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new new new Download. I'm losing my mind.

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:58 PM
you think nuthin is love no.
Opulence is free, seek to see a fly before me tells a story of me indeed.

Listen to the furtive remarks. Only they buy stuff and greed. no heed. no need to lie. Speak what you seek and be free with me. Believe . 13 is a B.
True is now. Time is not. of me, i'm being used but I am free? See that true key.

Never use others for have it be of their own will.

The egg does and it doesn't break. We break 3 to 4 types of genes. though you can only see two. Though one can only see two.
What better time to act thean when the tree has fallen.

-ok. that was the end of it - this was the beginning:

E - 7 axioms

Seek not the harm of others.
Live amongst trees. Believe in your Dreams to be free.
Clean your feet to fight with Greed. Do not create Mystique. Meet and be friends with others. Love is not a desperate need.

Speak these signs and they will start to see.

717 747 117 Believe.
We three in deed. be. DrinkTea

Nosey = Nosee.

-well this has been a singular experience I must say... love
What do you make of "Clean your feet to fight with Greed."????????? WTF?

[edit on 11/7/2008 by verbal kint]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:01 PM
I can levitate bears, but nobody cares.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by DarkRitual13

Why focus on your wiener when you have cheese puffs. I love cheese puffs. and dogs too. That's a valuable photo in my book.

and yeah, what's with all the "EEEEE"'s ???

[edit on 11/7/2008 by verbal kint]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:26 PM
What, I'm confused, somebody tell me I'm not reading this correctly, please

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