posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Well I had a nice long thread ready for viewing, but for some reason all my text decided to delete itself when I switched windows for a couple
So you're gonna get the short and (not as) sweet version
Sooooo..... for the past several months I've been getting bombarded with that cute little error message everytime I try to log into chat. I know
everyone else gets it as well, and I didn't have that big of an issue with it because usually after about 10-20 tries it lets me in.
But recently, no matter how many times I click on the log in button, it won't let me in. I don't know if this has been happening to other people
because I can't get into chat and ask.....
Obviously everyone isn't affected because the chat window always says there is other people in the chat room, so why is it blacklisting me?
Is this fixable? I haven't been into chat for quite a while now and I'm getting withdrawals....
[edit on 5-11-2008 by ben420]