posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 03:14 PM
Tony Blair has to be the most self-serving treacherous bastard to ever 'lead' Britain. Actually, I use the word guardedly since from the very
beginning all he's done is push the country closer to the edge. Lead Britain ? - he couldn't lead a kindergarten.
With George Bush as a role model, Blair has just one desire. To become President of the European Union. Prime Minister is no good, he wants to be
Prez, just like good old Dubya.
Talking of Dubya, whenever he meets with Blair, I check carefully afterwards to see if Tone has any brown smudges on his nose.
And now I see that with his normal respect for British history, he has decided to sign our sovereignty over to the EU on the anniversary of the Battle
of Waterloo. Tosser.
Many people don't realise that although the death penalty for murder was abolished in 1965, it was still on the statute books for acts of treason and
piracy with violence. Until 1998 when Blair changed the law, it was still feasible to be executed for those crimes.
It was Tony Blair who abolished the death penalty for treason. It is Tony Blair who is now selling us up the river to the EU. In point of fact, he is
committing a treasonous act by signing away British sovereignty. Now, I don't think that was a coincidence. Whereas I doubt he would have been
executed had the law still been extant, it must have concerned him so much that he needed to change the law. After, no Prime Minister has ever stood
trial on a charge that could lead to his execution.
My Question is this.
Should Tony Blair be prosecuted for treason and if found guilty, strung up as the traitor he is ?
Blair's Waterloo surrender
Law - Death penalty