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Not born or raised here, yet he is President

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posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 01:55 AM
I think one of the weird things that many people are feeling about now (ones that are awake that is) is that now we have a foreigner as our president.

One would ponder, hmm... how did this happen?

His School in Indonesia

I don't hate the guy, I don't even consider him black as he's mixed, so please don't say I'm throwing the race card out there. Yes, of course it's out there, as he got all the blacks to vote. Yes, they interviewed blacks and they didn’t even know what his policies were, and many thought that Palin was his running mate when asked on Howard Stern. Let’s please not dwell on the stupid stuff.

This thread is about how YOU feel about having someone that did not grow up his whole life here in America, and now he is in charge of what was once the greatest nation in the world.

Speak your mind, but keep the whole black thing out of this thread; it's been beat to death. He's not black, he's a politician.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 01:58 AM
Many Americans do not grow up thier entire life in the US. John Quincy Adams spent a good deal of his life when he was young with his father in Europe, and then a good portion of his adult life in the diplomatic service.
I am the same age as Mr Obama I have spent more than 1/3 of my life in other countries . So its not unprecedented.

Mr Obama was born in Hawaii

[edit on 11/6/2008 by DarkStormCrow]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:06 AM
Yah, and all his campaign money only came from the US. John Adams? Wow, that's going back just a little huh?


posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:12 AM
Considering he was raised by his grandparents a majority of his life. And that you need to be born in the U.S. and lived here for the past 12 years. I see no problem with this at all. I hope as he is a Constitutional Law professor he will duct tape it back together. And this whole NAU, NWO stuff can be put out of my mind once and for all.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:14 AM
Eisenhower also spent a good deal of his life outside the US, Phillipines and Europe. Unless someone can prove that Obama took money from overseas its an unwarranted accusation.
I am pretty sure you will find that a great many Americans especially children of servicemembers have grown up overseas and many times it is an advantage not a detriment.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:23 AM
Umm..that video you posted op, i think you posted the wrong one, all i saw was children happy that someone from their school is actually elected President of the Great United States of America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. I'm appalled you can actually find fault in these children for celebrating this, they don't know squat about him only that through him fame will come to them.

I'm not personally for either McCain or Obama, but i am damn proud of the great hurdle he overcomed. The fact that Obama was not raised in this country only proves that you don't need to be raised here your whole life, as long as no rules have been broken, where's the issue?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
Eisenhower also spent a good deal of his life outside the US, Phillipines and Europe. Unless someone can prove that Obama took money from overseas its an unwarranted accusation.
I am pretty sure you will find that a great many Americans especially children of servicemembers have grown up overseas and many times it is an advantage not a detriment.

We tried it, and yes, you could give $200 or less from anywhere in the world via credit card on his web site. No name, checks, or balances. Also, how many people went to vote, to find they already voted for him? And the Acorn thing, and, and, and. But, that is not what this thread is about.

Regardless of all that, it will be interesting. I don't believe in our political system. I know everything is a dog and pony show for the sheeple. I'm just wondering the real motive behind appointing him to office. I like the guy, he's a good speaker, nice looking, (although I would not mind some history and experience) and the main thing is maybe he will be some motivation to all the white trash and blacks on welfare. The race card of "keeping the black man down" died today, as now we have a black man running the Country (at least in most people's eyes, I for one see him as just another talking head politician). So, there are deeper reasons that will unfold in time. I'm grabbing popcorn and a good movie to watch this one unfold, as it's the biggest acting stage in the world right now ;-)

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:31 AM
People went to vote and found out they voted for them. Ok my slant alarm just went off. Also ACORN has nothing to do with Obama. In fact my friend worked for a place like ACORN where he was fired because he didn't live up to the numbers he was supposed to get in people signing to get laws on etc... is it really so hard to believe people were just trying to pad there numbers?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by screamo
Umm..that video you posted op, i think you posted the wrong one, all i saw was children happy that someone from their school is actually elected President of the Great United States of America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. I'm appalled you can actually find fault in these children for celebrating this, they don't know squat about him only that through him fame will come to them.

