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Israeli navy spray chemical substance at Gazan fishermen

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:18 PM

Israeli navy spray chemical substance at Gazan fishermen

The Israeli navy continuously attacked Palestinian fishing boats in Gaza throughout yesterday (4th November), using live ammunition and a high-powered water cannon containing a noxious chemical substance.

International Human Rights Observers (HROs) accompanying several fishing boats off the coast of Gaza approximately 8 nautical miles from shore reported that the Israeli navy constantly shot live ammunition extremely close to the boats, damaging many of the fishing nets in the process.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Yet again Israel is breaching the human rights of the Palestinian people.

As the article says,

With the boats fishing 8 nautical miles from shore, this is well within the fishing limit detailed in the Oslo Accords of 1994.

So they have every right to fish there.

What angers me the most is that this is yet another crime against the Palestinians by Israel as they continue to flaunt the UN rules and the diplomats who have been asking for them to cease from such activity.

If this was anyone but Israel,decisive action would have been taken long before now.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by jakyll

I don't think the Israeli navy was using a water cannon with a toxic chemical. Probably just pumping out their bilge/toilet holding tanks - under high pressure!

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:37 PM
I still can't get over the fact that the means by which they are using to attack the Palestinians are, in part, paid for by my gawd dang tax dollars!!

As if shooting at them isn't enough. Let's also spray chemicals on them!! That'll show those pesky Palestinians for....uhhh...being alive and daring to have the belief that they should be able to exist on this planet???

I just can't figure out why no one has done a dang thing about this yet.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Israel declared Gaza hostile entity since Hamas (that does not recognise state of Israel and fires rockets at its civilians - obviously fine with you) took control. Thus naval blockade. And if you think that to shoot life ammo at people is better then spraying smelly stuff - ok. This is a crime. Something should be done about it. Rockets are ok - those are fired at Israeli civilians after all.
What exactly was done when Lebanon army recently attacked Palestinian refugee camp? Civilians where killed, and not with non lethal weapons obviously. What was done when Jordan killed more Palestinians in 11 days then Israel in 5 years of intifada? Or when Hamas clashed with Fatah and people where killed? The same people, by the way. But Israel trying not to kill anyone while maintaining blockade - ultimate evil.
I do not know if blockade is needed to prevent bigger rockets falling on Israeli civilians or if it is just a pressure measure. In any case - Palestinian population suffers. Gaza is one of the worst places on Earth to be born into. But hey - it was not so just decade ago. With Israeli evil occupants at charge. So if Palestinian leaders chose a path of conflict that ensures awful conditions of Palestinian population itself - then they at least share the blame with Israel, don't you think? Something should be done about both then?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Because of the attitudes around you on this thread.

Apparantly Israel can do no wrong,they have divine right to that land so their actions are justifiable.

The fact that the land is only theres if they keep God's laws seems to be ignored by just about everybody.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:26 PM
Israel is a nation of terrorists living on stolen land.

They could always have returned to Palestine and lived amongst the Arabs, but that was not good enough for them. They had to annex the land, killing or evicting the real owners.

But Israeli soldiers shooting Arab kids in the head and terrorising Arabs whenever they can is fine, because "remember the Holocaust!"

I believed the holocaust happened as I'd read, until Israel started pressuring governments to outlaw the questioning of it.

Only lies and outrageous exaggerations need to be protected with laws.
The truth can stand on its own two feet.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I bet that Obamas new Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (an israeli) has no problem with this and has decided that its the fishmens fault...

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 06:19 PM
I also am tired that my tax dollars go for Israel's program of genocide against the Palestinians. I wish the US would not give them any aid. They are not our friends.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 07:15 PM

I also am tired that my tax dollars go for Israel's program of genocide against the Palestinians. I wish the US would not give them any aid. They are not our friends.

As do i.
Neither should the UK.My government is usually left out of discussions to do with Israel,which is understandable i suppose as they keep a much lower profile than the US government.

Its the height of hypocrisy for a government to condemn other terrorist states,to actively do something about it,but all the while little is done to stop Israel.

I'm not advicating any kind of violence against Israel,far from it.But they are guilty of war crimes and therefore the full force of UN/NATO law must come down on them.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:13 PM
I'm a little tired of hearing an interesting news article go to wayside in flames in predictable political angst.

I supposed, perhaps naively, that the news here was an accusation or speculation that Israel used chemical weapons/deterrents. And here we are a dozen posts later talking about what ends up being on every single article with the words Israel and Gaza in it.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:29 PM
Vital reading for all those concerned with the 'Israeli vs Palestinian' issue

' When And How Was the Jewish People Invented ? '

by Professor Schlomo Sand .. a Jewish/Israeli professor at Tel Aviv university

Sand asserts (and there has been NO attempted rebuttal by Israelisi or Jewish academics)

It is not taught in Israeli schools but most of the early Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion [Israel's first prime minister], believed that the Palestinians were the descendants of the area's original Jews. They believed the Jews had later converted to Islam."

Again ....... ' MOST of the early Zionist LEADERS (including Isreali Prime Ministers etc) believed that the PALESTINIANS were the descendants of area's original Jews.

AND they believed the Jews had later converted to ISLAM

The Israeli/Jewish historian, Professor Schlomo Sand states:

"I was not raised as a Zionist, but like all other Israelis I took it for granted that the Jews were a people living in Judea and that they were exiled by the Romans in 70 AD.

"But once I started looking at the evidence, I discovered that the kingdoms of David and Solomon were legends.

