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Why is everyone making me feel guilty for NOT liking our new president (elect)

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posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Tgautier13

yeah i have noticed. its almost kind of funny when someone asks me if i support Obama and i say no. I tell them i would rather support any other candidate either republican, democrat, or independent. And they ask why expecting me to be stumped and i come out with a great answer. They just shut up and say...OH.... and walk away.. its strange in a way!

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Could you enlighten us as to what this answer is which you believe is a "great" one?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

To the OP.
Thank you for writing this post. I was about to say the exact same thing. It is really weird that we're not allowed to like him. What are we not supposed to express our own minds or even have our own minds. And when did it become racist to not like his policies? Wow, I had no idea that his policies or his character had anything to do with his color. FYI: i'd totally love to vote for Condaleeza Rice, or Collin Powell.
No you're not a bad person for not liking him. And you're completely right: he does need to earn our trust and approval. We shouldn't and should not be expected to just give it to him unconditionally, or till he totally screws up. That's backwards!
and not to pick on the OP but when did calling someone catholic start to become a bad thing. And why link it to psycho? If someone said the exact same thing about muslims then it'd be racist. But since it's catholics its ok?

Again thanks for posting this topic. Starred and flagged

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by IceColdPro

Originally posted by sos37
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I do not like Obama. He is a thief, a liar, a criminal and one of the most wicked men in politics, aside from Dick Cheney in my opinion.

Can you show me where the evidence of this Harvard Law Professor being a criminal is?

If you paid attention to the Decision 2008 forums during the year-long election process you would know that there are plenty of posts which show things that Obama has yet to explain. Some of these, in my opinion, prove that he is among the criminal element. Did I ever say I had proof? No. Unless I post a link to back up what I'm saying, what I say is of my own opinion. The summarized version: Ayers; Rezko; Khalidi; shuffling funds to questionable organizations through Chicago Annenberg Challenge; claiming he didn't know about Jeremiah Wright's hate-filled teachings after 20 years in the church; etc, etc. There are plenty of topics to choose from.

Interesting though that you found it necessary to point out that Obama being a Harvard Law Professor had anything to do with him being a criminal or not. As if you were implying that Harvard Law Professors couldn't possibly be criminals? Of course that would go against logic now wouldn't it?

I WILL NOT give the man or his racist wife a chance.

His wife is racist? Proof please

Surely. Here you go. Michelle Obama - "Black America will wake up."

I WILL NOT acknowledge him as MY president. I WILL NOT compromise MY principals to make the masses look favorably upon me.

Then don't, the law makes him your president. We live in a democracy, remember?

Your principles? I wonder what those are.

You Obama supporters can label me whatever you want, call me whatever names you want for not kissing the hand of your "messiah". You know where you can shove your criticisms.

Who called him a "messiah"? I think you need to put down the book of revelations, wake-up and stop waiting for the rapture. There is NO anti-christ and there never will be!

I believe it was Louis Farrakahn that called Obama "The Messiah".

I am constructing a website that will go live within a month. This site will catalog EVERY DAY of Obama's administration. I plan to show this evil man for the liar that he is by watching and hawking his EVERY move and his EVERY decision. Every waffle, every flip-flop, every disappointment of the American people will be documented for everyone to see.

Then you must have a heck of a website about Bush? Can I visit it? ...but wait, Bush can be trusted right? Obama in your eyes can't. Please enlighten me on the difference?

I don't think I ever said Bush was the perfect president. In fact, I've openly acknowledged that he's made plenty of mistakes. There are plenty of website of the kind you speak about Bush. My martyrship has to do with Obama, the Democrats elected to Congress and the principals to which the GOP needs to get back to - not the neocons that are about to be ousted from office, but the principals that the GOP was originally founded on!

the Democrats in office can TAKE AWAY MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and turn this country into a socialist cesspool.

Where do you get this from? I feel sorry for you, it must be terrible living in a world of so much fear and anxiety.

Bush/Cheney have been hacking away at the constitutional rights of Americans for 8 years with impunity. Obama hasn't mentioned or planned to take away your constitutional rights once! Infact, he has vowed to turn-over every decision Bush has made that is deemed unconstitutional. Joe Biden said that Obama and him have no intention of taking away the right to bear arms, Biden has a big gun collection himself.

