posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 08:05 PM
If these people succeed, I will feel immeasurable amounts of pity and at the same time, disgust for the world...especially Americans.
I've been telling people this for quite some time...and it seems they'll only understand when they see it happening around them. Many see through
their plot...and others are blinded by it. I see how people praise Obama...and welcome him with open arms...hoping that he fixes the problems the US
On the 1st page of this thread, a user feels so compelled that Obama is who he claims to be, because of a speech. Are you serious? The illusion is
grotesque. They want you to feel that you need someone to make things better. The only way things will get better, is if people act and create their
own freedoms...and not rely on Government to do it.
Ron Paul should have been President. He called them out on ALL their BS. From 9/11 to the Federal Reserve...and the media mocked him and made him look
like the kook bad guy. It's not surprising...the media's in their pocket. They control it...and anyone who suggests ideas(and God forbid FACTS)
opposing labeled as crazy/nutjob/psycho...etc.
Paul knew he could not win the elections...that's why he dropped out. I'll tell you something else Mr. Ron Paul knew. In the 1st part of the
interview...Congressman Paul said...If Obama wasn't on their side...he won't be President. It's pretty simple really. People who think Ron Paul
could make a difference as President are idealistic. Ron Paul has better chances of creating change from outside the oval office...not inside. Inside
the oval office, you're monitored, order to get inside, you have to be on their side in the 1st place. People who look to the
President for answers are very unaware that the President does not make the rules...he just plays the game very well.
These are the same people who are behind the drugs being pumped into cities by the CIA. These are the same people that know the deadliness of
flouride, aluminium zirchonium tetrachlorohydrex(in your deodorant), and asparthame in your soft drinks and Kool-Aid. These are the same people that
blew up the WTC in '93 with the help of the CIA(Ted Gunder will supply you the answers for that one)...and you really, truly expect these people to
have a change all of a sudden and put in power someone who may oppose all they do? You expect these people to get decent over night? What are you on?
The same drugs they're pumping into your neighborhood.
People better wisen up...and fast. Because, if you don''ll be a witness to the downfall of humanity come a few short years.
Edit for spelling.
[edit on 6-11-2008 by sdrawkcabII]