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Obama Tells Abbas: I Support Dividing Jerusalem

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Obama Tells Abbas: I Support Dividing Jerusalem

According to a report published Tuesday in the Lebanese newspaper al-Ahbar, Obama told Abbas that he supports a PA state, and Arab "rights to east Jerusalem" as well. The sources said Abbas and PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad "heard the best things they ever heard from an American president" during the meeting. However, said sources quoted in the report, the candidate asked them to keep his declaration a secret.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM
This is why Israel has to preemptively strike at Iran before Bush leaves office. I believe it also gives Israel much reason to take out the Palestinians before Bush leaves office. The world is going to see CHANGE under Obama, I just aint sure they know what kind of change is coming.

Can you say United Muslim Jew Hating Theocratic States of America?

If Obama is killed before he takes office or after, don't rush to the conclusion that it will be a bubba from the south. Israeli Mussad has to do whatever it takes to protect itself and since there is ample evidence that Obama is against Israel or an Israeli State I think they wold be well within their National Security to get rid of any leaders that pose a serious threat to them, as they have done many times before with Palestinian terrorist leaders and Iraq's nuclear plant.

Much like Bush said so many times that the United States had the Right to strike growing threats against America and to cause regime change with leaders it found to be anti-American one must accept that all nations have that Right. I hope all the McCain and Barack voters are proud of themselves and their moronic liberal partisanship, there were several really qualified real patriotic constitutionalists running for that office. But as usual 99% of Americans let some moron on TV or Radio do their thinking for them and live their lives based on biased media 10 second soundbites. I imagine when the first arab suicide bomber takes out an American school or pizza parlor they will grasp the situation, to bad it will be too late then.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

This is why Israel has to preemptively strike at Iran before Bush leaves office. I believe it also gives Israel much reason to take out the Palestinians before Bush leaves office...

How is this a reason to engage in an unprovoked attack again? I fail to understand your logic here. And the Palestine? So it isn't enough to oppress their people into a state of abject submission? Now they must be attacked as well?

Can you say United Muslim Jew Hating Theocratic States of America?

Where did THAT come from? Why would you even attempt to paint America as 'Jew-hating'? If anything, I think we have been overly indulgent of Israeli government abuses. But this has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with much baser notions of using the excuse of 'divinely justified supremacy' over one's neighbors.

If Obama is killed before he takes office or after, don't rush to the conclusion that it will be a bubba from the south. Israeli Mussad has to do whatever it takes to protect itself and since there is ample evidence that Obama is against Israel or an Israeli State I think they wold be well within their National Security to get rid of any leaders that pose a serious threat to them, as they have done many times before with Palestinian terrorist leaders and Iraq's nuclear plant.

Wow, you are just war mongering here right? Since when our President a 'threat' to Israel? And precisely in what way? Will he strike Israel? Will he engage in covert terrorism on Israeli soil? Will he influence Israeli leaders to abandon the service of their countrymen to further the exploits of his favored comrades? Something tells me that you are 'projecting' here.

Much like Bush said so many times that the United States had the Right to strike growing threats against America and to cause regime change with leaders it found to be anti-American one must accept that all nations have that Right.

We most certainly DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT that so-called 'right'. Even American's were ill-at-ease with that notion, promoted by the neocon ideology of the corporatist elements in our government. And by the way, since you apparently haven't noticed. The nation seems to have abandoned those who were promoting this mind set. So you're declaration of this right seems a bit far-fetched.

I hope all the McCain and Barack voters are proud of themselves and their moronic liberal partisanship, there were several really qualified real patriotic constitutionalists running for that office.

Proud or otherwise, political partisanship notwithstanding, do you think a constitutionalists or libertarian was likely to simply levy the cost in blood of American citizens to coddle the elite Israeli class' notion of power and control of their 'arena'? Allies and friendship are not blood-bonds. Bush's declarations were a thing of the past (thank you God), and we are done being the ones who pay for the overbearing nature of those who insist their rights are 'more important' than those of their neighbors.

By the way, I think you shouldn't let the Israeli propaganda machine (truthfully, the most effective in the world) get you so exited. Politicians say crap like this all the time. I bet you donuts to dollars, it will amount to not much more than words.... That is, of course, unless it's Israels intention to make the danger more immediate and present... that would be telling now, wouldn't it?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

sorry max can only offer you 1 star you deserve more well said

if only we could harness racist small minded bigotry such as this as an alternate power source we would never face a power shortage again

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:55 PM
Wow this is one of the most ignorant threads I have even seen, OP is probably just trolling and if not then give your head a shake!

To advocate Mossad to assasinate Obama over his ideas is just wrong and why the hell cant Israel just do what it THINKS it has to do on its own? They seem to only get tough when they are backed by the USA and IMO what Israel does now to the Palestinians is almost as bad as what they suffered during the Holocaust. Hypocracy at its finest!

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