posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:06 AM
So why exactly do us humans (In all walks of life) consider there is a god? Someone that Not only watches over us, yet the billions upon billions of
worlds, vast space, galaxies, universes and all. If you were a being that conjured up worlds upon worlds, unlimited space and not only that, but
molecules, bacteria and etc etc... Why would you even BOTHER focusing your attention upon just one our of many billions of habited worlds in the huge
wide nothingness that we call space.
Yes it makes us feel really good when we 'think' we have some almighty being that we can call god helping us with our dull, almost insignificant
lives. See those hundreds of insects that get caught up from a few webs just because you accidently left the outside light on? But wait, they are just
insects, not humans so they DO NOT HAVE SOULS right? Or in some newer thinking, their part of a 'multi-soul', where many occupy the same soul, and
are practically just souless, unthinking machines.
I am so glad I am considered 'human', so therefore I will not thrown into some weird bucket of thinking, that states only humans have souls... Dogs
just as robots, will perish and never exist again.. (Doggy heaven? NOPE! *Buzzer* wrong).
What is funny is how the Churches of these worlds, read from a book that is subject to whoever is 're-writing, keeping it in existances' whim. I
mean if I wrote my favorite book, yet hated certain portions, would I keep them intact? Well, it would be a bit hard, yet once I 'edited' it, who
cares? I will die eventually, yet my own thoughts for human existance remain.
But guys, next to me is an invisble dog, thats godly and can create/destroy life. I name him Bingo. Just like 'GOD', you cannot see, touch, smell,
feel, lick (Yes I am quite sure just like dogs, people would love to lick for taste, a god), And etc...
So why do you guys not believe my invisible dog, that you cannot sense with your senses, isn't real? Ok now reverse Dog, for God... And pretend I
never stated anything about a Dog, but God instead.
End of that part.
Next: So how can a God that is forgiving, loving and the embodiment of total Love, care and etc.... Allow poor innocent people to lead the most
degrading, humiliation, and totally wretched existances... But hey its the luck of the draw right? That billionaire believes in God because he has
amassed or inherited a fortune... While that poor street dwelling citizen must not... Or is it because you can only believe in something that you will
never 'taste' with your senses for so long, before you give up.
Ok I gotta go, my invisible dog keeps invisibly licking my bare feet, omg its irritating.