And yet Obama's record of votes on gun control speaks for itself. This from FactCheck.Org:

NRA Claim: "Pass Federal Laws Eliminating Your Right-to-Carry"

True: In 2004, while running for the Democratic nomination for the Senate seat he now holds, Obama indeed called for "national legislation" to prevent anyone but law enforcers from carrying concealed firearms.

NRA Claim: "Expand the Clinton Semi-Auto Weapons Ban to Include Millions More Firearms"

Partly true: The NRA refers here to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which was put in place during former President Bill Clinton's administration. Title XI of the legislation spoke directly to regulations on assault weapons. The law outlawed the semi-automatic versions of 19 kinds of military-style assault weapons, but it expired in 2004. The "assault weapon ban" was always a misnomer, however. Fully automatic weapons – like the military assault rifle carried on battlefields – had always been illegal to own without a very hard-to-obtain federal license, under legislation going back to the days of Al Capone. They remain so today.

Nevertheless, Obama called the ban a "common sense gun law" and favors bringing it back on a permanent basis. Obama's "Urban Policy" fact sheet says he "supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."


Let Obama and his Democratic minions in Congress have rule of this country for the next two years - it will be a huge eye opener to Obama's supporters and they will be disappointed beyond belief once these two years are over.

Blossom... Blossom Goodchild?! Is that you? Wow, I didn't know you used ATS. Wow, your latest channelling to the Galactic Federation of Light was strange and out of line with the rest of your predictions.

I won't make any wild and far out future predictions, but what I will say is that Clinton left the White House with a $599 billion dollar surplus.

It appears that by the tone of your post you seem: anxious, paranoid, angry and fearful because Barack Obama won the democratic nomination. I have read through most of the right wing theories about Obama and I think some of the threads in skunk works hold more water than the wild, paranoid and far fetched accusations that are coming from the right. No one is forcing you to accept Obama, but what we would like is for you to give him a chance. I very much look forward to the possibility of proving you wrong and laughing at you once the 4 years is over.

Good day.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by IceColdPro]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Great thread!!... star and flag for you and you are not alone, Im not sold on this guy yet either, I mean this new president elects first move is to appoint a dual citizen as his chief of staff but I guess it ok because the top dog Michael Chertoff of DHS is a dual citizen also(or so ive read) so I guess this is status quo these days but like I said before, You are not alone and to be honest I have no faith in any of these people and I did not vote this time and Im disappointed because our forefathers fought for that right but I just could not vote, my gut said heck no, These politicians are the ultimate HYPOCRITES and Im tired of all the BS and would it kill somebody to actually tell the truth? There is only one man I believe in and thats Colin Powell and even then I have my reservations but I really like your thread and If I could give you a 500 point applause I would so you get two thumbs up instead...

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by sos37

BH Pointed out that he was a Harvard Law Professor of distinguished position simply to balance out the fact that you kept calling him a criminal.

We've heard your opinion all day... now.. can you let someone else speak for a while?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:44 PM
*clears throat*
KNOCK IT OFF, Both sides!


You're both arguing over the latest puppet who's been installed to further the REAL people in power's agenda- which is to make us near mindless slaves. One side was used to further the other's side. 'cept this time, they found a smooth talker to stick in the muppet hole. Look around you. OUR government has stolen billions from us so we would and did scream about wanting 'change'. I can assure you- he couldnt change diapers on a baby. What will happen is we'll be dug a nice, round hole, and we'll all be shoved in it, and dirt piled on us.

