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9/11 Investigation is a SHAM

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posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 06:42 PM
The whole process is a joke.
First: The panel members were appointed by Bush and Co. Second: the whole thing was rehearsed to make sure nothing of any value would come out. Third: The panel only called members of Bush and Co. not to testify but, to be interviewed. Fourth: The first and only person to say anything of any importance ( Richard Clarke) was ridiculed and accused of being a liar with a huge credibility problem. Not exactly the kind of behavior you'd expect from an investigation, but more of what you'd expect from friends of Bush and Co.
Just wait and see how the panel questions Condaleeza Rice. Big Joke.

The investigation is a crass attempt by amateur political crooks at trying to coverup their complicity in the 9/11 disaster.

Did they call the head of N.O.R.A.D. and demand to know who gave him the order to stand down for an hour and forty five minutes while their "Pearl Harbor Style Event" as described by Dick Cheney in his P.N.A.C. report to the president, went down, NO!

Did they call the head of the C.I.A. and demand to know why they were conducting an exercise to seize control of jet airliners by electronic means at the exact time that 9/11 was going down, and why didn't the planes they were supposed to be taking control of show up on radar, NO!

Did they call the head of MASSPORT and demand to know why it was the only airport on that one day that had all their surveillance cameras out of action, NO!

Did they call the Israelis and demand to know why none of them showed up for work that day at the WTC, NO!

Did they ask the question," How could the wallet with the ID of Mohamed Atta be found blocks from the WTC without so much as a singed thread when everything and everybody was incinerated in the crash and resulting inferno, NO!

Did they ask President select Bush, why after being told of the WTC, he continued to sit and talk to the students at the school he was at for almost forty minutes, NO!

Did they Call the Pentagon chiefs and demand to know why no engines of other identifiable airliners parts were found at the Pentagon, NO!

Did they find out why every tape recording of every camera within a half a mile of the Pentagon was confiscated and classified, NO!

Did they demand to hear the seized transcripts of the NYFD radio conversations as they were climbing the stairwells in the WTC buildings about explosives , NO!

Did they ask why all the debris from the WTC was taken to New Jersey and then shipped to China without ever being examined, NO!

Did they ask why five Israelis were arrsted for cheering when the WTC came crashing down, and why they were let go, NO!

Did they call the Bin Laden family to testify as to why they were meeting with the senior bush at the time of the WTC disaster, NO!

Did they ask why the Bin Laden family were allowed to fly out of the country the day after 9/11 and why they were the only one allowed to fly other than military planes, NO!

Did they call the head of the S.E.C. and deman to know who were the investors that made the "PUT" orders on American and United airlines in the days before 9/11, NO!

They won't, and do you want to know why? Because you are not supposed to learn the facts of the WTC disaster. You are only supposed to believe what they want you to believe.

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Before it's too late, if it isn't already.

I could go on and on, but my fingers are getting tired of typing and I have to go and vomit. This whole thing is making me sick.

[Edited on 30-3-2004 by Eljay]

[Edited on 30-3-2004 by Eljay]

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Eljay
Did they call the Israelis and demand to know why none of them showed up for work that day at the WTC, NO!

Not true.

Did they demand to hear the seized transcripts of the NYFD radio conversations as they were climbing the stairwells in the WTC buildings about explosives , NO!

Transcripts were released in August of 2003.

Did they ask why five Israelis were arrsted for cheering when the WTC came crashing down, and why they were let go, NO!

Um, that's public knowledge.
They were detained, investigated, and found to have had no advance knowledge of the events.

Did they ask why the Bin Laden family were allowed to fly out of the country the day after 9/11 and why they were the only one allowed to fly other than military planes, NO!

Not true.

I could go on, but my fingers are tired, and 99% of the things you've posted have been discussed here already.


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