posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:20 AM
He will do exactly what every other figure of power in the world does already. He will help to fulfil the wishes of the NWO elite and move us towards
a more manageable global population. Using, Healthcare control (Cancers, AIDS scam, Phrama death drugs etc), Food control (Codex Alimentarius), Water
control (Oh, yes wait for this one to take hold!), Economic control (removing the gold standard and giving the world Fed control), Fear control
(create and carryout the global violence) etc etc And we the Sheeple discuss the merits of political parties or whether its racist not to vote for a
Black politician, or all manner of topics that don't address any of the issues that you all can FEEL and it FEELS wrong but you delude yourself and
somehow accept your blade of sheeple grass not even questioning?