For a refresher (and I wish I could find the actual statement) The CONSTITUTION- written by people like you and me, states- when our govt has become so corrupt we cant handle it, WE the people are to toss them right out on their keisters! It's time to do some tossing, because the whole election, the campaigns, and the debates were nothing more than an expensive dog and pony show put on by the corrupt. NEITHER side 'lost'. McCain played his part, Obama did his. And if we have elected a non US citizen in, it's the people's fault- because no one has done what they should have, and looked into the matter on their own, without soundbites, media clips, and endless, endless b i c k e r i n g. Obama didn't 'win'. Yes, there were votes, but look at the facts:

Hilliary's nomination. I don't know how many times I heard " I voted Obama in the primaries to keep her out of the race". Some day, if there's still an America, there may be a woman in the white house- but she was picked to make people go 'ew'- and go Obama in the first place. Not to mention the hicks who'd take the black dude over the broad.

The bailout. 'nuff said. The govt did *what* when 90 some odd % said "dont you DARE!" We got pinched til we screamed 'uncle'.

McCain's White supremacy garbage- whipping already upset people into a froth. Plants, and all the other happy horse crap that was not only thrown up, but FORCED on the sheeple. Knowing certain demographics, and knowing what to say and when to say it forced the vote. McCain wanted to win like I want asparagus in my underwear.

And I am sorry- but his grandmother passing away a day before just makes my hackles go up. The timing's just too 'good' for that. Especially with her claims. The PTB have too much of a track record at 'sending people to their grave' to dismiss as a coincidence. And- as someone who has experienced first hand 'family revenge'- I smelled something familiar to it.

So knock off beating each other up over something that was crafted for just that purpose. And feel free to call me all the nasty names you want. I have heard far worse. We got worse problems that what remote controlled toy is occupying DC. We have to fight for the country, and that 200 year old piece of paper That states specifically WHO is in charge-that has been wizzed on by those who have *taken* power.

Or, both sides can just keep beating each others' brains out. Leaves those of us who are rational and intelligent enough to try to pry the country and our future out of the mouths of jackals.

*gets off the soapbox*

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:54 PM

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Look at this interesting video... they are the same.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by sos37

I WILL NOT give the man or his racist wife a chance.

His wife is racist? Proof please


Surely. Here you go. Michelle Obama - "Black America will wake up."

Sos...The video you posted has an interviewer qouting voting statistics from various "african american communities" and asking Michelle Obama why Hillary Clinton was doing well.

Michelle Obama used the term "Black America" to summerize the various "African American Communities" the interviewer had referenced and by "wake up" what do you think she meant and how was it racist?

Because by "Wake up" I heard her referring to the African American communities begining to believe that America would elect a minority and some would cease backing hillary out of fear that the color of Barak's skin would be non-starter and wake up to the fact that he could do it.

The context of the video overwhelmingly supports my opinion.

I am confused how this is racist at all.

If this is your big proof that Michelle Obama is racist, then you don't have anything but imagination.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by maybereal11]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Maybereal.. that is actually a great point. During the primaries, many of the African Americans in my community that I spoke with said they didn't believe America was read for a Black President.

Some of them voted for Hillary because of this, others voted for Obama. But the fact that so many African Americans felt this way was astonishing to me.

Well, I guess that's all in the past now! :-)

Did you see the kids in the Atlanta school getting choked up when asked what it meant that a Black man could be elected President?

That was so touching...

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:20 PM
(Reply tag not working but this is to the OP).

One last word of comfort- not sure if this has been mentioned yet. I just wanted to say to give it some time and I am sure the fervent support for Obama will die down eventually (and sooner than later). What it mainly boils down to is people are so tired of Bush and the current administration that they are desperate to give 'the new guy' a chance.

As a former ardent Bush supporter turned critic, I can at least try to understand. One side of me wants to grab people who voted for Obama by the shoulders, shake them, and ask them, 'What were you thinking!?!' but the other side of me does understand. In many people's minds, it was either Obama or Bush III.

Much like when Bush was elected president, his supporters were 'Rah! Rah! Rah' and later died down, I suspect the same will happen with Obama. Whatever happens, you shouldn't feel like you have to explain yourself or apologize for the way you feel about Obama.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:23 PM

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Ashley, there is a huge difference though. Bush's applause died down because, to be honest, because of the Iraq war.

So many people are turned on by Obama right now, that he really has to mess things up before we start quieting down.

