posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by mmariebored
Oh I dunno...if Hank is tabulating data in a database fashion, additional "guesses" should be easily accommodated.
he's not just asked us to identify the object but expand upon that and present addition information. just means a few additional fields in a
I'm guessing he wouldn't be doing it by hand
Each person and their information would have all the fields he requires.
If he's assigning numbers to each person he can have multiple guesses from the same user and it's no issue. Each one tabulated the same way.
Should be interesting. Hope he does a graph too
Edit to add: either that or additional guesses from the same user will be invalid LOL. Actually if he was doing it as a strict and completely
scientific "study" he would likely toss out half of the guesses as they didn't fill the requirements of what he was asking. (mine certainly didn't
I admitted I did what I wanted and didn't feel compelled or bound by any rules
I'm not saying Hank is okay with additional guesses...I'm just making an educated guess as to how he may be tabulating data.
Guess away but yah gots no green light from me...that's all you my friend
damn typos
[edit on 11/11/2008 by justgeneric]
[edit on 11/11/2008 by justgeneric]