"Similarly with the exile. In fact, you can't explain Jewishness without exile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this exile, I couldn't find any. Not one.

Professor Sand's book ' When and How Was the Jewish People Invented ?' explains how the European Ashkenazi Jews INVENTED 'Jewishness' ... invented ' the exile' ... invented claims about 'right to return to the Homeland ' etc. etc. etc. ---- in order to lay claim to Palestine.

Schlomo Sand's book is in its twelfth reprinting, apparently .. and has been translated into several languages.

Millions of jews have already read this book and now KNOW that Israel's claims on Palestine are BOGUS ... are a LIE .. a DELIBERATE lie

For a sample of what this book about the invention of the Jewish people contains, here are some links

[edit on 7-11-2008 by Dock6]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 08:49 PM
Nothing about this in the MSM. Did it really happen, or is this just sensationalized journalism and false reports? Havent seen anything on the JPOST, Haaretz, Reuters, Al Jazeera, CNN, etc. Hmmmm.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Nothing about this in the MSM. Did it really happen, or is this just sensationalized journalism and false reports? Havent seen anything on the JPOST, Haaretz, Reuters, Al Jazeera, CNN, etc. Hmmmm.

The Israel Navy have been attacking Gaza fishermen for some time now.

Yesterday, eleven human rights watchers went with the fishermen of Gaza to witness how the Israeli navy attacks them. After more than six hours of being machine gunned, sprayed with water cannons and watching the Israelis drop bombs into the water less than a meter away from many of the fishing boats, these passengers have come back to report on the brutality against the fishing industry in Gaza. They have both audio and video recordings of the attacks.


And,as the article in the OP says,

The international HROs also reported the use of a high-powered water cannon that was continuously used against the boats. Not only does this water cannon regularly damages the fishing boats themselves, the HROs have reported that recently the water has contained a foul smelling chemical substance. It is assumed that this substance is the same that has been frequently used by Israeli forces against the non- violent protests against the construction of the annexation barrier in the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin. The substance have however been taken for separate chemical analysis.

[edit on 7-11-2008 by jakyll]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Dock6

Thanks for the information and links.

Very interesting indeed.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Dock6

Hi fellow Aussie. ;-)

An important part of this lie was the adoption of the term "antisemitism" to describe anyone who criticised a Jew, Zionism or and actions of Israel.

Jews have even pressured England to conflate any criticism of Zionism with "antisemitism" and make it illegal.
When they were trying to bring this into England there was a spate of "antisemitic" incidents they used to push their case. However these incidents all turned out to be self inflicted. - Just like a silly girl who recently carved a "B" into her own cheek.

It's a time I remember clearly as the Jewish mob on Democratic Underground objected so strongly to me arguing against the new law being passed that they got me kicked out of the forum and gave me a page in their "Hall of Shame" in Prosemite Underground, a forum for Jews to discuss their undercover activities in various forums. I accepted that as a token of their esteem. After all, it had taken a dozen of them arguing with me for over 24 hours non-stop before they got me flummoxed.

It would be quite funny if they were not getting a strangle-hold on the world and working to blow up Iran.
The true Semites are the very people Israel is persecuting.
Very few Jews have Semitic ancestry at all.
But forcing "antisemitism" into the legal lexicon of countries around the world brainwashes people into thinking Israelis belong in the land they have stolen.

The very concept of "antisemitism" is a means to brainwash people and persecute anyone who dares question the actions of Israel and her dual-citizenship lackeys.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:09 PM
Well i cant find this on Humanrights watch website.This is where i go to check out human rights abuses

Information from occupied Iraq?You do know that there are elements in iraq that hate Israel?So take this post with a grain of salt.Move along nothing to see here.Nice try extremists but the world is onto to your pathetic attempts at propaganda.

Your not dealing with dumbasses here in the West or East for that matter.Rising India is also getting quite fed up with extremist attacks in their country too.

Kaliassa-your poor attempt to redefine anti-semetism fails at best.You and your supporters on the thread arent foolin anyone.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Justice11

Is this a legitimate enough site for you?

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights - PCHR strongly condemns the escalation in attack by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) against Palestinian fishermen and their boats. On Wednesday morning, 22 June 2007, IOF attacked Palestinian fishing boats opposite to Rafah seashore, damaging 7 of them, and arrested 8 fishermen. A number of houses in the Swedish Village, nearly 200 meters away from the beach were also damaged.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

Jews have even pressured England to conflate any criticism of Zionism with "antisemitism" and make it illegal.

Its not just England,its the same for many,if not all,European countries.

And not all Jews see it that way.Some believe that there's nothing wrong with questioning the Holocaust death toll.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Apparently Israel can do no wrong,they have divine right to that land so their actions are justifiable.

Who said that? Israel made a lot of mistakes, a lot of bad stuff. I am sure that UK did things better in Ireland. Do you see UK accused of war crimes? Double standards are double. Standards. Speaking of which:

But they are guilty of war crimes and therefore the full force of UN/NATO law must come down on them.

So you already found Israel guilty of war crimes. You are the judge? Jury? And if you want the trial - why declare that Israel is guilty before that? I understand that spraying smelly liquid or even tearing the nets is war crime if done by Israel, and far worse then Bloody Sunday.
Full force of law is ok, as long as it is law and not the mob. Compare what people that were in international tribunal are accused of and what Israel did. And if you talk about 1948 - well, if UK will be in the same court of law because of Dresden bombings that happened only several years earlier then i definitely expect to see Israel there too.

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