I'm not personally for either McCain or Obama, but i am damn proud of the great hurdle he overcomed. The fact that Obama was not raised in this country only proves that you don't need to be raised here your whole life, as long as no rules have been broken, where's the issue?

It would actually be "overcame" not "overcomed". Pet peeve, sorry you can pick my posts apart too.

Apparently there is no issue for you, and that is good. You're dismissed as good to go! Maybe I'm shooting in the wind, but the blogs I've been reading and such seem that many people are having issues, so I'm wondering if people are really concerned because where he was born and raised, verses other political issues. He rose to power overnight, you should ask yourself why. He raised more funds than anyone in history. Again, it's OK to ask why.

Me, I'm on the fencepost watching the game unfold, trying to figure out what the motivation was from the powers that really run this nation, as to why him, that's all. It's obviously a global thing, but why.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:32 AM
I would agree that we need election finance reform among other election reforms. The Obama campaign claims that they return donations that come from overseas via the website, I take them at thier word until proven otherwise.

On Mr Obama himself I disagree with him on just about every issue. That being said I am willing to give him his chance. I am glad to see an African American elected although I would have prefered a different African American. I will give him the chance that the extreme left did not not give Mr Bush in the early months of his first term.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by djpaec
People went to vote and found out they voted for them. Ok my slant alarm just went off. Also ACORN has nothing to do with Obama. In fact my friend worked for a place like ACORN where he was fired because he didn't live up to the numbers he was supposed to get in people signing to get laws on etc... is it really so hard to believe people were just trying to pad there numbers?

Please, your "Slant Alarm" would go off around me anytime you decided to talk politics. I hate ALL politicians equally. I actually like Ralph Nadar, who had about as much chance as winning as you or I if we penciled in.

I only know what I have read or watched on You Tube and the news. I just saw a guy say he voted "A couple times". C'mon, we all know there has been rampant voter fraud since, well, forever. The president is and has always been a "good ole boy" network position. A mason, skull and bones, illuminatti guy etc.

Why and where does Obama fit the big, deeper picture is one question I personally have.

And yes, sorry, apparently he was born in Hawaii. That is another one of those crazy things I read and hear so much about, so throw that out if you want. I had just heard that he was born in Kenya, but that he is still a legal citizen because he was born to legal American parents. Either or, that is really not a critical issue here. I threw in the kids because that was his school. Seriously, you cannot tell me that being raised in another Country will not affect your decisions on our soil can you?

I guess only time will tell?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
I would agree that we need election finance reform among other election reforms. The Obama campaign claims that they return donations that come from overseas via the website, I take them at thier word until proven otherwise.

On Mr Obama himself I disagree with him on just about every issue. That being said I am willing to give him his chance. I am glad to see an African American elected although I would have prefered a different African American. I will give him the chance that the extreme left did not not give Mr Bush in the early months of his first term.

Ditto, but I can't really state that I don't agree with all his issues, or would prefer another choice. The guy appears strong, polished, so there is that on our side. McCain looked, well, (cough) dead. lol! To be honest, I really don't believe anything a politician says. I wait and watch their actions, which are ALWAYS different from their campaign promises ;-)

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by knows_but_doesnt

Two scenarios.

1 He's not a citizen and the PTB have brought him to glory so that he may mind-f%*k the people into thinking that got change.

2 Or, he is a citizen here because if he wasn't the PTB wouldn't gotten the truth out.

You pick. Only two scenarios.


[edit on 6-11-2008 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 07:20 PM
Only two choices huh?

Dang, I guess I'll go with door #3

Forget about citizenship for a second, and consider how we have a man raised on other soil, living their lifestyles and belief systems, not that of America.

After much thinking and such, I think it's more to do with "Global" acceptance, so to easily facilitate NWO.

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