posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Ive just woken up its hard to describe whats just happened.
The last couple of weeks my sleeping patterns have been diabolical, ive found myself sleeping during afternoons, wide awake at nights, my body losing
track of time where i am etc.
About 9pm my time, i had this overwhelming urge to fall asleep, i wasnt tired at all.
I opened my eyes and i was in a very dark room, i heard a voice in my head speaking to me, i cant even remember if it was male or female, it was
telling me `just relax youll be okay` and `the room will be occupied by 5 beings very soon`.
I didnt feel tired, i looked around, the room was medium sized but the ceiling very high, there was black circular object maybe the bottom of a dome,
in the middle of the ceiling.
Now this is the weird part, the person who entered had the form of a humanoid woman, an every day looking woman too, i didnt see five other beings, so
im pretty sure as this was my first conscious contact i may not have been able to handle it, or maybe they were in the room but i didnt see them.
The `woman` took something which i could only describe as a long rod and she was doing scraping motions on my mouth teeth hands chest.... it felt like
it shud hurt but it didnt.
I asked the woman `does this happen to a lot of people`
The reply was `yes but they are made to forget it all`.
Then, she used what i would say was a mini vaccum device and she was using it on my face and near my eye,,,,,,,,,, i have no idea what was happening
and it should have hurt like hell.
A lot of this is a blur as im sure you can understand.
The final thing i can remember is the scary part... i remember being shown a gate it was a see through gate with railing... and i was told `the other
side is getting closer than you think`. She showed me a holographic screen like image of obama next to mccain and said `its all the same no matter
what, you need to wake up`
Next thing i know i woke up, i have shivers down my spine as im writing this, i really want to know is there anything that can be done to regress
memory as what i remember i remember very clearly but a lot is a blur.
Anybody who feels they have been abducted or has had similar experiences please please let me know
ps ive just looked at my legs and i have several cuts on them
[edit on 7-11-2008 by weneedtoknow]