posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:47 PM
(Apparently my first post didn't make it, I hope it did not make a double post, if it did my bad)
While I don't pertain to the term "super powers" in what I study, I believe it does reach the paranormal level. Like stated earlier, the mind is
the key to such phenomenon. However the mind is a delicate instrument to say the least, and in order to alter the physical realm even slightly, the
mind must hone in on one thought alone. To ask someone to present proof is the same phenomenon that hinders "normal physical" occurances. Say for
instance a child DOES (I am not saying he CLAIMS) sink a hoop every time he shoots. The instant that another being enters the field and just views,
the odds shift drastically. The child begins missing again and again. Why is this? Because the child's mindset has revamped entirely on that physical
plane. It is my belief, from physical experience that if you work under survellience, the mind is more inclined to the camera than the task at
The next step comes from the release of barriers, the complete freedom of the realm. It was never the way the scene looked, it was only the way the
scene was concocted. To state simply, you choose the outcome, in a serene tranquil state of mind. Reality will slowly begin to bend to your will. All
knowledge, previous notions, feelings, etc, must be set free, you must freeze all instinctual behavior, such as reacting to a surprise, or trying to
grab some books as they drop from your hands to the floor. Mind you, you cannot just throw a book to the floor right now and expect the same result I
felt. To let it happens as it happens is in my view the greatest example of denying reality. In doing so you MAY further learn to control reality.
And on the topic of the OP more directly, did you specifically read his statements. He states he had focused intently on where he would be, probably
every detail hitting right on the mark, the birds in the sky, the bugs in the grass, the other players positions. But you come here asking him to come
to you, does he have any idea of who or what you look like? To ask him to teleport to area 51, while I mean no offense by it, is a rather rediculous
notion. Has ANYONE here even seen area 51, up close and personal. In addition the stress that would probably arise from such a situation would be
enough to keep him away from there. Area 51 is supposedly, if not some other government installation, trying to find the power of teleportation. If
the OP had just waltzed right in, in the way you suggest, if he falters in the slightest, he will most likely never be heard from again, and become
another one of their "supposed" barbaric experiments.
While I do not have written evidence on all that I have stated, it is not up to the OP to feed you information, every human supposedly has his own
path and method, it is up to you alone to seek the truth. While this may contradict the very nature of learning on this subject, I can say that
everytime I see a post such as this, my resolve and spirit can only be strengthened to explore more in depth into the subject.
For my own "powers", I have possessed a sonar. I merely focus on the object, visualize every aspect of the object: texture, name, meaning, etc, then
I just reach out and pick the object, the feeling in finding it is instinctual. I have also experimented with PK and was successful for a while, but I
converted my resolve for a different type of power, apparently the reason behind gaining this knowledge selects the power you can obtain. My next one
has always been with me, having near superhuman strength. I can't use it for sport or show, but I can bring it out while doing chores of the earth. I
recently had lifted over 800 lbs w/o realizing it, although I could have ruined my back beyond belief
It's up to you the reader to find truth, not the OP to supply it to you. If what you say is true good luck in your development. But people remember,
anything can happen in the paranormal