Let me re-iterate. The Obama Presidency is like nothing we have ever seen. Nor will it be like anything we have ever seen. He knows this.. And if is to have a second term, he will ensure that our thirst for major change is slaked.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Why didn't she just say 'America' will wake up? We're all Americans. She obviously thought 'white americans' weren't going to vote for her husband. That would be like McCain's wife saying well Irish America will wake up and vote for my husband. That's crazy and only perpetuates segregation.

Did you know that her thesis at Princeton was sealed or 'restricted' until yesterday? That's pretty weird isn't it. Why would they need to keep her college thesis under wraps until after the election??

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:36 PM
you dont like obama?

...on another note, i too am dismayed at obamas cult following and his uber zealous fanatics. they will sing songs of "hope" and "change" as this country sinks into the murky sea of history.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by MetatronCubensis
reply to post by maybereal11

Why didn't she just say 'America' will wake up? We're all Americans.

Because she was referring to a specific demographic who was afraid to vote for anyone who wasn't white.

You have to understand that it was J. Edgar. Hoover who put out memos warning against black leaders in poltics. These things are still fresh in the minds of what was, before Tuesday, "Black America".

Yes we are all Americans, but you have to remember that any African American who was alive in the 60's still has segregation fresh in their mind. They still recall all of the legal obstacles set in front of them. That's hard to get rid of.

I'll tell you what though. This specific election changes a lot of that. It removes so much feeling of limitation from the black community that as Whoppie Goldberg said "I feel like I can set my suitcase down".

This is the turning point right here that we have ALL been waiting for.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I totally understand. Embarrassing to admit but Bush had to REALLY screw up before I became disgusted enough to actually admit it to myself and others.

My above post was something I wanted to share with the OP since they were someone who, like me, is already very wary of Obama and is already hearing the, what we perceive to be, 'join the Obama borg' movement.

The thing is, what things we do already know about the guy scares us and in a way that we feel is already justified. It's not necessarily a case of if but when. Whatever people's personal views are, I don't really care and I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind. But the main point of the OP's thread was the insults they were receiving for being skeptical or disapproving of Obama... which they do not deserve.

As others have said, let the man earn our trust and respect.

And, one last thing: You say the support for Bush died down due to what he actually did. This is very much true. But that was support- not criticism. And what you might not remember is the fact a lot of people also hated and railed against Bush before he was even in office and messed up. (Not on ATS- I wasn't here, but on other places). So, although you try to point out the difference, I'm trying to say before office or before anything has really yet to happen. In the minds of the Anti-Bush crowd, they were pessimistic before he made a move. In the minds of the Anti-Obama crowd, they, too, are pessimistic before he makes a move. This most likely stems from what they both promised to do during their candidacy.

Like I said in my first post, the only choice we are really left with at this point is to give him a chance because he is the future president, after all. But that doesn't mean we have to be shamed into liking it.

[edit on 11/6/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:46 PM
It is sad to see so many people filled with hate.

Why hate?

Of course you dont have to like him, but hate a person you dont even know and because of his policies is wrong. Lets face it, most of your hate is all about guesses and unfounded fears.
The entire world have more social policies than the US. Trust me, whatever Obama does will be reasonable and benefit you

and the country will prosper.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by MetatronCubensis
reply to post by maybereal11

Why didn't she just say 'America' will wake up? We're all Americans.

Because she was referring to a specific demographic who was afraid to vote for anyone who wasn't white.

You have to understand that it was J. Edgar. Hoover who put out memos warning against black leaders in poltics. These things are still fresh in the minds of what was, before Tuesday, "Black America".

Yes we are all Americans, but you have to remember that any African American who was alive in the 60's still has segregation fresh in their mind. They still recall all of the legal obstacles set in front of them. That's hard to get rid of.

I'll tell you what though. This specific election changes a lot of that. It removes so much feeling of limitation from the black community that as Whoppie Goldberg said "I feel like I can set my suitcase down".

This is the turning point right here that we have ALL been waiting for.

Afraid to vote for anyone who wasn't white??? The vote is anonymous! How would they know which person voted for whom? Also, the black community as a whole have always been a strong group. When have they ever been afraid to speak out against injustice? Multiple examples throughout history prove otherwise.

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