posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 12:48 PM
First disclaimer: Debut thread post. Mods please move if in the wrong area.
Main body disclaimer : I remain unconvinced of the claim of Chemtrails however it is not impossible to apply drugs via aerial spraying, or a communal
water source.
I currently reside in London, UK. Today was Friday 7th November. The weather was pretty good considering the previous few days and Friday is generally
accepted as a wind-down day for the weekend.
So here's the thing, I was in a pretty playful mood today, pretty happy and slightly mischievous. This is unusual for me, even on a Friday. As the
day developed I noticed that those I came into contact with were also displaying signs of excitability.
Now, was this observation purely confirmation bias or was there a collective uplift of mood in this city today? Was it weather related; Friday
related? Did anyone else around the planet notice a marked difference in others today.
I don't mind particularly where this runs. I'm just curious.