posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Honestly how a government is intending to make a one world government if they can't even make peace in one single country? Second. How they would be
able to make peace between races, nations and cultures that with their own government can't do anything at all? This one world government is the
dream of the fools, nothing more. Liberal morons, whose are still believing in a miracle, while they can't accept the fact, human nature itself
can't be changed, especially not with force. If someone is willing to make a one world government, that one will be wiped out in a record time.
Resistance, nationality is in the blood of every nation and race. If someone is willing to force it to the people, that one signs his sure death. And
honestly I really hope that the one who is intending to make this sort of one world government will be shot on sight, because this sort of fellows
whose wants to force every sick ideals to others without even ask them... deserves death, nothing more. And no one need to be a future teller to tell,
if someone tries this, I already see the headlines for that: JFK2.