my mind and sending pictures back of what i was thinking and I was able to control a little what the pictures were doing in real time.

Yeah anyway Artificial Intelligence.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:15 PM
ATS, it's like tell a true story of some technology, and no action happens. It's ATS not me. The internet as a whole. The technology I present is so interesting enough to carry itself. The existence of it to ignite something huge.

The technology to send full motion video text images sound directly to your mind exists. Enough said. Some people don't believe it exists, the ability to read your mind, see what your seeing, communicate.

I'm just complaining about the lack of action here right on ATS. Nothing Happens. The technology is top secret. This is above top secret or not.

Here is some real technology. You know real. Not imaginary.

Again, here is some real technology.

Some texts ive gotten recently direct to my mind, I have have a high pitched wining sound present which often includes pictures texts:


We Like Torturing You

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 01:52 AM
How is it going, There are people who exist who call this mental illness. You are wrong. Please attack me with all your passion. Doctors. Psychologists.

In fact you are attacking. You lock me away in hospital at the mere hint of seeing text messages in your mind. You are living in the dark ages. You have expired. You label me with diseases. But the sickness is in you.

Your primitive diagnostic methods let you down. Your inability to think and comprehend reality. The framework you educated yourselves with doesn't allow you to see the truth. You in fact are the ones who have lost touch with reality. Sure you have invented cures. But you are merely stumbling around in the dark. When you are doing something wrong I'm trying to let you know. But you won't listen. You are deaf. You are blind.

When you tell me I don't suffer I must disagree.

Darcy Lee

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 02:26 AM
My brother has schizophrenia and you sound so much like him I'd seriously question that you might be him if it weren't for your obvious UK references.

I know what you're talking about, people know you suffer, lots of us here believe what you're saying in some capacity, the thing is, we can't do anything about it man. You're acting like no one cares, well we do, but we quite literally can't do anything about it.

You should try to keep moving forward with your life, and if they won't let you, get on some meds that might quell some of the interference. That's what I'd do. I believe we have souls and we live on and that each physical life is never the last, just try to do the best as you can with this one.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 09:38 AM
I'm much more interested in talking about technology. Meds have nothing to do with it. Your missing my stand. Technology. There is a machine that can send full motion video images and text directly to your mind brain head eyesight.

You mention meds. What do meds possibly have to do with a machine. Your wrong. Na na. You won't listen. You haven't listened already.

Meds have nothing to do with this technology.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by HuntaXX

What would they transmit into the minds of those of us who revere no gods? How would they know, or would it just be a trigger that activates the "god-center" in the brain and lie completely outside of their control?

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:32 AM
as a student of the mysterious forces of the universe and top dog of squat here at the Church of Later Dude Saints, i'll meander about my probes into cyberia and what i think i may know, or where i'm currently at in advanced dot connecting.
sources i start with: raw news, rt news, global, armageddon
beyond the curtain, i think gerald celente is very on target, i keep tabs on
james knustlers blog, and matt simmons-opps but he's dead..i am around arizona so i was reading William Cooper's- behold a pale horse- but he was murdered by the sheriffs dept in eager az. I think Jesse Ventura is following the right stories..
which leads me to Haarp, and the book angels dont play this haarp.
once you get on that caper and back it up to tesla, you're in sinisterland.
spin it as far as the matrix movies..are we indeed in a matrix?
or headed into one? certainly as alex jones warns ,there is a battle going on for
your mind.. there are diabolical experiments conducted and we know what they
have been aiming to do.there is a grand psy-op going on, or so i believe. i spent
20 years as a caregiver to the seriously mentally ill.. i have some background.
and i know # from shinola as well.
where i poke nowdays..DARPA. nano-911, morgelleons disease. Smart Dust.
tanker enemy. the mrtt 336 tanker deal. Mapper.nndb shows the connects clearly.
corexit-nalco being sprayed allover the planet,
microsoft/david rockefeller/monsanto
the war on humanity is in full swing-
you may want to join the,
but they banned me in short order-no sense of humor-
they basically fondle their guns and want to shoot brown people.
maybe thats the images being beamed in our heads..
Which is why i developed a tin/kelvar composite helmet-
and my groove remains a trench.

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